[33% OFF] MultiSkyWars - ¡The unique SkyWars plugin! ¡Fully customizable! 3.4.5

 [33% OFF] MultiSkyWars - ¡The unique SkyWars plugin! ¡Fully customizable! 3.4.5 3.4.5

[33% OFF] MultiSkyWars - ¡The unique SkyWars plugin! ¡Fully customizable! 3.4.5
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11

We are pleased to announce the new, the best, the unique Multi SkyWars plugin!
With MSW you'll be able to play a wide variety of game modes such as Solo SkyWars, Team SkyWars and Lucky SkyWars. Also, it has an event system which you can combine to create really crazy and spectacular matches.

You are required to use Java8. It is compatible with Spigot 1.8.x to 1.10.x.
Inactive until further notice.

We must say that, as Spigot 1.9 is newer and has new usable things, it has more functionality within the plugin, as async loading (reducing lag), new sounds, Elytra's flying / damage...



Spanish group for admins!


  • You can create infinite arenas.
  • 2 diferent arena save systems! (SCHEMATIC or WORLDS) Faster rollback!
  • Schematic: All arenas are in the same world. Arenas will be saved in a special file format.
  • Worlds: One arena per world. Recommended for Bungee mode.
  • Only requires Languages. Our messaging API that allow multiple languages!
  • Bungee mode. You can make a bungee server with all your arenas. MultiSkyWars will select them randomly!
  • Custom kits! Easy configuration. You can add a price or name to them! You can also edit armor slots! (With speed and health modifier!)
  • Lucky mode! You can select between lucky blocks or lucky chests!
  • Solo or team mode. You can make teams of whatever amount.
  • Custom chests! You can add infinite chest types with a easy configuration. Allows OP and BASIC types!
  • Custom economy! You can use the MultiSkyWars economy or another one with Vault!
  • Cages / Cells! Infinite combinations. You can add them a price.
  • GUI editor! Cages, kits, arrows, etc. can be configured via GUI!
  • MySQL / SQLite / MariaDB for player data!
  • You can spectate arenas!
  • Special items! (Compass, custom TNTs, powerful dogs, Quick soup...)
  • UUID support. (Player names also supported!)
  • Arena events. There are a lot of arena events! (Chest refill, wither, tnt rain, anvil rain...)
  • All messages / scoreboards are configurable! You can add diferent languages is you want!
  • Scoreboards! You can edit them. Allows placeholders!
  • You can configure any sound!
  • Easy arena editor! You can setup arenas in 3-5 minutes!
  • Arrow particles. You can configure them in the arrow editor!
  • Supports Multiverse-, Vault, Leaderheads, PlaceholderAPI, DeluxeChat, Maximvdw's plugins...
  • Leaderboards! You can also create heads!
  • Coins multiplier. Supports decimals!
  • Join signs for Multiarena mode! You can configure the below block!
  • You can hide kits, cages or arrows if the players has not permission for them, or replace them with a "unknow item"!
  • Arena list inventory!
  • Inventory editor! You can edit every user inventory as you like!
  • Votes! You can vote chest types, health amount, chest multiplier, time... You can also add custom vote sections with our API!
  • Reward commands! You can execute custom commands when a player kills another one or when he wins!
  • Health nametag! You can edit or disable it if you want!
  • Match finder! You can see a sumary of every match played! They will be saved in your database. You can also disable it if you want.
  • Can work with other minigames, in Multiarena system.
  • SkyWarsReloaded importer! You can import your player data to MultiSkyWars!
  • You can add, remove, set or clear every player stat! (Coins, wins, played, deaths...) with /swe! You can edit offline players.
  • You can add, remove or clear kits, cells or arrows from players with /swa! You can edit offline players.
  • Friendly command list! MultiSkyWars will show you a list of all sub-commands. You can hover above them to see more details.
  • Multi-Inventory! MultiSkyWars will create more inventory pages if you need it for kits, cells or chests!
  • Auto join command! /sw randomJoin.
  • Global chat! /sw toggleGlobalChat


Using this plugin is as easy as add the JAR to your plugins folder, read and change the config.yml and create the arenas using in-game tools.

