AdvancedSurvivalGames [Teams & Solo games]

SpigotVIP AdvancedSurvivalGames [Teams & Solo games] 3.2.0

AdvancedSurvivalGames [Teams & Solo games]

Plugin's History:
I was disappointed then I bought one survivalgames plugin here for my bungeecord server which wasn't working as expected. So I was forced to create a new plugin for my server and then I have considered that I can also share my work with the Spigot users. This plugin is running on my Network. Also it was tested with 120, 48, 24 players.


You cannot run this plugin with other games!
Plugin supports: 1.7 - 1.8 - 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11.X versions!

You will receive 15 fully configured maps ! Just type /sg download <MapName> and it will automatically download the map with full settings!





  • Support 1.7 - 1.10 clients!
  • Zero dependency!
  • Fully automated
  • NO RESTARTS! (Set restart-mode: to 2 and your server will not restart after game ends. Players will be teleported to the lobby)
  • UUID support!
  • USEFUL: /sg download <MapName> command which will automatically download the map with FULL configuration!
  • TEAMS: you can invite player to play together!
  • Kits. You will be able to create your own kits!
  • Items Shop. You may add into a shop your own items with enchants or event custom names!
  • Compass Tracker (Player can find nearby tributes just by clicking their compass)
  • Enderchests replace to the normal chests with TIER2 items!
  • NEW: Bounty!
  • TOP 10 Players. Holographic TOP
  • Chest constructor: you may choose chests, which will contain the better stuff (Tier2). Also, set the enderchests as the Tier2 chests
  • NEW: API for developers!
  • Voting system
  • Voting system's GUI
  • All chests will refill at the middle of night
  • Scoreboard
  • NEW: Command /stats - show the player's stats
  • Separate Spectators' chat
  • 1.8 Minecraft titles on join, on win and e.t.c
  • Deathmatch:
    • Instant deathmatch on 3 players
    • Deathmatch after X seconds
  • During the deathmatch if player will run of X blocks he will be damaged by lightining
  • After deathmatch players will be damaged by lightning every X second.
  • Fishing Rod extra damage (configurable)
  • Flint And Steel extra damage (configurable)
  • Fireworks
  • HUB items in lobby and for spectators
  • Advanced Spectator Mode:
    • 1.8 spectator mode
    • Right-click and you will spectate another person
  • Rewards:
    • Vault support OR included points system
    • Points on kill, win
  • MySQL Storage: names, wins, kills, deaths, games, opened chests, uuids
  • When server reaches the maximum players, waiting time will be reduced
  • World settings
  • Game rules: blocks which might be placed/broken
  • VERY easy arena setup
  • Sounds/Effects
  • Advanced TNT
  • VIP permissions:
    • sg.viproom - ensure player's place in the server
    • - gives double points for voting
    • - gives triple points for voting
    • sg.points.2 - receive double points for win/kill
    • sg.points.3 - receive triple points for win/kills
  • All messages/texts are configurable!
  • and much more...
It could be very useful for you...
The OptimalTransfer plugin can hook your all survivalgames arenas in the lobby server. Plugin will determine the most filled servers and transfer players to them via signs, plates, inventory gui, clickable texts. Also, this plugin could be used in your SurvivalGames servers. When players die they will receive a clickable message which can transfer player to the most filled server. Player will need just to click on the text!


  1. Stop your server.
  2. Drop the BungeeSurvivalGames.jar plugin into your 'plugins' folder.
  3. Start your server.
  4. Change configs as you need.

  1. Install the plugin (see above).
  2. Drop world folders in your main folder.
  3. Type /sg setlobby. This will create a main lobby spawn point.
  4. Type /sg create <world_name>. You will be teleported into this world.
  5. Type /sg setname <name>. This will set the name for the arena and also will save it into the arenas.yml config.
  6. Type /sg setspecspawn. This will set spectators' spawn.
  7. Type /sg setcenter. This will create a center of the map.
  8. Type /sg setspawn (optional: #number). This will set the players spawn points.
  9. Type /sg setdmspawn (optional:#number). This will set the players deathmatch spawn points.
  10. Type /sg done. You will be returned back into a lobby.


