This plugin has no dependencies other then: Vault - for currency management and kits
Snake. The old-school game where you navigate a trail and avoid making it collide with itself - now in Minecraft - and for YOUR server. The snake is visualized with Sheep that the player is riding. When playing multiplayer, the goal is to avoid collision with other players' snakes and your own. There are kits that your players can buy with currency (requires Vault). More on this below!
Listed in bold are features that aren't included in my free version of snake.
- Kit selector and shop
- Players can leave arena using GUI
- Players can buy a snake color chooser kit
- Players have two kits for speed boosts, specifically "Ferrari Snake" and "Fast Snake"
- Customizable amount of speed boosts per kit
- Customizable amount of time per speed boost
- Customizable prices of ALL kits
- Customizable snake speed
- Messages Customizable
- MySQL support (optional)
- Bungeecord cross-server teleporting
- Scoreboard with updating "kills"
- 1.7.0 to 1.9.2 support
- Sugar drops around the arena and gives the player a speed boost
- Awesome support
- Join Signs
- Multiple Arenas
- Easy setup
There are several ways to test this plugin out. Here are three ways:
- Mineplex's Snake (doesn't use THIS plugin, but is very similar)
- Simple Snake (the demo version of this plugin, does not have fancy GUI features. Requires MinigamesLib)
- Watch the video below
- NEW - TEST SERVER (thanks to @MrsKliper) - - Do /snake join viper
- NEW - TEST SERVER (Thanks to @Arshak)
Step 1: Think of a name for your arena. Design the arena something like the one above, with plenty of space for the snakes to grow. Keep in mind that every player that the map can hold must have a separate spawn point from the other player (this will be covered in step 2).
STEP 2: Stand at your first spawn point and do /snake create <arena name>
NOTE: If you are using SQL & Bungee mode with the plugin, wait 10 seconds after joining the server before doing the create arena command. That's just how Bungeecord was made - the plugin messaging cannot work instantly on Player Join Event.
Step 2: Add Lobbies. NinjagamesAPI allows you to add a main lobby with all the join signs and a waiting lobby for when a player joins an arena and is waiting for more players. To add lobbies stand at the spawn point where all the signs are and do:
/snake setmainlobby
Then go to the waiting lobby for the arena and do:
/snake setlobby <arena name>
(Replace arena name with the name of your arena. Also, the lobby is automatically protected from griefing).
Step 3: Add Spawnpoints.
You need to add more spawn points.
Now you go to your map and find where you want the the second spawn point. Stand there, and do:
/snake addspawn <arena name>
(Replace arena name with the exact same one you just used in step 2)
Repeat this until you have your desired max amount of players in the arena.
Step 4: Add Map Boundaries. This is so that your players don't try to escape the arena.
Stand at one corner just outside of your arena, and go down as far as the map goes. Do the following command:
/snake setboundslow <arena name>
Then go to the complete opposite corner (just outside the arena), and fly as high as the arena goes. Do this command:
/snake setboundshigh <arena name>
Once you did this, you will have an invisible cube that your players can't escape from.
Step 5: Join signs!
Put this on a sign
Super Snake
<arena name>
That's it, you're done!
MySQL usually requires Bungeecord to be enabled for best performance. If you wish, you can enable the Bungee mode in config.yml and MySQL can be configured in sqldata.yml.
You can set the min players required to start like this: /snake setminplayers <arena name> <new value>
OPs and with permission:
/snake create <arena name>
/snake addspawn <arena name>
/snake setboundslow <arena name>
/snake setboundshigh <arena name>
/snake setlobby <arena name>
/snake setmainlobby <arena name>
/snake start <arena name>
/snake stop <arena name>
/snake arenas
/snake delete <arena name>
/snake setminplayers <arena name> <new value>
/snake join <arena name>
/snake leave
The permission supersnake.arenacreation gives access to all the important commands that are needed to create an manage an arena.
PM me for bug. I will try to fix them as soon as possible.
If you do find a game-hindering bug, try not to leave a bad review because if you report it by PMing me I'll fix it ASAP.