Using MultiArena mode is really easy, just drop the JAR into your plugins folder, run the minecraft server and check the "How to create an Arena?" spoiler.
First of all, open a new and empty server with the plugin installed and then shut it down.
After that, open the file swConfig.yml, inside the MultiSkyWars folder and change these values:

- bungee.bungeeMode: true
- plugins.lobby: false

Turn on the server and join it. MultiSkyWars will teleport you automatically to the arena world to let you set it up as a normal arena.

WARNING! If you want your players to be teleported instead of kicked of the server on arena finish, use the command /sws setBungeeLobby <bungeeServerName>.

Using Bungee mode you'll be able to have different arenas on every match. If this mode is enabled, MultiSkyWars will choose one of the set arenas and will use it as the main one.

The server must be restarted to change the arena.

If you want to use Rotating mode, you'll have to set the arenas using MultiArena mode. Shut down the server, go to the MultiSkyWars config and then change these values:

- bungee.bungeeMode: true
- bungee.randomArena: true
- plugins.lobby: false
- First Step:

Create the arena using the command /sws createArena <arenaName>. This command will create a new world using the arena name.
You'll have to build the map and the lobby, you can use schematics if you want to.

Remember, arenas max radius is 800 blocks. (1600x1600). And the build zone is 2500 blocks radius!


- Second Step:

After creating the arena, MultiSkyWars will send you a message showing you all the things you have to configure and their commands.
Setting the countdowns up is really easy. If you need a description of each command, you can use /sws.

To set the lobby and the center of the arena, just stand on the location and launch the needed command.

- Third Step:

Creating teams is as easy as using the command /sws addTeam <arenaName> <teamName>.
You'll have to be IN THE SAME PLACE where the first glass cell will spawn. Other cells will spawn by themselves doing a spiral.

WARNING! Cells will break blocks if they find one of them on their way during the spawn. Don't worry about the void, MultiSkyWars will only spawn cells if there are a block under the cell.

Teams are identified by ID, that ID will be chosen by MultiSkyWars.
You can use colors (&) on the name of the teams.

You can delete the LAST added team using the command /sws removeTeam <arenaName>.
If you want to change the name or the spawn point of a team use the commands /sws setTeamDisplayname and /sws setTeamSpawn.

- Fourth Step:

To add chests to the arena, you'll need to have some of them. To do that, check the "How to create chest?" spoiler.

If you have configured chests, use the command /sws chestList and pick the one you want to place. After that press the yellow button (give).
Once you have the selected chest in your hand, just place it whenever you want it to spawn.

If you have a big map and you only want one type of chests, place normal chests and then use the command /sws setupChest <radius>.
This command will check all the chests inside the radius and change them to the same chest type you have on your hand.

WARNING! It will replace other setted chests if they are inside the radius!

- Fifth Step:

Use the command /sws toggleEditMode <arenaName> and enjoy MultiSkyWars!

- Extra:

If you have Minecraft 1.9 and you want a 1.8 PvP in an arena, use the command /sws toggleOldMode <ARENA>.
When a user open a Lucky chest, a dice will roll. The number given by that dice (the number will be at least the min and at most the max given value) will be the number of items to drop. Those dropped items will be chosen by random from the skywars chest inventory.

Configure them is pretty simple. Only configure normal chests and use the command /sws toggleLuckyBlocks <ARENA>.

In the setup mode lucky blocks will show as normal chests, but in game they will be converted into sponges!

Also there is a special lucky block. The lucky chest. If an arena is in lucky mode, you can use the command /sws toggleLuckyChests.

Lucky chests work as the same way than lucky blocks, but you don't have to destroy them!

There are two signs in MultiSkyWars:
This sign is only for multi-arena mode.
It allows players to join arenas in one click!

Code (Text):
This sign shows a position of a top of any stat in MultiSkyWars!
There are also heads!

