AdvancedReporter [ REPORT ] ✦ | ✦ NOW 1.8 ✦ | ✦ GUI ✦ | MYSQL | PRECONFIGURED LANGUAGES

 AdvancedReporter [ REPORT ] ✦ | ✦ NOW 1.8 ✦ | ✦ GUI ✦ | MYSQL | PRECONFIGURED LANGUAGES 2.9.3_tableName

AdvancedReporter [ REPORT ] ✦ | ✦ NOW 1.8 ✦ | ✦ GUI ✦ | MYSQL | PRECONFIGURED LANGUAGES


An advanced plugin to manage the reports in your server. Staffer are warned for every new report and when they join.
With this plugin you have a custom GUI, you can have sections and subsections and staffers can, with simple commands, manage and resolve reports (only this plugin can do this!)

Want to the test? Contact me, info below.
Click here to go to the Wiki.

✔ Some preconfigured languages, like English (default), Italian (Italiano) and Portoguese (Português) but you can add your own!
With MySQL you can use together this plugin in multiple servers, by simply using your MySQL database
You can also don't use MySQL and simply the plugin will save the reports in the file reports.yml
If the opened reports are 54 or less, by typing /openedreports it opens a GUI where there are all opened reports, to manage them easily.
NEW By typing /managergui it opens a GUI to manage your report!
NEW Open player's inventory in ManagerGUI.

✔ Up to 54 Report Sections(Type)
✔ Up to 54 Report SubSections for Sections
✔ Custom GUI with custom Report Item for Section, fully customizzable
✔ The GUI's rows are automatically arranged by the plugin, depending of how many sections and subsections are there
✔ Staffers can select a Report to manage and then resolve it by simple commands
✔ The Reporter are warned of the status of their Report
✔ Messages are 100% customizzable
✔ Players can't send more Reports before the first isn't complete
✔ Staffers can't delete, see or manage reports against them
✔ Staffers can teleport with a simple command to the Report Location
✔ Staffers are warned when there are new Reports
✔ Staffers can see only the opened (new) Reports or all the Reports by simple commands
✔ Staffers can delete Reports by a simple command

The new Manager GUI:





The new Opened Reports List:


(All this command can be performed also by an op player)

» /report <player> <reason> This will open a GUI, where the player can
select the section and the sub section (if it exist)
No permissions

» /reportslist See the reports list
Permission: advancedreporter.admin or advancedreporter.reportslist

» /openedreports See the opened reports list (with a GUI)
Permission: advancedreporter.admin or advancedreporter.openedreports

» /managergui Open a gui to manage your report easily!
Permission: advancedreporter.admin or advancedreporter.managereport

» /myreports See your reports list
No permissions

» /managereport <id> Manage a report
Permission: advancedreporter.managereport or advancedreporter.admin

» /mymanagereport See the report that you are managing
Permission: advancedreporter.mymanagereport or advancedreporter.admin

» /reportlocation <id> Go to the reported location
Permission: advancedreporter.reportlocation or advancedreporter.admin

» /resolvereport <id> <reason> Resolve a report
Permission: advancedreporter.resolvereport or advancedreporter.admin

» /delreport <id> Delete a report
Permission: advancedreporter.delreport or advancedreporter.admin


Code (Text):
#Here you can add up to 54 sections, this is the name
#This is the display name, you can see it in the GUI item
display-name: '&4&oOffensive Language'
#Item's lore
- '&7Report who is insulting'
- '&cClick on the item to report'
#The item in the GUI
item: paper
#If you enable it, in the string "sub-sections:" you can put the
# sub sections, look at sections under
sub-sections-enabled: false
display-name: '&b&lBugs'
item: redstone_comparator
sub-sections-enabled: true
#The list of sub sections
#The name of sub sections
#The item in the sub sections GUI
item: diamond
#The name of the item in the GUI
display-name: '&2&lGive Bug'
display-name: '&e&lMap Bug'
item: map
#This is the title of the sub sections GUI. If you use %section it will be
# replace with section's name.
sub-sections-title: '&2What type of %section ?'
display-name: '&b&lStaffer Report'
item: gold_helmet
sub-sections-enabled: true
item: diamond
display-name: '&2&lGive'
display-name: '&e&lStaffer Offensive Language'
item: paper
sub-sections-title: '&4Staffers cant see reports to him'
display-name: '&1&lCheats'
item: diamond_sword
sub-sections-enabled: true
item: barrier
display-name: '&4&lKillaura'
display-name: '&e&lUnknow'
item: ender_pearl
#SubSection lore
- '&7If you don''t know what hacks'
- '&7is he using'
sub-sections-title: '&2What type of %section ?'

