[1.12] BankSystem

[1.12] BankSystem 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT

[1.12] BankSystem
BankSystem for Spigot 1.12
Requires Vault and Economy System compatible with Vault



  • MySQL and FlatFile datasource.
  • Sound effects when using the bank system.
  • Processed number display for easy reading, $1,035.25
  • Very customizable chat prefix, messages, etc
  • With an interest rate
The configuration can be reloaded using /bank reload.​
# Default config file for BankSystem
# Developed by Twiistrz
# Config Version 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT

# If you want to use special characters in this document, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
# If you receive an error when Essentials loads, ensure that:
#   - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
#   - Indents are correct: YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation
#   - You have "escaped" all apostrophes in your text: If you want to write "don't", for example, write "don''t" instead (note the doubled apostrophe)
#   - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Database                       | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # What type of database do you want to use?
    # Valid values: FlatFile, MYSQL
    backend: FlatFile
    # Database host address
    mySQLHost: ''
    # Database port
    mySQLPort: '3306'
    # Connect to MySQL database over SSL
    mySQLUseSSL: false
    # Username to connect to the MySQL database
    mySQLUsername: 'localhost'
    # Password to connect to the MySQL database
    mySQLPassword: '123456'
    # Database Name
    mySQLDatabase: 'banksystem_database'
    # Table of the database
    mySQLTablename: 'banksystem_userdata'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   General Settings                   | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # Maximum amount of money on player's accounts
    bankLimit: 10000000
    # Maximum amount of money in player's pockets
    pocketLimit: 10000000
    # Amount of time in milliseconds a player has to wait between interactions.
    # 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
    interactCooldown: 3000
    # Interest settings
    # Enable bank accounts interest
    # Valid values: true, false
    interestEnabled: false
    # Interest amount in percentage
    # Example values: 0.05% | 0.5% | 5%
    interestPercentage: 0.05%
    # Cooldown between interest credit in minutes.
    # Default value: 60 minutes
    interestCooldown: 60

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                    Sign Settings                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

     # Color formats are not supported here.
    balance: Balance
    deposit: Deposit
    withdraw: Withdraw
    # Colors:
    # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    # a, b, c, d, e, f
    # For more details visit: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/minecraft-color-codes-2906205/
    color: 4
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                    Chat Settings                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # Bank System Chat Prefix
    # Placeholders:
    # %player%  -> Selected player
    # %balance% -> Bank balance of player
    # %pocket%  -> Pocket balance of player
    # %total%   -> Total balance of player
    # %interestCooldown%
    # %amount%
    prefix: '&e&lBankSystem &8>> '
    console: '&cYou can''t run this command from console!'
    playerOffline: '&cPlayer currently offline!'
    signCreateSuccess: '&aCreated sign succesfully!'
    signRemoveSuccess: '&aSign removed succesfully!'
    signError: '&cCould not create bank sign!'
    noPermission: '&cYou''re not allowed to do this.'
    noBank: '&a%player% &cdoes not have an account!'
    sneakBreak: '&cSneak to break the Bank sign!'
    notEnoughMoney: '&cSorry you don''t have that much.'
    notSurvival: '&cYou can only use this sign in survival.'
    bankBalance: '&7Bank: &a$%balance%'
    pocketBalance: '&7Balance: &a$%pocket%'
    totalBalance: '&7Total Balance: &a$%total%'
    depositSuccess: '&7You have deposited &a$%amount% &7into your bank!'
    withdrawSuccess: '&7You withdrew &a$%amount% &7into your bank!'
    reachedBankLimit: '&cReached bank account limit!'
    reachedPocketLimit: '&cReached pocket money limit!'
    tooFastInteract: '&cYou can''t interact this often.'
    setCommand: '&7%player% bank balance set to: &a$%amount%'
    interest: '&7Interest credited: &a$%amount%'
    interestCommand: '&7Next interest in: &a%interestCooldown%'
    interestDisabled: '&cInterest is disabled!'
    invalidAmount: '&cYou have entered an invalid amount. Possible denominations include only Numerical Characters and/or a Decimal Point (e.g. 1, 1.0, 1.00).'
    reloadError: '&cError reloading config!'
    reloadSuccess: '&aConfig reloaded succesfully!'
    helpHeader: '&6.oOo.___________.[ &eBank System Help &6].___________.oOo.'
    adminHeader: '&6.oOo.___________.[ &eBank System Admin &6].___________.oOo.'
    balanceHeader: '&6.oOo.___________.[ &eBank System Balance &6].___________.oOo.'
    consoleHeader: '&6.oOo.___________.[ &eBank System Console &6].___________.oOo.'

Balance Sign
Line 1: [BS]
Line 2: Balance

Deposit Sign
Line 1: [BS]
Line 2: Deposit
Line 3: Amount

Withdraw Sign
Line 1: [BS]
Line 2: Withdraw
Line 3: Amount

Amount formats
1000 | 1.0 | 1.00

  • /bank: Displays the BankSystem help page.
  • /bank reload: Reloads the configuration. Permission banksystem.admin.
  • /bank balance [player]: Check other player's balance. Permission banksystem.admin.
  • /bank set [player] [amount]: Set player's bank balance. Permission banksystem.admin.
  • /bank balance: Check your own balance. Permission banksystem.command.balance, true by default.
  • /bank withdraw [amount]: Withdraw money from your own bank. Permission banksystem.command.withdraw, true by default.
  • /bank deposit [amount]: Deposit money to your own bank. Permission banksystem.command.deposit, true by default.
  • /bank interest: Check cooldown to next interest. Permission banksystem.command.interest, true by default.
If you want to use /bal or /balance to display bank balance, edit your commands.yml and add this code:​
    - bank balance
    - bank balance


Please do not post bad reviews if this does not work, if you found any issue post it on the github page.


This is my first plugin, if you encounter any bugs report it on the issues page.
Found an issue? Report it here

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