⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐Create Custom Enchantments ✅

SpigotVIP ⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐Create Custom Enchantments ✅ 9.5.27

Reviews 3.81 star(s) 39 reviews

Max ips reached
Your license exceeded maximum number of unique IPs. Contact the developer for an enterprise license or connect using previously used IPs.
not working
It doesn't work as the plugin has some kind of "ip" restrictions and you won't be able to run it because it reached the maximum ips.
Not Working
Dont work for 1.18.2, fix/update :)
Can't seem to find a working version for 1.18.2 Issues with the latest 8.9.20 doesn't seem to work and displays issues with unique IP's
Thanks for the update <3
Not Working
It's not cracked, the plugin is disabled because too many IPs are using it..
it just comes up disabled and in red when i do /pl, says internal error occured when i try execute commands, in console it just says "error null" ive downloaded the most recent version and have removed any other custom enchant plugin i had before, im using a 1.18.1 server pls fix ty
Excelent plugin, please fix AE version 8.7.3 disabling by itself. Don't work
AE version 8.6.4 disabling by itself. Don't work
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 8.6.4
there are new updates 8.6.9 1.17.1 ⭕ AdvancedEnchantments
The last update its not workin fix pls
pls upadate! thx
altho the problem with /ae and /advancedenchants causing many command to be unusable the plugin does work would love an update tho as there has been many update and mebbe a fix for the main command for the plugin to work :D
The plugin does not work as when you type /advancedenchants it just sends it back in white font as VoidWave mentioned below. Please fix this!
The plugin says "Cannot find Vault" and when I execute the command "/ae or /advancedenchantments" it just says "/AdvancedEnchantments". Please fix :> thx daddy
Plugin hasn't been working in the past few leak versions. All commands don't work. They just send back "/advancedenchantments" in white font. Please fix, have been hoping for a fix for a while.