Tested Minecraft Versions:
Overview : AdvancedInvantory is a plugin that I made to solve a very common problem that players face and that is lack of storage when they don't wanna sell the items they have .
DependsOn : Vault
Features :
How it works : So basically every player will be given an inventory of the 54-slots"some are not accessible because of the design that you choose" size that's if they have permission,and if they wanna expand they'll have to pay the amount of money you specify .
Commands :
1-/ai store
2-/ai setpages <PlayerName> <NumberOfPages>
3-/ai inv
Permissions :
ScreenShots : [The price is adjustable through config]
If you liked what I did here please check my other plugins :
1-Advanced Shop And Auction
Trems of service :
1-NO refunds
2-Do NOT -Redacted-
3- Do NOT post bad reviews without sending a message with the complaint first.
Thanks for your support ......
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
Overview : AdvancedInvantory is a plugin that I made to solve a very common problem that players face and that is lack of storage when they don't wanna sell the items they have .
DependsOn : Vault
Features :
- A very Beautiful adjustable G.u.i as you'll see in the Screen Shot.
- Adjustable messages so if you want to use this on your German server then don't worry we've got you covered.
- I promise this is as simple as it gets just one command and the rest is done through the Gui.
- when players join they'll get an item that'll give every player access to his/her inventory.
- You need to setup anything Except for the price of the pages and that's it.
- So Many things to add so expect this thing to grow .
- a new shortcut feature so you can basically assign a desired shortcut to the command /ai you have 2 options and you can switch between them using the "Main-Command-ShortCut" section in the main config 1 or 2. one will let you store the item in your hand and the other will give you the inventory item.
How it works : So basically every player will be given an inventory of the 54-slots"some are not accessible because of the design that you choose" size that's if they have permission,and if they wanna expand they'll have to pay the amount of money you specify .
Commands :
1-/ai store
2-/ai setpages <PlayerName> <NumberOfPages>
3-/ai inv
Permissions :
ScreenShots : [The price is adjustable through config]
If you liked what I did here please check my other plugins :
1-Advanced Shop And Auction
Trems of service :
1-NO refunds
2-Do NOT -Redacted-
3- Do NOT post bad reviews without sending a message with the complaint first.
Thanks for your support ......