Code (Text):

<Position (number)>

<Position (number)>

Code (Text):
Needed permission: skywars.setup
Optional permission: skywars.helper
Images: http://imgur.com/a/ePICE
  1. First of all, get in your inventory which items will the kit have. Also another item which will be the "representative" item, or icon.
  2. Launch the command /sws kitlist
  3. Use the menu to create a New Kit.Put the icon-item into the upper left slot. Use the right ones to auto-equip an armour. Order the items in the inventory and hotbar (the one below). Set the name of the kit, the Slot and the price using the buttons.
  4. Save the kit and give the proper permission to the group.
    skywars.kit.# ← the kit permission will appear on the kit list.
You can use the "hotbar" zone (black glass panel) to store items you'll want to use in other kits. Also it'll be needed to move the items within the player inventory and the kit inventory while editing the kit. (When you're creating a kit, this button won't be displayed!)


Needed permission: skywars.setup
Optional permission: skywars.helper
Images: http://imgur.com/a/KWFaX
  1. First of all, get in your inventory which items will the chest have.
  2. Launch the command /sws chestlist
  3. Name the chest and use the menu to create a new chest.
  4. Add the items to the chest inventory and use the buttons to change probabilities.
    Slot Probability = Probability to appear an item in each slot of the inventory.
  5. Save the chest.

Do you want a target compass or a throwable TNT? You can do them with special items!
You can get special items with the command /sws specialItemsList.
You can edit them in the config.

There are two types of special items: for players and for lucky blocks.

For players:

These special items work when a player hold them item or when a player click it.

Special items for players:
Code (Text):
Throwable TNT
Hyper jump
TNT with arrows
Quick soup
For lucky blocks:

These special items work when a lucky block drop them. You can add them to a skywars chest in a lucky arena!

Special items for lucky blocks:
Code (Text):
Lucky zombie
Lucky lava
Lucky tnt
Lucky water
Lucky blaze
First, you have to be in an arena in edit mode.
Use the command /sws eventList <Arena> to see all the events in the arena.

You can add arena events clicking any green glass.
You can remove an arena event clicking on it.
Needed permission: skywars.command.findmatch

By default, MultiSkyWars saves all arena summaries in his database.
When a match finishes, an id will be showed in the summary.

Your staff can use the command /sw findMatch to see all the summary. (Start, finish, players....)


MultiSkyWars has an importer who allows to import old players from other plugins.

You only must have the old SkyWars plugin folder in your server and execute the command /swi <plugin>.

This importer supports MySQL.

Supported plugins:
Code (Text):
SkyWars Reloaded
MultiSkyWars 2.0 has an inventory editor. You can use it with the command /swa editInventory <Inventory>.

Several inventories have interactive items. Those items always have this name format: {NAME}.


List of inventories (And their items):

This inventory has no items
This inventory has no items
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
If you have custom vote sections, you can add them to a item renaming it to {SECTIONNAME}
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
You can add all custom items you want renaming items to {MULTIPLIER}

Example: {0.7}
You can add all custom items you want renaming items to {HEALTHPOINTS}

Example: {25}
Code (Text):



Thanks to Leonardo0013YT! :D


Code (Text):
# __ __ _ _ _ ____ _ __ __ #
# | \/ |_ _| | |_(_) ___|| | ___ \ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ #
# | |\/| | | | | | __| \___ \| |/ / | | \ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ __| #
# | | | | |_| | | |_| |___) | <| |_| |\ V V / (_| | | \__ \ #
# |_| |_|\__,_|_|\__|_|____/|_|\_\\__, | \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |___/ #
# |___/ #
# #
# By IhToN and gaelitoelquesito #

#Activate or deactivate functions of MultiSkyWars
#If you want a multi-arena server, activate game and lobby.
#If you want a bungee-mode system, activate game in arenas and lobby in your lobby.
game: true
lobby: true

#Database setup. If you need help visit http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml#database
driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db
username: bukkit
password: walrus
logging: true
max_connections: 20

saveSystem: WORLDS

#Options for arenas
finishDelay: 150
leaveItemSeconds: 3
canSpectatorsChat: false
spectatorModeActive: true
teamBalancer: true
canCancelStart: true
randomSoloModeTeam: true
showHealthOnNameTag: true
#If true, summaries of matches will be saved in the database.
saveMatches: true
bowHitMessage: true
globalChatSymbol: '!'
healthOnNameTagDisplayName: '&4❤'
#These commands will be execute once for each winner. %player% will be replaced as the player name.
#Commands will be executed by the console.
rewardCommands: []
#These commands will be execute when a player kill another one. %player% will be replaced as the killer name.
#Commands will be executed by the console.
killCommands: []
- exit
- leave
- fly
- gamemode
- give