#This is the main GUI's title.
menu-name: '&4&lReporting &1%player'

Code (Text):
#Set to true if MySQL is enabled
#For a complete MySQL setup please see the #documentation under
mysqlEnabled: false
host: localhost
database: database
user: user
password: password
port: 3306
#Disable to make optional the reason
need-reason: true

Code (Text):

#This is the reports list. It will be automatically edited. I suggest you to
#don't edit it.
#This is the report's ID
#This is the player's name that created the report
from-player: Nexgan
#This is the reported player.
reported-player: Sadaccinooscuro
#This is the reason that the player put after /report <player> <reason>
reason: using cheats
#This is the section that the player selected.
section: cheats
#This is the sub-section that the player selected.
#If in the section there aren't sub-sections it will be set to "undefined"
sub-section: killaura
#This is the report's location
world: world
x: -340.6947566661343
y: 104.59013005836373
z: 395.2038612943021
yaw: -28.927185
pitch: 37.246788
#If the report was managed it is automatically set to "false"
open: false
#If the report is managing by a staffer and he's resolving it, it will be set to
#true, when the report was resolved it will set to false again.
resolving: false
#This is the staffer that is managing/managed the report, if the report is
#open the staffer manager is "none"
staffer-manager: UnLoriSelvatico
#This can be set by the staffer when it resolve the report.
#/resolvereport <ID> <how-resolved>
how-resolved: The cheater was banned
Code (Text):

