[1.10.2] LobbyPro
[1.10.2] LobbyPro
  • 1.9
  • 1.10

  • ProtocolLib is only required if you wish to customise the tablist.
  • Vault is only required if you wish to add groups/prefixes to chat formatting.


  • Multiple world support
  • Send title and subtitle to players on join
  • Custom header and footer for the tablist
  • Remove the player experience bar
  • Change default player health (hearts displayed)
  • Functional server selector + GUI
  • 27 default trails + trails GUI (can add your own trails by naming the effect)
  • Set spawn location for the lobby
  • Teleport to spawn on player join
  • Teleport to spawn when player falls below specified y coordinate
  • Unlimited join items (can specify the name, lore, enchantment, command it runs, message it sends, etc)
  • Custom chat format + variables to get player group, prefix and suffix
  • Chat filter for swear words
  • Custom server list ping MOTDs that alternate
  • Teleport Bow with many custom options
  • Auto Broadcasting messages at random (chat or action bar)
  • Put player displayname as their tablist name
  • Functional player visibility item with cooldown
  • Functional 'Fun Gun' with cooldown
  • Custom join/leave messages
  • LaunchPads with ability to change main/secondary blocks
  • DoubleJump with effects and sounds
  • Custom MOTD message on player join
  • Disable many minecraft features for players without permissions
  • Much more + more to come!


  • /lobbypro
  • /lobbypro reload [lobbypro.reload]
  • /setspawn [lobbypro.setspawn]
  • /spawn [lobbypro.spawn]
  • /broadcast [lobbypro.broadcast]
  • Receive MOTD [lobbypro.motd]
  • Receive Title/Subtitle [lobbypro.title]
  • Bypass inventory clear [lobbypro.clearinventory.bypass]
  • Bypass chat filter [lobbypro.chatfilter.bypass]
  • TeleportBow [lobbypro.teleportbow.use]
  • FunGun [lobbypro.fungun.use]
  • DoubleJump [lobbypro.doublejump]
  • Trail Effect [lobbypro.trails] + permission you've set in config per trail
  • -- default permission nodes for trails can be found in the trailsGUI.yml
  • By default any player in creative mode may bypass all event checks (block place, break, entity destruction, etc)








By purchasing this resource, you agree to;
  • Not resell, auction or freely give away to anyone or anything.
  • Not to charge-back any payments. (don't ask for refunds)
  • Not post a negative review due to lack of a feature or any bugs. If you notice a bug or have a suggestion, PM me or post it in the discussion tab.
  • You are not permitted to re-use, edit or customize the code of this plugin to re-upload or re-sell to this or another site or for personal usage without direct permission.
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