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1.7 Spectre Ghost Client [Paid $50] 2.0

Hi, ty for purchasing big boy.
To install, go to .minecraft and drop both the files in the zip into your versions folder.
Open Minecraft, do what you usually do, new profile > release Optifine_B3. And enable the box that
says "Launcher visibility", and change it to "Leave launcher open".
Any issues contact us via Skype: SpectreClient
.say <message> (Send a message to chat)
.veldiv <amount> (The amount that your velocity should be divided by. Do not put above 3. Default: 3)
.tbr <range> (Your triggerbot's range. Don't put above 3.7 - 4. Default: 3.7)
.legitbind (Toggles binds being active in legit mode. Default: Enabled)
.setpaniccmd <command> (Sets a custom panic cmd, don't include the . in this message)
.setprotocol <4/5> (Sets the client's protocol. 4 = join 1.7.2 servers 5 = join 1.7.10 servers. Protocol 5 seems to be the best option as it usually works on both)
.t <module> (Toggle the specified module)
.bind <module> <key> (Bind a module to a key).
.unbind <module> (Unbind a module from a key)
.login <username/email> <password> (Login to an alt. Use this in singleplayer.)
The module names are Triggerbot, Xray, Sprint and AntiKB.
Default Binds:
Triggerbot - K
Xray - X
Sprint - J
AntiKB - V
First release
Last update
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  1. Updated download

    Download fixed! last one didnt contain correct files.