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 [40 USD] Core - Ranks, Permissions, Punishments, Reports, NameMC, Staff Chat, MySQL 2019-04-26

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A feature rich essential plugin inspired by MMC. Supports a spigot server or a large bungee network with multiple proxies.

  • Database - All the data of Core will be stored in a MySQL database.
    • Cross-server synchronization is handled by an advanced synchronization system that allows immediate updates between your every server.
    • Keeps the same player data, ranks, punishments & more accessible from your every server.
  • Ranks - All your ranks will be synchronized to your every server.
    • Ranks can have own color, prefix and priority.
    • Players' ranks will be updated even the rank had been set from a different server the player is playing on.
    • A player can't edit a higher staff member's rank (demote higher staff members).
    • Rank commands
      • Create a rank
        • Usage: /rank create <name>
      • Delete a rank
        • Usage: /rank delete <name>
      • Rename a rank
        • Usage: /rank rename <name> <newName>
      • Set a rank for a player
        • Usage: /rank set <rank> <player>
      • Check a player's rank
        • Usage: /rank check <player>
      • Add a permission to a rank
        • Usage: /rank add <rank> <permission> [inherit]
      • Remove a permission from a rank
        • Usage: /rank remove <rank> <permission>
      • Set a rank's priority
        • Usage: /rank priority <rank> <priority>
      • Set a rank's color
        • Usage: /rank color <rank> <color>
      • Set a rank's prefix
        • Usage: /rank prefix <rank> <prefix>
      • View all rank's permissions
        • Usage: /rank permissions <rank>
      • List all ranks
        • Usage: /rank list
  • Punishments - All punishments are based on a player's UUID.
    • Punishment types are ban, tempban, mute, tempmute, kick and blacklist.
    • Every punishment will be inherited to a player's alts which have been stored using the player's all seen IP addresses to prevent an evading.
    • Players aren't able to punish higher staff members.
    • Every punishment with broadcast will be synchronized to your every server.
    • Punishment history check from one menu.
    • Punishment commands
      • Alts - View all alternate accounts that a player has used
        • Usage: /alts <player>
        • Alias: /dupeip
      • Check - View a player's punishment history
        • Usage: /check <player>
        • Alias: /history
      • Ban - Ban a player including their alts from the server or network
        • Usage: /ban <player> [duration] [reason] [-s]
        • Alias: /tempban
      • Unban - Unban a player including their alts from the server or network
        • Usage: /unban <player> [-s]
      • Mute - Mute a player including their alts from the server or network
        • Usage: /mute <player> [duration] [reason] [-s]
        • Alias: /tempmute
      • Unmute - Unmute a player including their alts from the server or network
        • Usage: /unmute <player> [-s]
      • Kick - Kick a player from the server or network
        • Usage: /kick <player> [reason] [-s]
      • Blacklist - Blacklist a player including their alts from the server or network
        • Usage: /blacklist <player> [reason] [-s]
      • Unblacklist - Unblacklist a player including their alts from the server or network
        • Usage: /unblacklist <player> [-s]
  • Reports - Easy and fast reason selection from a menu.
    • Every report will be sent through your every server.
    • A cooldown between the same player reporting.
  • Auto Broadcasts - Scheduled messages with a configurable interval that will get sent to every online player.
  • NameMC - A NameMC like check.
    • If a player has liked your server on NameMC they will receive a voter rank.
    • This helps you to get more likes to your server on NameMC.
  • Staff & Admin Chat - Allows your staff members to communicate easily with each other from different servers.
    • The chats can be toggled with /sc & /ac.
    • A quick access to the staff chat get be gotten by using '!' as a prefix (!<message>) or admin chat '&' (&<message>). The quick access prefixes are configurable.
    • Staff and Admin chat commands
      • Staff Chat - Toggle a staff chat channel
        • Alias: /sc
      • Admin Chat - Toggle an admin chat channel
        • Alias: /ac
  • Connect Messages - The connect messages gives a connect info for your other staff members.
    • Connect messages will be sent when a staff member joins, leaves or changes a server on your network.
    • Every staff message can be toggled with /tsm.
  • Chat - Format, Cooldown & Filtering
    • A prefix, color, player's custom color & tag can be used on the chat format.
    • A cooldown for chating and commands.
    • Your chat will be kept clean by the Core's advanced filtering system.
      • Some of the filtered messages will be sent to everyone and some of them only to staff members.
      • -Redacted- characters, toxic or racist words, hackusation and advertising will be kept out of your chat.
      • Staff members are able to mute the sender easily by clicking the filtered message.
    • Chat commands
      • Clear Chat - Clear the global chat from everyone that doesn't have the permission
        • Alias: /cc
      • Mute Chat - Toggle the server's global chat
        • Alias: /mc
      • Slow Chat - Slow chat commands
        • Slow a server's chat
          • Usage: /slowchat <seconds>
        • Check if the chat is slowed
          • Usage: /slowchat check
        • Turn the slow chat off
          • Usage: /slowchat off
  • Private Messages - Message privately with other players.
    • A conversation can be started with the /message.
    • A player can reply easily to it with the /reply.
    • Every private message will get checked by the filter system.
    • Ignoring a player can be done using the /ignore.
      • Ignores are stored in the database which means the ignores will be activated on your every server.
      • The max ignore amount is configurable from the config.
    • Message commands
      • Message - Send a private message to a player
        • Usage: /message <player> <message...>
        • Aliases: /m, /msg, /t, /tell, /whisper, /w
      • Reply - Reply to a private message or view your current conversation
        • View your current conversation
          • Usage: /reply
        • Reply to a private message
          • Usage: /reply <message...>
          • Alias: /r