Snake. The old-school game where you navigate a trail and avoid making it collide with itself - now in Minecraft - and for YOUR server. The snake is visualized with Sheep that the player is riding. When playing multiplayer, the goal is to avoid collision with other players' snakes and your own. There are kits that your players can buy with currency (requires Vault). More on this below!
Listed in bold are features that aren't included in my free version of snake.
- Kit selector and shop
- Players can leave arena using GUI
- Players can buy a snake color chooser kit
- Players have two kits for speed boosts, specifically "Ferrari Snake" and "Fast Snake"
- Customizable amount of speed boosts per kit
- Customizable amount of time per speed boost
- Customizable prices of ALL kits
- Customizable snake speed
- Messages Customizable
- MySQL support (optional)
- Bungeecord cross-server teleporting
- Scoreboard with updating "kills"
- 1.7.0 to 1.9.2 support
- Sugar drops around the arena and gives the player a speed boost
- Awesome support
- Join Signs
- Multiple Arenas
- Easy setup
There are several ways to test this plugin out. Here are three ways:
- Mineplex's Snake (doesn't use THIS plugin, but is very similar)
- Simple Snake (the demo version of this plugin, does not have fancy GUI features. Requires MinigamesLib)
- Watch the video below
- NEW - TEST SERVER (thanks to @MrsKliper) - - Do /snake join viper
- NEW - TEST SERVER (Thanks to @Arshak)
Step 1: Think of a name for your arena. Design the arena something like the one above, with plenty of space for the snakes to grow. Keep in mind that every player that the map can hold must have a separate spawn point from the other player (this will be covered in step 2).
STEP 2: Stand at your first spawn point and do /snake create <arena name>
NOTE: If you are using SQL & Bungee mode with the plugin, wait 10 seconds after joining the server before doing the create arena command. That's just how Bungeecord was made - the plugin messaging cannot work instantly on Player Join Event.
Step 2: Add Lobbies. NinjagamesAPI allows you to add a main lobby with all the join signs and a waiting lobby for when a player joins an arena and is waiting for more players. To add lobbies stand at the spawn point where all the signs are and do:
/snake setmainlobby
Then go to the waiting lobby for the arena and do:
/snake setlobby <arena name>
(Replace arena name with the name of your arena. Also, the lobby is automatically protected from griefing).
Step 3: Add Spawnpoints.
You need to add more spawn points.
Now you go to your map and find where you want the the second spawn point. Stand there, and do:
/snake addspawn <arena name>
(Replace arena name with the exact same one you just used in step 2)
Repeat this until you have your desired max amount of players in the arena.
Step 4: Add Map Boundaries. This is so that your players don't try to escape the arena.
Stand at one corner just outside of your arena, and go down as far as the map goes. Do the following command:
/snake setboundslow <arena name>
Then go to the complete opposite corner (just outside the arena), and fly as high as the arena goes. Do this command:
/snake setboundshigh <arena name>
Once you did this, you will have an invisible cube that your players can't escape from.
Step 5: Join signs!
Put this on a sign
Super Snake
<arena name>
That's it, you're done!
MySQL usually requires Bungeecord to be enabled for best performance. If you wish, you can enable the Bungee mode in config.yml and MySQL can be configured in sqldata.yml.
You can set the min players required to start like this: /snake setminplayers <arena name> <new value>
OPs and with permission:
/snake create <arena name>
/snake addspawn <arena name>
/snake setboundslow <arena name>
/snake setboundshigh <arena name>
/snake setlobby <arena name>
/snake setmainlobby <arena name>
/snake start <arena name>
/snake stop <arena name>
/snake arenas
/snake delete <arena name>
/snake setminplayers <arena name> <new value>
/snake join <arena name>
/snake leave
The permission supersnake.arenacreation gives access to all the important commands that are needed to create an manage an arena.
PM me for bug. I will try to fix them as soon as possible.
If you do find a game-hindering bug, try not to leave a bad review because if you report it by PMing me I'll fix it ASAP.