1.8 - 1.18⭐Specialized Crates ⭐ Lots of Crate Opening Animation Options ✅Easy to use In-Game Editor✅

 1.8 - 1.18⭐Specialized Crates ⭐ Lots of Crate Opening Animation Options ✅Easy to use In-Game Editor✅ 2.25.5

1.8 - 1.18⭐Specialized Crates ⭐ Lots of Crate Opening Animation Options ✅Easy to use In-Game Editor✅


Incredibly Lightweight
(Took 0.4% CPU tick on a 1.8.8 server with 200 animated crates and only 0.04% CPU tick on a 1.15.2 server with 70 crates - the demo server! Information gathered with the spark plugin profiler)
New features not mentioned above:
- Drag and Drop rewards
- Economy support: Crates cost $$
- Color Particles (MC v1.13+)
- Item Flag support
- Custom Model Data (Through NBT Tags)
- Custom Textured Player Heads (Through NBT Tags)
- NBT Tag Support (Advanced Enchantments, Epic Heads, Quality Armoury, and Head Database tested working!)
- MySQL support for virtual crates/keys, cooldowns, and player reward history
-Guaranteed Rewards
- Fallback Rewards for when a player has a permission and opens up a specific reward
- Decimal chances for rewards
- PlaceholderAPI support

%specializedcrates_cooldown_[cratename]% - The remaining cooldown a player has on a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_[cratename]% - The number of virtual keys a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_total% - The number of all virtual keys from all crates that a player has.
%specializedcrates_virtual_crates_[cratename]% - The number of virtual crates a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_placedcrates% - The total number of placed crates on the server.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened% - The last crate the player opened.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened_rewards% - The last reward the player received.
%specializedcrates_last_player_[cratename]% - The last player to open the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_last_reward_[cratename]% - The last reward to be opened from the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_last_reward_name_[cratename]% - The last reward's name to be opened from the specified crate.

- Shift-click to open ALL
- Skip Animations feature
- Confirm/deny opening crate
- Actually 7 crate animations (new one just added!)
- Give virtual AND physical crates/keys to offline players
- No commands needed for rewards (Give the display-item you built with the convenient in-game item editor directly to the player!)
- Force players (or everyone) to open a crate for free
- Disable lucky chests (mine crates) from working on player-placed blocks.
- Left click a key to preview the crate anywhere


Latest reviews

deleted itself after instalation and fucked up some other plugins