1.13 - 1.19.3 ⭐ MiniaturePets - Custom Companions ⭕ Your Own Custom 3D Pets ✅ 30% SALE

SpigotVIP 1.13 - 1.19.3 ⭐ MiniaturePets - Custom Companions ⭕ Your Own Custom 3D Pets ✅ 30% SALE 3.0.1

1.13 - 1.19.3 ⭐ MiniaturePets - Custom Companions ⭕ Your Own Custom 3D Pets ✅ 30% SALE
Native Minecraft Version:1.13Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
  • 1.17
  • 1.18
  • 1.19
Source Code:https://mobs.advancedplugins.net/miniaturepets/


Bring your Minecraft world to life with the cutest and most customizable pets!

Welcome to Miniature Pets - the world of enchanting, cuddly creatures that bring joy to your server! Create, customize and bring your own pet friend along for all your adventures. Choose from the 10+ custom 3D pets, each with its own unique animations, abilities, and personalities.

Miniature Pets doesn't require any texture packs or resource packs to be installed


You can ride your pet, wear it as a hat, disguise as it, and even give it a special name! And the best part? All of our features are EULA compliant, so you can use them safely on your server. So why wait? Join the Miniature Pets community today and add a dash of magic to your Minecraft world!


MiniaturePets supports ModelEngine models, and here's a showcase of some custom community models as pets:


  • Custom Animated Pets
    • Choose from 10+ 3D pets, each with its own unique animations
    • Ability to ride pets, wear as a hat, disguise as a pet, and follow owners
    • No resource pack, texture pack or mods required to run! Custom pets will work straight away, no tricks or hidden requirements.
  • Easy to use commands and GUIs
    • Cute and friendly designs for a fun and simple experience
    • Easy-to-use interface with simple commands
  • Expansive Community
    • A ton of free pets available to download and use
    • 400+ pets available, made by our community users
  • EULA Compliant
    • All features are EULA compliant, allowing for server sales and donations
    • Friendly support team available on our Discord server
  • Flexible and Configurable
    • Extensive Wiki with detailed explanations of all features
    • Configurable pet options and messages
    • Integration with Citizens NPCs
    • MySQL database support and extensive Plugin API
  • Fully customizable menus, messages and pets
    • Ultimate control of GUI menus - customize everything and anything. It's up to you to decide layouts, menu sizes, item text etc. Remove items, add new items - do anything you wish.
    • All messages, pets & pet names are customizable.
    • Custom mobs from AdvancedPets, MiniaturePets & AdvancedMobs are supported!
    • ModelEngine mobs are supported!
  • The Ultimate Performance - No Lag
    • AdvancedPets is designed to be lag-free, using dynamic optimizations and multi-threaded movement to ensure that it doesn't impact server performance.
ModelEngine is supported! Click here to view the guide on how to use it with custom pets.






Terms of Service

Commands and Permissions
  • Player Commands
  1. /pet - Main plugin command; miniaturepets.spawn, miniaturepets.spawnother
  2. /pet ride - Ride your pet; miniaturepets.ride
  3. /pet hat - Makes your pet like a helmet; miniaturepets.hat
  4. /pet call - Summon your pet; miniaturepets.call
  5. /pet sit - Prevents pet from following you, toggle-able; miniaturepets.sit
  6. /pet disguise - Disguises you as your pet; miniaturepets.disguise
  7. /pet remove - Removes current pet; miniaturepets.remove
  8. /pet name - Allows changing your pet name; miniaturepets.setname, miniaturepets.setnamecolor
  9. /pet help - Sends help menu; miniaturepets.help
  • Administrator Commands
  1. /pet reload - Reloads the plugin; miniaturepets.reload
  2. /pet clear - Clears all of the pets in the world; miniaturepets.clear
  3. /pet clearall = Clears all of the pets in the server; miniaturepets.clearall
  4. /pet dump - Exports server information; miniaturepets.dump
  • Administrator Permissions
  1. miniaturepets.checkversion - Sends you a message in chat if a new version is available for download whenever you join the server.
  2. miniaturepets.allpets - Gives you access to all of the pets installed.
ProtocolLib is required for MiniaturePets to run!

Need help? Have questions? Join our discord server.