[Abandoned] Assault the Nexus | Destroy or be destroyed

 [Abandoned] Assault the Nexus | Destroy or be destroyed 1.6.3

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
Mr_Little_Kitty, Neuter (Russian translation), stefatorus (Romanian translation), sunique (Icon), KaktusekCZ (New icon and images)
THIS RESOURCE HAS BEEN RELEASED AS FREE AND OPEN SOURCE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/assault-the-nexus-destroy-or-be-destroyed.55942/

Destroy or be destroyed.

I'm sure you've heard before about assault the nexus, am I right? If you have not, then have a quick read about it below.

Assault the nexus is a minigame in which there's 4 teams, each having a vital monument called the nexus. The nexus is usually an ender stone.
The nexus has to be hit 75 times before it is destroyed. Once it has been destroyed, the players in that team cannot respawn, so look out for rogue players.

The game is broken up into 5 phases.

    • Phase 1: Start of the game, the nexuses cannot be mined yet, use this phase to prepare for battle.
    • Phase 2: The nexuses lose their invincibility and can now be mined. Watch out for enemy players trying to sneak into your nexus!
    • Phase 3: Diamonds spawn in the map.
    • Phase 4: Bosses spawn in the coliseums.
    • Phase 5: Nexuses receive double damage when mined.
This plugin is essentially annihilation pro, but cheaper, with support and with frequent updates!

Why buy this plugin?
Well, I promise to give support to anyone having problems, update the plugin with new features frequently.



    • Once you bought the resource, extract the jar files in the zip file.
    • Drag AssaultTheNexus.jar (Core), AssaultTheNexusRestorer.jar (World restorer, optional), AssaultTheNexusXP (XP System, optional), AssaultTheNexusVaultExtension.jar (Vault extension, optional) and AssaultTheNexusStats(Statistics for the game, optional) into your plugins folder.
    • Run the server once and stop it.
    • Go to the folder named AssaultTheNexus in your plugins folder and edit the configuration files as you want.
    • Add a map by dragging the map file into the folder worlds in your Annihilation folder.
    • Run the server and use the map builder to setup the map.
    • Once you're done, save the map by doing /anni save or by using the mapbuilder.
    • Stop or reload
    • You're good to go!
    • [Optional] To add kits, drag the AssaultTheNexusKits.jar file into the AssaultTheNexus/Kits folder. (I'll make a tutorial on how to make you're own custom kits later on)
    • To setup the AssaultTheNexus XP system or the statistics system, open up the .yml files of these (AnniXPConfig.yml, AnniStatsConfig.yml) and fill in your MySQL's server and database information, reload or start the server and done. The plugins should set up the rest for you.

/anni - Gives you an item to an inventory which gives you some game options.
/anni start - Starts the game.
/anni mapbuilder - Gives you the mapbuilder which you can use to setup your map.
/team <Team> - Use this command to join a team, or use the team gui.
/area - Use this command to make unbreakable areas. (Or without pvp or hunger, use this in the lobby)
/vote - Use this command to vote for a map.
/kit - Use this command to selecto your kits [TODO, kit system where you can add your own kits]
/enderchest, echest, ec, cheste - Opens your private ender chest if you have enabled the command in the config and if you have the permission.
/stats, /stats <Player> - Sends you your statistics or another player's statistics.


    • A.Anni - Gives you permission for the /anni command.
    • A.Area - Gives you access to the /area command.
    • Anni.JoinPhase.<Phase> - Allows players to be able to join in specific phases. [Phase join limit can be edited
    • Anni.BypassJoin - Allows players to bypass the team balancer.
    • Anni.EC - Permission to use the ender chest command. (If enabled)
    • Anni.Kits.<Kit Name> - Gives permission to a certain kit. Ex.: Anni.Kits.Acrobat, would give permission to the acrobat kit.

If you are a developer, take a look at the AssaultTheNexusKits if you want to make your own: https://github.com/muresame/AssaultTheNexusKits

A video tutorial on how to make a kit:

If you want to make an add-on for AssaultTheNexus, you can find here it's javadocs to make it easier for you.

Terms and Conditions.
By buying the plugin you are accepting the following:

Be sure to report any bugs in this plugin or things you would like to see in it via a PM on spigot, or on the discussion section.

The phase bar/action bar will glitch out if you try to run a protocol support server with this plugin. [1.8 server supporting 1.7 clients]
If you wish to have a 1.7.X and 1.8.X server, use Spigot-1649 with protocol hack.

This plugin uses Metrics by default to give me an idea of how many people use the plugin regularly and other information.
If you do not want the plugin to send info to mcstats.org, you have an option in the main configuration file to disable Metrics.

If you like the plugin be sure to leave a review.

If you need personal support by me, contact me via a private message on Spigot or join my TeamSpeak server.

Support TeamSpeak server: (Under maintenance)

Play test server: (Coming soon)
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502 KB
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