#Here you can edit all the messages
PREFIX: '&e&lAdvancedReporter >'
NEED_PLAYER_NAME: '&cPlease, insert the player name. If you don''t know it, type "&f/report
unknow <reason>&c".'
NEED_REASON: '&cPlease, insert a reason after the player name.'
UNKNOW_PLAYER_NAME: '&7%player &cdoesn''t exist or isn''t online.'
SUCCESSFULLY_REPORTED: '&aYou successfully reported &7%player&a, your report is now
in queque.'
NO_PERMISSION: '&cYou don''t have permission to perform this command.'
INSERT_REPORT_ID: '&cPlease, insert the report ID.'
NO_VALID_NUMBER: '&cThis is not a valid ID.'
ERR_REPORT_IS_TO_YOU: '&cYou can''t delete this report because the reported player
are you. Please contact another staffer and do it clear to him.'
ERR_REPORT_NOT_FOUND: '&cReport ID not found. Please make sure that you typed the
ID correctly.'
REPORT_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY: '&aThe report was successfully deleted.'
NO_REPORTS: '&cThere aren''t reports.'
REPORTS_LIST_1: '&aReports List:'
REPORTS_LIST_2: '&e- ID: &7%id &e| From &7%player &eto &7%reportedplayer &e| Reason
&7%reason &e| Section: &7%section &e| SubSection: &7%subsection &e| Open: &7%open
&e| "&f/reportlocation %id&e" to go to report location | Resolving: &7%resolving
&e| Ticket Manager: &7%manager &e| How resolved: &7%howResolved &e|'
OPENED_REPORTS_LIST_1: '&aOpened Reports List:'
OPENED_REPORTS_LIST_2: '&e- ID: &7%id &e| From &7%player &eto &7%reportedplayer &e|
Reason &7%reason &e| Section: &7%section &e| SubSection: &7%subsection &e| Open:
&7%open &e| "&f/reportlocation %id&e" to go to report location |'
ERR_REPORT_NO_OPEN: '&cThis Report isn''t open.'
ERR_ALREADY_HAVE_MANAGE_REPORT: '&cYou already have a report to manage.'
SUCCESSFULLY_SELECTED_MANAGE_REPORT: '&aYou successfully selected a report to manage.'
ALREADY_HAVE_REPORT: '&cYou already have a report, please wait that the staffers resolve
NOT_REPORTS_MANAGER: '&cYou are not the manager of this report.'
REPORT_RESOLVED_SUCCESSFULLY: '&aThe Report was resolved successfully.'
INSERT_HOW_RESOLVED: '&cPlease, insert how do you resolved the report.'
REPORT_ALREADY_RESOLVED: '&cThis Report was already resolved.'
NO_UNRESOLVED_MANAGE_REPORTS: '&cYou don''t have no resolved reports to manage.'
ERR_CANT_TP_NO_MANAGER: '&cYou can''t teleport to this Reported Location because the
Report isn''t resolved and you aren''t his manager.'
SUCCESSFULLY_TP: '&aYou were successfully teleported to the Report Location.'
STAFFER_JOIN_NOTIFICATION: '&6There are &a&l%n &6opened Reports.'
STAFFERS_ONLINE: '&6There are &a&l%n &6staffers online ready to resolve your Report'
MYREPORTS_TITLE: '&aYour Reports List.'
NO_YOUR_REPORTS: '&cYou don''t have reports.'
STAFFER_IS_MANAGING_YOUR_REPORT: '&a&l%staffer is managing now your report.'
STAFFER_RESOLVED_YOUR_REPORT: '&a&l%staffer resolved your report. Type "&f/myreports&a&l"
for more information.'
NEW_REPORT: '&6&lThere is a new Report.'
ERR_CANT_REPORT_YOURSELF: '&cYou can''t report yourself.'
REPORTS_GUI_ITEM_NAME: '%reporter -> %reported'
#Use '|' for a break
REPORT_DESCRIPTION_LORE: '&e- ID: &7%id |&eFrom &7%player &eto &7%reportedplayer &e|&eReason:
&7%reason &e|&eSection: &7%section &e|&eSubSection: &7%subsection &e|&eOpen: &7%open
&e |&eResolving: &7%resolving &e|&eTicket Manager: &7%manager &e|&eHow resolved: &7%howResolved'

To setup MySQL:

Code (Text):
1. Go to config.yml
2. Set "mysqlEnabled" to true
3. Insert MySql credentials into "mysqlInfo" fields
4. Save the file
5. Reload the server! You have done!
If you have any issue DON'T LEAVE BAD REVIEW. I will help you for all.

Skype ID: xmetalsniper
Telegram Username: @Nexgan
PM on
Discussion on this plugin

Java 8
Spigot 1.7.X-1.8.X-1.9.X-1.10.X
Java 8
Spigot 1.7.X-1.8.X-1.9.X-1.10.X


✔ MySQL compatibility DONE
GUI Opened Reports DONE
ManagerGUI to manage easily the Reports DONE
Items in GUI lore (description) DONE
Reports List in GUI DONE
✘ Permissions for each section
What do you want! Suggest me your ideas!

By purchasing this plugin, you accept the following terms:
- You can only use for your server/network and no others.
- You can not sell or give for free this plugin to other people
- You can not decompile this plugin
- You can not publish this to anyone.
- You will not get refunds
- I can change the price anytime.
- You can not make chargeback.
- I am under no obligation to provide support and do so at my own discretion.
- The minimum price of PaySafeCard is 1.99 (price without sales) that can be payed using steam gifts (the only way I found).

Latest updates

  1. MySQL tableName for MySQL

    - Now you can select the name of the table in MySQL (config.yml)

Latest reviews

can you fix the link and maybe the version 3.1 ?
Broken link, please reupload :\
link is broken

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