
 AACAdditionPro 1.9.2


You might know AACAddition, my free plugin that I coded to fix all the recently appeared bypasses. Now with aac 3 you are not desperately needing an addition plugin anymore to somehow fight back cheaters so I decided to make this a premium resource but I also added a lot of new features.

As aac is now covering the mayor kinds of cheats again, I decided to focus on inventory checks and niche checks, which are not covered by aac. Moreover I added a nice config in the style of aac, so you won't have to get used to it if you have worked with aac before.

I am willing to give quick support and bugfixes to those who are willing to buy me a cup of coffee :)

Do you have questions or want quick support?
- Please use the channel aacaddition on the aac discord.

Huge servers using this resource:
  • mc.Playminity.com | 400 concurrent players
  • GommeHD.net | 20000 concurrent players
  • LPmitKev.de | 700 concurrent players
  • mc.universocraft.com | 1200 concurrent players
If you want to see your server on this list please open an issue on the Issue-Tracker.


AACAdditionPro currently has 15 checks.
  • AutoFish: This check will prevent Auto-Fishing mods. This check will not work with MC 1.8.8
  • BlindnessSprint: This check prevents players to sprint if they have the blindness effect. This will be especially useful if you have minigames like VampireZ
  • EqualRotations: Detects invalid angles sent by the client which are equivalent to the last angle. This flags several mods that modify your view serversided, such as Tower, Scaffold, Killaura, Aimbot or similar
  • Special: Esp: Tired of all the cheaters xraying your sneaking players? This check hides information which cannot be obtained in a legit way. It also thinks of the 3rd person cameras and uses exact hitbox calculations.
    • Even though this check is named "Esp" it will block all other render modifications such as Tracers, Radar and Nametags as well.
    • Sneaking-Hider: This will completely hide sneaking players when you cannot see them directly
    • Equipment-Hider: This will censor the equipment of a player when you cannot see him directly, thus making it harder for cheaters to estimate the strength of a potential enemy.
  • Fastswitch: This will detect some autotool and scaffold mods.
  • Freecam: A simple solution to block most freecams which is not noticed while playing. This tps most freecam users back to their original location
  • InventoryChat: This check rejects a message if it was sent in an inventory. This can be useful if you want to prevent players chatting with -Redacted- client modifications e.g. in an inventory-based captcha. This check is disabled by default.
  • InventoryHit: This check blocks hitting other players while having an open inventory. The annoying combination of Killaura/Triggerbot and AutoArmor is blocked in the most cases.
  • InventoryMove:
    • This check detects sprinting/sneaking while having an open inventory.
    • A packet-check-module to also detect only walking players has been added recently.
  • InventoryRotation: This check detects head movement while having an open inventory. This will detect lots of AutoArmor / AutoItem mods if those are silent.
  • MultiInteraction: This check enforces a little delay between the interactions, thus making those instant-chestauras useless.
  • Special: Pingspoof: This will detect spoofed pings which can be used to partly bypass your setup. Very few anticheats have a reliable feature which can be compared to this check. It also increases the detection speed of Derp cheats! Moreover is this check unbypassable to a certain degree.
  • Scaffold: This will prevent Scaffold-cheats. This check is practically unbypassable with aac blocking -Redacted- block places.
  • Skinblinker: This check detects Skinblinker modifications.
  • Tower: This check will prevent towering up too fast, one of the last movements that is not blocked by aac itself. Even pretty slow tower-mods will be detected. Important for almost every server with Bedwars/Eggwars or similar.This check is practically unbypassable with aac blocking -Redacted- block places and fly-like movement.
Please notice that the inventory-checks can only recognize an open inventory when a plugin opens it or the player changes items. Otherwise it is hardly detectable without breaking the achievement system.

AACAdditionPro currently has 2 additions.

- With the Heuristic-Addition you can define commands for every sensitivity.
AAC is only able to execute delayed commands at one sensitivity.

- The LogBot automatically clears log files of both AACAdditionPro and AAC that are older than a configurable amount of time for you. It also verifies that the deleted files are ending with .log to prevent any false deletions of other files.

AACAdditionPro currently has 7 supported mods in ClientControl.

The full list of supported mods and actions can be found on the bottom of the config-gist.

Commands and Permissions:

  • aac.verbose: Players with this permission will be able to get the verbose messages of AACAdditionPro if verbose is true in the config and have access to the
  • aacadditionpro.info: Players with this permission have access to the info command to show all ViolationLevels of a player
You can tab through the whole command tree, just type in
with a space and press tab to get to all subcommands and autocomplete arguments.

In order to remember what a certain command does, just type it in without arguments and add ? to get the help

  • Automatic generation of log files
  • Can be toggled in the config
  • The current date is automatically the file-name - no need to search for certain dates
  • Little offset between violations and other stuff -> easy to find errors
  • Automatic logging with the current time


  • Same appearance as AAC's config
  • Execute multiple commands just like you do in your aac-config
  • You want to copy your commands over from AAC ? - No problem
  • Commented config, every value is explained.

Here you can see the default config part for BlindnessSprint, the latest complete config.yml is available here.


You can execute multiple commands on a vl, just use the same layout like in aac, e.g.:

- aacstaffnotify {player} has been kicked.
- aackick {player} Cheating

The supported placeholders:
  • {player} for the player's name
  • {tps} for the current server tps
  • {ping} for the ping of the detected player
In order to get Verbose messages you need to have the verbose option in the config set to true and you need to have the permission aac.verbose.


AACAdditionPro needs a functional AAC v3
with the recommended build of Protocollib.

Please notice that the plugin does NOT support minecraft versions 1.9 - 1.9.3. Only 1.9.4 is supported when it comes to mc 1.9. I highly recommend to update the server to 1.9.4 and use ViaVersion in this case.

Minecraft versions below 1.8.8 are NOT supported as well. Please update to 1.8.8, this also fixes several critical security and crashing issues.

This plugin is not compatible with reloads. Please restart your server.

Even though my plugin does support all major mc versions, the plugin may run faster on the latest one. This is due to improvements and more efficient methods in the newer versions of mc.


AACAdditionPro has an extensive api with a main class and several events.

The main API of AACAdditionPro allows to set violation levels of a player as well as disable and enable checks while the server is running.

This event is used for the Heuristics-Addition and allows the handling of the punishments via another plugin. The addition cannot be accessed via the api, so this event is essential for the Heuristics-Handling.

This event gets called when a command is executed from the config and can be cancelled.

The basic event that gets called on a violation and can be cancelled.

NEW: APILoadedEvent
This event is called once the plugin is loaded and ready for hooks.


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