[1.8.8 - 1.11] ServerNPCJoiner [1.11]

 [1.8.8 - 1.11] ServerNPCJoiner [1.11] 1.8.0-RELEASE

[1.8.8 - 1.11] ServerNPCJoiner [1.11]
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
FIRST: Read the complete Thread and Download the right version of my Plugin!

If you are using ProtolLib on your server then download a ProtocolLib version.


Support for plugin only private message.
You need for this plugin a internet connection and a server with online mode true or a Bungee Cord Proxy.

After reloads can cause bugs.

What makes the plugin?
You can use this plugin to connect to some gameservers above a bungeecord proxy and you have a easy gui inventory to connect on the gameservers.

You get an recommended server which you can auto join.
Plugin only work on 1.8.6 or higher.





- Make a ad before opening
- Open npcs with commands too
- Player count with wool size
- Connect quickly to other servers
- Set skins from a player who you want
- Setup all messages
- Throw you away when you come to near
- Looking to you when you in range of 10 blocks
- Better overview than signs
- Animated glass in the overview

First Step: Go on the location where you want are the villager stay and write e.g. /ServerNPC spawn &aSurvivalGames Notch SurvivalGames

Second Step: ATTENTION: Reload/Restart the server after the create because it need to load.

Third Step: Go into the YourGamemode.cfg and configurate it.

Value: eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTQ3OTM1NDQ4MTIsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjZjNGVkNjkyYmZjZjQ0YmFhOTA0NWM3MDg3NzU5NjFjIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJBcGVydHVyZVNPIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiOnRydWUsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS85MmY4MzUyYjVmYTVhYjM0Yzg4MmE3YTQ0NzJmODY3ODM4YTNmMWM1ZjQyNDhjMzI3YjBjNmI2ODQxNDU0MSIsIm1ldGFkYXRhIjp7Im1vZGVsIjoic2xpbSJ9fX19
Sign: 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"}]}
Name: '&aFastBuilding'
Skin: ApertureSO
Spielmodus: FastBuilding
WhenLobbyModeMotd: Lobby
    IP: localhost:4500
    DisplayName: '&eFastBuilding1'
  world: lobby
  x: 1.5238598590329393
  y: 5.0
  z: 31.944950907288465
  yaw: 175.0569
  pitch: 24.150312
InventoryName: '&bFastBuilding'
- Sign = Skin of the player in base64 decode
- Value = Cape of the player decoded
- Name = NPCName
- Skin = Name of your saved skin
- Spielmodus = Gamemode name
- WhenLobbyModeMotd = Set the Motd who needed to realize that the server is in the lobby phase
- Server = Setup the servername and IP + Ports of the servers use the servername from the proxy and the displayname
- Spawn = Location of the NPC
- InventoryName = Set the NPC Inventory Name

4th Step: Now, you can use the NPCs on the first site you can see the lobby servers and on the second site you see all server.

CheckVersion: true
Prefix: '&8[&6ServerNPC&8] &7'
NoPermission: '&4No Permissions.'
PlayerInfoNotFullLobby: '&7%online%&8/&c%max%'
PlayerInfoNotFullInGame: '&7%online%&8/&c%max%'
MotdLobby: '&a%motd%'
MotdLobbyFull: '&e%motd%'
MotdInGame: '&6%motd%'
JoinMessage: true
JoinServer: '&aYou are joining Server &8%server%'
AutoJoinDontWork: "&3You can\xb4t join on any lobby server."
OpenSound: ARROW_HIT
MoveInvID1: 160
MoveInvShort1: 4
MoveInvID2: 160
MoveInvShort2: 1
InGameSwitcher: '&b%s% Server InGame'
ClickToOpen: '&r&nClick to open.'
ClickToJoin: '&r&nClick to join.'
ServerName: '&a%server%'
AutoJoin: '&c&lAuto Join'
GoBack: '&c&nGo Back'
NextPage: '&e&nNext Page'
PreviousPage: '&e&nPrevious Page'
Ad: true
AdSeconds: 15
AdID: 22
AdShort: 0
AdName: '&cAdvertisement'
AdMessage: '&6Example Ad to edit'
Page: Page %p%
- Prefix: Set the prefix of the messages
- NoPermission: Set the message if the player has no permission
- PlayerInfoNotFullLobby: Edit the player size when the game is not ingame.
- PlayerInfoNotFullInGame: Edit the player size when the game is ingame.
- MotdLobby: Set the motd when the server is in the lobby phase.
- MotdLobbyFull: Set the motd when the server is in the lobby phase full.
- MotdInGame: Set the ingame motd.
- JoinMessage: Enable/Disable the server join message.
- JoinServer: Edit the join server message.
- OpenSound: Edit the sound of the right click on a npc.
- MoveInvID1: Edit the itemid of the first animated glass.
- MoveInvID2: Edit the itemid of the first animated glass.
- MoveShortID1: Edit the short of the first animated glass.
- MoveShortID2: Edit the short of the second animated glass.
- InGameSwitcher: Server Info
- ClickToOpen: Click to open on serverinfo item
- ClickToJoin: Click to join message as serverinfo
- ServerName: ServerName format
- AutoJoin: AutoJoin Item Name
- GoBack: GoBack Item Name
- NextPage: Next Page Item Name
- PreviousPage: Previous Page Item Name
- Ad: Enable/Disable Ad
- AdSeconds: Seconds Display the ad
- AdID: Ad Item ID
- AdShort: Ad Item Short
- AdName: Ad Item Name
- AdMessage: Ad Message/Text
- Page: Page format

- /ServerNPC spawn <VillagerName> <NPCSkinsPlayerName> <GameModeName> | Create NPC
- /ServerNPC reload | Reload configs
- /ServerNPC list | List the NPC names
- /ServerNPC open <GameMode> | Open NPC Menu manually.
- /ServerNPC remove <GameModeName> | Remove a NPC

- ServerNPC.DontBoost | Don´t boost away from the villager
- ServerNPC.admin | Use /ServerNPC
- ServerNPC.NoAd | Remove ads from premium users.
- ServerNPC.open | Allow users to use /servernpc open <Gamemode>
- ServerNPC.list | Allow users to use /servernpc list

- 1.11 Version

Pls send me suggestion or bugs in the comment section.

- I will not refund!
- You are not allowed to give this plugin to people that didn´t purchase this plugin!
- You are not allowed to decompile code.

Thank you for you attention

Latest updates

  1. 1.8.0-RELEASE


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pls update!
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