      • Ignore - View your ignore list, ignore or unignore a player
        • View your ignore list
          • Usage: /ignore
        • Ignore or unignore a player
          • Usage: /ignore <player>
  • Build Protection - Allows you to control easily the players that should be able to build.
    • This feature can be disabled from the config in case your server type needs everyone to be able to build.
    • Builder commands
      • Add a player to the builders
        • Usage: /builder add <player>
      • Remove a player from the builders
        • Usage: /builder remove <player>
      • View the builder list
        • Usage: /builder list
  • Permissions - Per player permissions that will override a player's rank permissions.
    • Add a permission to a player
      • Usage: /permission add <permission> <player>
    • Remove a permission from a player
      • Usage: /permission remove <permission> <player>
    • List a player's permissions
      • Usage: /permission list <player>
  • Chat Tags - Create own chat tags that can be shown in front of your name or where ever you want on a global chat message.
    • Tag commands
      • Create a tag
        • Usage: /tag create <name> <tag>
      • Delete a tag
        • Usage: /tag delete <name> <tag>
      • View all tags
        • Usage: /tag list
      • Select a tag
        • Usage: /tags [player]
  • Freeze - Allows you to freeze and screenshare easily players.
    • Every freeze messages will be sent through every server to staff members.
    • Staff members will get known if a player leaves while frozen or has been frozen over the configurable time limit.
      • There's a ban button in the messages to ban the players easily.
    • A frozen player can't use commands while frozen and their messages will be only sent to staff members.
      • Allowed commands are configurable.
    • Freeze commands
      • Freeze or unfreeze a player
        • Usage: /freeze <player>
        • Aliases: /screenshare, /ss
  • Supports 1.7 & 1.8, reloading, Vault & BungeeCord with multiple proxies.
  • Extremely configurable from config.yml, messages.yml.
  • Blacklisted permission to remove access to commands like /plugins, /about, /ver.
  • Lightweight & multithreaded to prevent the main thread blocking.
  • Alert - Broadcast a message through every server
    • Usage: /alert <message...>
    • Aliases: /broadcast, /bc
  • Clear - Clear an inventory
    • Usage: /clear [player]
  • Color - Change a name color on the global chat
  • Gamemode - Set a player's gamemode
    • Usage: /gamemode <mode> [player]
    • Alias: /gm, /gmc, /gms
  • Invsee - View a player's live inventory
    • Usage: /invsee <player>
  • List - View all online players
    • Aliases: /who, /online
  • Ping - View a player's latency
    • Usage: /ping [player]
    • Aliases: /latency, /ms, /lag
  • Heal - Heal a player to max health
    • Usage: /heal [player]
  • Feed - Feed a player to max food level
  • Report - Report a player
    • Usage: /report <player>
  • Skull - Get a player's skull
    • Usage: /skull <player>
  • Staff List - View online staff members
  • More - Set a player's holding item to max capacity
  • Speed - Set a player's walk speed
    • Usage: /speed <speed>
  • Massay - Make players on the server say whatever you want
    • Usage: /masssay <message...>
  • Settings - Open a settings menu to edit your settings
    • Alias: /options
  • Toggle Private Messages - Toggle your private messages
    • Alias: /tpm
  • Toggle Chat - Toggle the global chat
    • Alias: /tc
  • Toggle Tips - Toggle the auto broadcasts
    • Alias: /tt
  • Toggle Staff Messages - Toggle all staff messages (reports, staff chat & connect messages)
    • Alias: /tsm
  • Set Spawn - Set the server's spawnpoint
  • Spawn - Teleport to the server's spawnpoint
  • Teleport - Teleport to a player
    • Usage: /teleport <player>
    • Alias: /tp
  • Teleport Here - Teleport a player to you
    • Usage: /teleporthere <player>
    • Alias: /tphere
  • Teleport Position - Teleport to a position
    • Usage: /teleportposition <x> <y> <z>
    • Alias: /tppos
  • Teleport All - Teleport all to you
    • Alias: /tpall
  • Discord - View your server's Discord link
  • TeamSpeak - View your server's TeamSpeak ip
  • Store - View your server's store link
  • Apply - View your server's apply link
  • Appeal - View your server's appeal link
  • Fly - Allows a player to fly
    • Usage: /fly [player]
  • Give - Give an item to a player
    • Usage: /give <player> <item> [amount]
    • Alias: /item, /i
  • Join - Join a server
    • Usage: /join <server>
  • Send - Send a player to a server
    • Usage: /send <player> <server>
  • Hub - Send you to a hub
  • Servers - List all your servers
- Java 8
- 1.7-1.8 Spigot (never tested newer)
- MySQL Database

PM me here if you're interested in buying.

40 USD

Latest reviews

Well the MySQL won't work. Every other plugins works with my database except this. Even my credentials are correct then it just said "incorrect"... F*ck plugin
how to give tag other
(need command etc /tag set <player>) idk what's command
permissions? <3
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] WARNING Error enabling plugin Core
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/plugin/java/JavaPlugin
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at$100(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at$
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at$
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at Method)
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass0(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugin(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.loadPlugins(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCordLauncher.main(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.Bootstrap.main(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass0(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
27.12 13:57:16 [Server] INFO ... 18 more
You need a mysql database
Have a working SQL database (has been confirmed) but doesn't work
how to install this?
A MySQL Database is required but everyone I restart the server it resets the config making it impossible to connect it to the database. If there's something that I didn't do please let me know and if this issue gets resolved I will change my rating. Thanks please help.
Meaning your database aint working, buy one
Give me permission plis
Outdated version -1
You leak the Updated Version then my dude.

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