#Options for chests
#Randoom chests will get a random chest type from this list. If the list is empty, random chest will get any chest type from MultiSkyWars.
randomChestTypes: []

#Options for signs
asyncSigns: true

#Options for deluxe chat.
lobbyFormat: 'lobby'
globalFormat: 'global'
teamFormat: 'team'
finishFormat: 'finish'
spectatorFormat: 'spectator'

#Options for special items
identifier: '&c&lSpecial &e&lItem: &r'
delaySeconds: 5
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
displayName: '&a&lHyper jump'
JumpVelocity: 2
Duration: 30
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
displayName: '&a&lCompass'
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
displayName: '&a&lLucky zombie'
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
displayName: '&a&lThrowable TnT'
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
displayName: '&a&lLucky TnT'
yield: 2
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
displayName: '&d&lQuick soup'
health: 6
food: 6
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
displayName: '&c&lTnT with arrows'
arrows: 50

#Options for arena events
dogSong: true

kill: 10
win: 50
assist: 5

#Options for bungeeMode
bungeeMode: false
restartOnFinish: true
randomArena: false
kickPlayersOnFinish: false
gamesBeforeRestart: 1

#Options for the lobby
tpToLobbyOnJoin: false
playerUpdateDelay: 300

#Options for bought things
#If the player has a bought something
#but he doesn't have permissions:
#0 - SkyWars will deselect it.
#1 - SkyWars will deselect it and remove it from the player's list.
#2 - SkyWars won't do anything.
noPermRemoveType: 0

#Blocks for signs and menus
setting: '95:9'
lobby: '95:5'
starting: '95:4'
ingame: '95:14'
finishing: '95:1'
setting: '159:9'
lobby: '159:5'
starting: '159:4'
ingame: '159:14'
finishing: '159:1'

vault: true
multiverse: true
deluxeChat: true
leaderHeads: true
MVdWPlaceholderAPI: true
placeholderAPI: true
featherBoard: true
animatedNames: true

#Options for inventories
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
item: QW1vdW50IjE7RU4iO01hdGVyaWFsIjMyOTtEYXRhIjA=
active: true
slot: 0
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
item: QW1vdW50IjE7RU4iO01hdGVyaWFsIjI2MTtEYXRhIjA=
active: true
slot: 8
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
item: QW1vdW50IjE7RU4iO01hdGVyaWFsIjM3OTtEYXRhIjA=
active: true
slot: 7
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
item: QW1vdW50IjE7RU4iO01hdGVyaWFsIjM1NTtEYXRhIjA=
active: true
slot: 4
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
item: QW1vdW50IjE7RU4iO01hdGVyaWFsIjM3NztEYXRhIjA=
active: true
slot: 6
title: '&aArenas'
itemName: '&a{NAME}'
itemLore: |-
&9Status: {STATUS}
&e&lClick to &a&ljoin&e&l!
lucky: '&6Lucky'
normal: '&6Normal'
oldMode: '&cOld mode'
newMode: '&aNew mode'
soloMode: '&eSolo mode'
teamMode: '&eTeam mode'
#Serialized item. You have to serialize items with the command /serializeitem!
item: QW1vdW50IjE7RU4iO01hdGVyaWFsIjM1MTtEYXRhIjg=
#0 = The kit/cell/etc item with his name in dark red.
#1 = The unknow item.
#2 = The unknow item with the name of the cell/kit/etc.
#3 = Empty slot.
showType: 0


There are four type of commands:
Whenever you launch one of these commands, a list of subcommands and its description will appear in your client.

  • SW ← Normal SkyWars commands, useful only for players.
  • SWS ← SkyWars Setup commands, you'll need them to create and edit arenas, kits...
  • SWI ← SkyWars Import commands, you'll be able to import other plugins stats using this tool.
  • SWE ← SkyWars Economy commands, see and change points, stats and other useful player things.
Launch any of these commands ingame to check their subcommands, permissions and descriptions.


