Advanced Shops.{Multi language|useful API|}

 Advanced Shops.{Multi language|useful API|} 8.6

Leaked by XDhunterXD (me) :) with love.

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[for more info on how to change the language scroll down to language section]-[for more info on the A.P.I please scroll to near the bottom end].
[for more screenshots and gifs as well as the video scroll down. ] -[Trade isn't included in the gif above to see an example look at the first gif in the Screenshots section] .
overview : With this plugin you will give your players the ability to buy and sell items through a beautiful g.u.i that you yourself can design and not just this ,(almost forgot to mention the amazing Auction House) yeah we really mean it you get a shop and an auction house for the price of one plugin{And now on top of all that you have got a nice trading system to satsify all you needs} , also; you've got tons of useful features that will make the experience that you get from here quiet different and unique not to mention that this plugin support every single item in minecraft from normal items to even potions which most shop plugins lack.

Features :
ideos :

Test server :
  • 1st Test Server :
  • 2nd testesting server: {DUTCH} .

Commands :

Items input methods :
  • config-->look for items the add or edit
every item has a format and that is :
main format :[ item id : amount : BuyPrice : SellPrice : itemLevel].
the second format :[ItemID: Durability : Amount : BuyPrice : SellPrice].
the third format :[ItemID : Amount : BuyPrice : SellPrice : enchant:enchantmentENUM:level : lore:Your custom lore : name:Your custom name!].
  • using the commands : [/additem and /addhanditem].
Shops-design formats :
  • config--> head to shops-design
Shops-Design Formats
the main format :[SLOT : ItemID : Amount].
the second format :[SLOT : ItemID: Durability : Amount].
the third format:[SLOT : ItemID : Amount : enchant:enchantmentENUM:level : name:Your custom name : lore:Your custom lore]
{how does it work? config-->search for Shop-Mode -->change it depending on the mode you want}
  • First one is the basic mode the will allow all the features of this plug-in to work so that means all commands ,sign features items level, etc..... will work.
choose it by {shop-mode:1}
  • The second mode is command-free mode this will limit how players access the shop basically they will only be able to get to the shop through a sign.
choose it by {shop-mode:2}

    • The Third mode will turn off the items level system .
choose it by {shop-mode:3}

Screen-shots :






[the languages used in the gif are English- Spanish and Albanian ]

Language Settings:
  • to change the language of this plugin you'll need to edit two config files the fist is called "config" and the second is called "chat&language settings" the later modifies the Buy-price/level/Sell-Price info for every single item ,and the main config file modifies the messages that are sent to the players .

A.P.I :
to use this A.P.I in your project please contact me to get more info.
How TO Use :
add this to your Main class:
Code (Text):
public static boolean AdvancedShoploaded;

//this should be in your on-enable :
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("The plugin AdvancedShop isn't in your plugin's file");

private boolean setupAdvancedShopAPI()
if (getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("AdvancedShop") == null) {
return false;
return AdvancedShoploaded = true;


// when you use it you must check if the boolean AdvancedShoploaded is true.

//Simple enough I guess ;)

Code (Text):

package me.abood.advancedshop;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;

public class AdvancedShopAPI {
static Plugin plugin;

public AdvancedShopAPI(AdvancedShop plg) {
plugin = plg;
public static ArrayList<String> BlockedFromTradeList = new ArrayList<String>();
public static ArrayList<String> BlockedShopEnteranceList = new ArrayList<String>();

public static void Sell(ItemStack is,int price,int Bid,int time,Player p ) {[/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]
Extention type
File size
76.8 KB
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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