[35% OFF] BuildFFA - ¡The Best BuildFFA Plugin! Rank system, Hologram, Kits, Elo, MySQL, And More!!

SpigotVIP [35% OFF] BuildFFA - ¡The Best BuildFFA Plugin! Rank system, Hologram, Kits, Elo, MySQL, And More!! 1.0.3


• Introduction:
BuildFFA It is a minigame that is about a battle in a sand with your friends and try to survive to accumulate more elo and rise in rank faster and get to Masters


• Save Statistics in MySQL Data
• Scoreboard edit 100% costomizable
• Messages Configuration 100% costomizable
• Rank Configuration 100% costomizable
• Kits Configuration 100% costomizable
• Configuration Kits via Command
• Hologram Configuration via config.yml
• Add item Golden Heads via Command
• Rank and Elo(Bronce/Silver/Gold/Emerald/Diamond/Masters)
And more features!



All the dependencies below are completely mandatory! If you do not have any of the dependencies, the plugin does not turn on correctly!

• Java 8
• MySQL Database(REQUIRED)
• Download Spigot v1.7.10 & 1.8
Click Download
• Holographic Displayis Click Download


• Installing the plugin:
1) Buy and download the plugin.
2) Download the dependencies that were left in the post!
3) Place the plugin and its dependencies in the "/plugins/" folder.
4) Start the server to create the config.yml file and then close it.
5) Open the BuildFFA config.yml file and configure your MySQL database, remember to place the data correctly.
6) When you have everything configured to your liking, start the server and configure a spawn, otherwise, the players will be written with random coordinates, for this we will use the command: /buildffa setspawn.
7) Create the kits, you can simply use the commands to create / buildffa savekit <1-3>, modify it, add enchantments and more to your liking

After all that, we will have correctly configured our BuildFFA server, if you have problems in the installation you can ask for support, above you will see how!


→ /BuildFFA - BuildFFA.Admin
→ /BuildFFA Help - BuildFFA.Admin
→ /BuildFFA Reload - BuildFFA.Admin
→ /BuildFFA Hologram - BuildFFA.Hologram
→ /BuildFFA SaveKit- BuildFFA.SaveKit
→ /BuildFFA GoldenHeal - BuildFFA.GoldenHeal
→ /Stats- null
The other permissions can be edited in the config.yml


DISCORD: TheEdwardVz#5383


[40% OFF WEEK] $3.99

Ownership proofs:


Please read...
If you buy this plugin you will accept the following terms of use and service.

1) You are not allowed to distribute the plugin (it will only be used for you).
2) You are not allowed to decompile the plugin without permission.
3) You will agree not to place any stupid or bad reviews without first asking for help or support.
4) You will agree not to make any claim of money back.
5) You will accept that I have the right to change the price of the product (the plugin will improve every day, there may be price increase, or discounts for holidays)
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26.5 KB
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