Thank you @LtJim007 for this video!


Thank you @CroNexusGamer for this video!

Admin's commands:
  • /sg setlobby - set the main lobby [Permission: sg.admin.setspawns]
  • /sg create <world_name> - start configure your arena [Permission: sg.admin.create]
  • /sg setname <name>- set the arena's name [Permission: sg.admin.setname]
  • /sg setspecspawn - set spectators' spawn point [Permission: sg.admin.setspawns]
  • /sg setcenter - set the map center [Permission: sg.admin.setcenter]
  • /sg setspawn (optional: #number) - set the spawn point for players [Permission: sg.admin.setspawns]
  • /sg setdmspawn (optional: #number) - set the deathmatch spawn point for the players [Permission: sg.admin.setspawns]
  • /sg done - finish your configuration. Returns you back into your lobby
  • /sg tier2tool - you will receive special tool, which you will help set the Tier2 chests [Permission: sg.admin.tier2tool]
  • /sg forcestart - starts the game forcebly [Permission: sg.forcestart]
  • /sg edit <arena name>- teleports you to the world of the arena
  • /sg setstatsloc <name> - sets the Holographic TOP 10
  • /sgreload - reloads ALL configs
  • /sg download <MapName> - will automatically download the map with FULL configuration!
Player's commands:
  • /vote #number - votes for the map [Permission:]
  • /points - checks player's points
  • /spectate - teleports to a random player [Permission: sg.spectate]
  • /craft - opens workbench wherever [Permission: sg.craft]
  • /list - shows the living and watching players
  • /stats - shows the player's information, stats [Permission: sg.stats]
  • /sponsor - opens the sponsor window where you can choose items and players to sponsor [Permission: sg.sponsor]
  • /bounty <name> <amount> - set bounty for a player [Permission: sg.bounty]
  • /info - shows the map's information


If you need you may use plugin's API. You will see the list of current events and useful variables.

Current Events (You may suggest adding more necessary events)
  • SGGameStartEvent - event which fires on game start, when players are be able to run towards chests (it could be helpful, if you want to add something diffrent for player when they will start playing)
  • SGGameEndEvent - event which fires on game end, when plugin has determined the winner (it could be helpuf, if you want to add some special to winner)
  • SGPlayerKillEvent - event which fires on player's kill (it could be helpful, if you want to encourage killer or execute the player)
  • SGStartDeathmatchEvent - event which fires when deathmatch begins (it could be useful to give some special items for certain players)
Useful variables
  • Game.getStageID() - it will returns stage's ID
  • Game.getStageName() - it will returns stage's NAME
  • Game.getAlivePlayers() - it will returns all alive players
  • Game.getSpectators() - it will returns all watching players
  • Game.getCurrentArena() - it will returns the name of playing arena
  • Game.getCurrentArenaWorld() - it will returns the world of playing arena
  • Game.getTopPlayers() - it will returns the TOP 10 players' names
  • Game.getPlayerManager() - it will returns the PlayerManager, which provides more abilities to control the players
  • Game.getWinner() - it will returns the winner (Be confident that you use it after winner's determination. Otherwise you will return 'NULL' which might cause some problems)
  • Game.getPlayerManager().getSGPlayer(Player):

Servers using this plugin:
  • Play.LegendCraftTR.Com
*If you are user of this plugin feel free to ask me to add your server to the list.

  • Sponsors! DONE!
  • 1.7.X support DONE!
  • Include into the download configured maps! DONE!
  • Your ideas...

  • If you're going to use TOP 10 Players. You need to download a HolographicDisplays plugin, which could be found here.
  • If map saves the changed stuff after the game (broken blocks, items and e.t.c..) set in your bukkit.yml file autosave: 0
  • If players can't open the chest near the center, set in your file spawn-protection=0
  • If you have some issues using this plugin - feel free to message me in skype: or PM.
  • If players don't drop their items. Use command: /gamerule keepInventory false

Latest reviews

Mysql doesn't work, can't save all the data

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