  • editStatInventory || skywars.command.editstatinventory || Let you edit how the Stats inventory will appear to the player. Just put the renamed item where you want to show the stats. Check the Placeholders Spoiler to know what names you can use.
  • extras || skywars.command.extras || Check and buy avaliable extra things, such as new Cells and Arrow Trails.
  • findMatch <id> || skywars.command.findmatch || Check the match results. You'll need the Match ID to check it up.
  • forceStart [arena] || skywars.command.forcestart || Check the match results. You'll need the Match ID to check it up.
  • join <arena> || skywars.command.join || Join to the specified arena.
  • kits || skywars.command.kits || Check and buy the avaliable kits.
  • stats || skywars.command.stats || Check your SkyWars statistics.
  • leave || skywars.command.leave || Leave the match.
  • lobby || skywars.command.lobby || Teleport to the SkyWars Lobby
  • The list is too long to add it here from the beginning. Launch /sws command in game to check them all. Anyway, all these subcommands use the same permission:
    You'll need this permission to join an editing arena in Bungee Mode.
  • swi <plugin> || skywars.importer || With this command you can import player statistics from other SkyWars plugins. The plugin doesn't need to be loaded, but make sure you haven't deleted the original plugin folder.
    Launch /swi command to check the current supported plugins.
  • add <player> <stat> <amount> || skywars.economy || Add stat points to the specified player.
  • clear <player> <stat> || skywars.economy || Clear the specified stat to the player.
  • set <player> <stat> <amount> || skywars.economy || Set stat points to the specified player.
  • remove <player> <stat> <amount> || skywars.economy || Remove stat points to the specified player.
  • forceAdd / forceRemove / forceSelect / forceBuy <player> <kit:cell:arrow> <ID> || skywars.admin || Forces a player to do something.
  • <COMMAND> || skywars.bypassCommand.<COMMAND> || Players with this permission will be able to execute blacklisted commands in a match.
  • skywars.placeSigns || You'll be able to place any SkyWars sign if you have this permission (Arena and Stats signs). Signs won't have protection by default so make sure to use other system to disable players for breaking them.
  • skywars.signJoin || You'll need this permission if you want to use a sign to join an arena.
  • skywars.mult.<number> || You'll need this permission if you want to have a coin multiplier. You can set multipliers with one decimal. (0.1, 4.6...)
  • kit.bypass.<ID> - cell.bypass.<ID> - arrow.bypass.<ID> || Bypass permission.


MultiSkyWars supports some plugins who expand all features!

All hooks can be deactivated in the MultiSkyWars config.

If you use deluxechat, you can hook MultiSkyWars to it and use it chat system in game!
For its perfect work, you must configure some things.

In MultiSkyWars swConfig.yml:

Configure the section deluxeChat. You must set the DeluxeChat's format you want to show in each part of the game.


In DeluxeChat's config:

You must add the formats you want, with the same name as you set in the MultiSkyWars' config.yml!

WARNING! Each priority has to be different!


