▬▬▬►AdvancedLobby | Best Lobby Plugin ◄▬▬▬

 ▬▬▬►AdvancedLobby | Best Lobby Plugin ◄▬▬▬ 3.07

▬▬▬►AdvancedLobby | Best Lobby Plugin ◄▬▬▬

Buy now and save! As the feature set grows, so will the price. Buying once guarantees you access to all future updates at no additional cost.

The features listed in red are only available in this version.
The features listed in green are available on free and paid version.
The features listed in orange are available on free and paid version, but in paid version has more features.
  • Items to enable jump/speed.
  • /lobby command.
  • /msg command.
  • Custom chat!
  • Plugin hider.
  • Developer API!
  • Per world support!
  • Customizable messages.
  • No XP bar display!
  • Allow a player to chat with permission!
  • Broadcast a message with a command!
  • Motd on join.
  • Music player.
  • Good support.
  • Action Bar broadcast.
  • Customizable slots.
  • Constant action bar.
  • Action bar support!
  • Customizable server-motd.
  • Anti-cap filter!
  • Custom 1.8 tab list.
  • Configurable Y needed to teleport to Lobby.
  • Navigator with customizable commands.
  • No item movement!
  • Update notifier.
  • 2 HUB MAPS INCLUDED! One made by me, and the other one made by @Pupy!
  • Scoreboard!
  • Boss bar!
  • Cancel any damage.
  • /setlobby command.
  • Vanity Menu!
  • Configuration.yml file.
  • Custom Item (Customizable Material, name, lore, and cmd!)
  • Vanity Shop!
  • +1000 placeholders!
  • Player hider.


I'm making a wiki so I can remove commands & permissions section from the main page, and make more easy for you to setup the plugin.

Wiki (WIP): https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/advancedlobby-wiki/

  • /fw - Launch a firework.
  • /clearchat - Clear the global chat.
  • /lobby - Go back to the lobby.
  • /advancedlobby - Main command of the plugin.
  • /broadcast - Broadcast a message to the server.
  • /clearownchat - Clear your own chat.
  • /setlobby - Set the lobby.
  • /abroadcast - Broadcast with ActionBar!
  • /broadcast - Broadcast with Chat!
  • /bbroadcast - Broadcast with BossBar!
  • /bbreset - Reset the BossBar!
  • /navigator - Open the Navigator!
  • /shop - Open the Vanity Shop!
  • /tell - Tell a message to you!
  • /menu - Open the Vanity Menu!
  • /msg - Send a MSG

  • Economy Plugin (Any)
Required due to use in Vanity Shop.
  • Permissions Plugin (Any)
Required due to use in Vanity Shop.
Required if you want +1000 PlaceHolders.


  • advancedlobby.management.broadcast - Use the /broadcast command.
  • advancedlobby.management.clearownchat - Use the /clearownchat command.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.fireworkcommand - Use the /fw command.
  • advancedlobby.management.help - Use the /advancedlobby command.
  • advancedlobby.general.lobbycommand - Use the /lobby command.
  • advancedlobby.management.setlobby - Use the /setlobby command.
  • advancedlobby.general.tell - Use the /tell command.
  • advancedlobby.management.break - Break blocks.
  • advancedlobby.management.place - Place blocks.
  • advancedlobby.general.chatenabled - Ability to use chat.
  • advancedlobby.management.clearchat - Use the /clearchat command.
  • advancedlobby.general.nodamage - No receive damage.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.customchat - Use the custom chat.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.doublejump - Use the double jump.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.joinfirework - Launch a firework on join.
  • advancedlobby.management.adminpanel - Use the Admin Panel.
  • advancedlobby.itemframe.remove - Remove a item frame.
  • advancedlobby.itemframe.place - Place a item frame.
  • advancedlobby.itemframe.removeitem - Remove the item in the item frame.
  • advancedlobby.management.pickup - Pickup items.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.joinglass - Receive a glass on join.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.joinlightning - Throw a lightning on join.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.joinsound - Play a sound on join.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.vanitymenu - Open/Receive the Vanity Menu.
  • advancedlobby.general.compass - Receive/Use the compass.
  • advancedlobby.general.jumppad - Use a jump pad.
  • advancedlobby.general.joinmotd - Receive a join MOTD.
  • advancedlobby.general.playerhider - Use the player hider.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.stacker - Use the stacker.
  • advancedlobby.management.pluginprotection - Bypass plugin protection.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.joinfull - Join the server when is full.
  • advancedlobby.general.jump - Use jump item.
  • advancedlobby.general.speed - Use speed item.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.teleportbow - Receive teleport bow on join.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.vipparticle - Display a fancy particle!
  • advancedlobby.general.voidteleport - Teleport to lobby in a void fall!
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.leatherjoin - Leather armor when you join.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.goldjoin - Gold armor when you join.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.ironjoin - Iron armor when you join.
  • advancedlobby.cosmetics.diamondjoin - Diamond armor when you join.
  • advancedlobby.general.vanityshop - Get the vanity shop and permission to open.
  • advancedlobby.general.joinclearchat - Clear your own chat when you join! Like Minecade!
  • advancedlobby.management.bbreset - Reset the BossBar!
  • advancedlobby.management.bbroadcast - Broadcast with BossBar!
  • advancedlobby.general.msg - Use MSG command!
  • advancedlobby.general.customitem - Use the Custom Item!
  • advancedlobby.general.itemmove - Allows you to move items.
  • advancedlobby.general.joinclearinventory - Clear your inventory when you join.




Servers using this plugin:
If you want your server listed here, please PM me!

When you purchase the plugin, you get access to:
- AdvancedBungeeLobby Addon.
This addon, you need to put in all servers of your network, and when you type /lobby in a server, you back to lobby. (Configurable in config.yml)
Download: Included in the .jar, open it with WinRAR.
- Hub Map (Made by me)
This map is included with the plugin. You are allowed to modify this lobby.
Download: Included in the .jar, open it with WinRAR.


This plugin has a included API.

DeveloperAPI.sendPlayerToLobby(Player p)
This method will teleport to the specified player to the lobby.

DeveloperAPI.sendBossBar(Player p, String string)
This method will send a BossBar message with the specified player and string.

DeveloperAPI.resetBossBar(Player p)
This method will reset the BossBar to a specified player.
DeveloperAPI.sendActionBar(Player p, String string)
This method will send a ActionBar to a specified player and string.

DeveloperAPI.clearChat(Player p)
This method will clear the chat to a specified player.

DeveloperAPI.sendBroadcast(Player p, String string)
This method will send a broadcast via chat.

DeveloperAPI.setTab(Player p, String header, String footer)
This method will set a custom tab for a custom player.

DeveloperAPI.sendTitle(Player p, Integer fadeIn, Integer stay, Integer fadeOut, String title, String subtitle)

This method will send a custom title for a custom player.

DeveloperAPI.openVanityMenu(Player p)
Open the Vanity Menu.

DeveloperAPI.openVanityShop(Player p)
Open the Vanity Shop.

DeveloperAPI.openNavigator(Player p)
Open the navigator.


Latest reviews

Update pls!
Update plis :(
Cool Plugin.Good Job Dude :D,I Really Like It
Upload lasted vercion plisss
sorry i don't have it right now :(
Thanks, I was looking for this :)

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