Code (Text):
priority: 0
channel: ''
prefix: '&7[%multiskywars_wins%&7] '
name_color: '&b'
name: '%player%'
suffix: '&7> '
chat_color: '&f'
- ''
- '%player%'
- '&bRank: %vault_group%'
- ''
- ''
channel_click_command: /ranks
prefix_click_command: /ranks
name_click_command: '/msg %player% '
suffix_click_command: ''
priority: 1
channel: ''
prefix: '&8[&aTEAM&8] &7[%multiskywars_team%&7] '
name_color: '&b'
name: '%player%'
suffix: '&7> '
chat_color: '&f'
- ''
- '%player%'
- '&bRank: %vault_group%'
- ''
- ''
channel_click_command: /ranks
prefix_click_command: /ranks
name_click_command: '/msg %player% '
suffix_click_command: ''
priority: 2
channel: ''
prefix: '&7[&a%multiskywars_arena%&7] '
name_color: '&b'
name: '%player%'
suffix: '&7> '
chat_color: '&f'
- ''
- '%player%'
- '&bRank: %vault_group%'
- ''
- ''
channel_click_command: /ranks
prefix_click_command: /ranks
name_click_command: '/msg %player% '
suffix_click_command: ''
priority: 3
channel: ''
prefix: '&5[&6GLOBAL&5]&6[%multiskywars_team%&6] '
name_color: '&b'
name: '%player%'
suffix: '&7> '
chat_color: '&f'
- ''
- '%player%'
- '&bRank: %vault_group%'
- ''
- ''
channel_click_command: /ranks
prefix_click_command: /ranks
name_click_command: '/msg %player% '
suffix_click_command: ''
priority: 4
channel: ''
prefix: '&6[%multiskywars_team%&6] '
name_color: '&b'
name: '%player%'
suffix: '&7> '
chat_color: '&f'
- ''
- '%player%'
- '&bRank: %vault_group%'
- ''
- ''
channel_click_command: /ranks
prefix_click_command: /ranks
name_click_command: '/msg %player% '
suffix_click_command: ''
priority: 5
channel: ''
prefix: '&8[Spect] '
name_color: '&b'
name: '%player%'
suffix: '&7> '
chat_color: '&f'
- ''
- '%player%'
- '&bRank: %vault_group%'
- ''
- ''
channel_click_command: /ranks
prefix_click_command: /ranks
name_click_command: '/msg %player% '
suffix_click_command: ''

Placeholders list:
Code (Text):
wins - Total wins.
kills - Total kills.
deaths - Total deaths.
played - Total played.
assists - Total assists.
lwins - Lucky wins
ldeaths - Lucky deaths.
lkills - Lucky kills.
lplayed - Lucky played.
lassists - Lucky assists.
nwins - Normal wins
ndeaths - Normal deaths.
nkills - Normal kills.
nplayed - Normal played.
nassists - Normal assists.
coins - Coins
lkit - Lucky selected kit.
nkit - Normal selected kit.
cell - Selected cell.
arrow - Selected arrow
team - The team name.
arena - The arena name.
shots - Arrows shot.
successfulshots - Succesful shots.

Leaderboards and commands:
  • msw-l-assists - - /mswLuckyAssists
  • msw-l-deaths - /mswLuckyDeaths
  • msw-l-kills - /mswLuckyKills
  • msw-l-played - /mswLuckyPlayed
  • msw-l-wins - /mswLuckyWins
  • msw-n-assists - /mswNormalAssists
  • msw-n-deaths - /mswNormalDeaths
  • msw-n-kills - /mswNormalKills
  • msw-n-played - /mswNormalPlayed
  • msw-n-wins - /mswNormalWins
  • msw-shots - /mswShots
  • msw-succ-shots - /mswSuccessfulShots
  • msw-coins - /mswCoins

Finally... we found a way to support Multiverse! If you have Multiverse in your server, please activate this hook or MultiSkyWars will crash!

You have to install MVdWPlaceholderAPI to use all these placeholders!

Compatible plugins:
Code (Text):
Tab 4.9.0
Placeholders list:
Code (Text):

Vault allows to connect MultiSkyWars to another economy plugin. You only have to add it in your server and activate the hook!

Thanks to simonsator for the hook!
This hook allows to have a clan stat for MultiSkyWars.
Terms and Conditions:
· As you may now, this is a digital product, so there won't be any complete refund.
· You (the buyer) cannot distribute this plugin or any part of it.
. You (the buyer) cannot do fake reviews or reviews calling for help, reporting a bug or blackmailing.
· We (the sellers) can modify the price, utilities or any information along plugins updates.
· We (the sellers) are not responsible of misuse of this plugin. So make sure to don't break Mojang EULA.
· We (the sellers) are able to add any user who breaks our or spigotmc terms and conditions to our blacklist. Disabling the user to download, update or use any of our plugins. (Your account, your responsibility)

/!\/!\ Currently there is a 100% Tax for Mexican people as we've got a lot of chargebacks from that zone. So if you are Mexican and still want to buy the plugin, send a mail to staff(at)minetsii.es or deathlyflags(at)gmail.com exposing your case (you can send the message in Spanish).
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    kaqzy_ @ kaqzy_: why isnt my plugin getting approved