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AEGIS [1.7.x - 1.16.3]

is the most powerful and advanced bungeecord fork you could ever heard about.

By buying this resource you get access to Aegis (Normal) and Aegis (Lite).
  • Aegis (Normal)
    • Powerful, advanced AntiBot (can be disabled)
    • AntiCrash
    • AntiVPN (can be disabled)
    • Auth-System (can be disabled)
    • IPTables & IPSet integration (firewall) - not required of course.
    • Fully configurable
    • Some more.. like blacklist & whitelist & blackhole mode...
  • Aegis (Lite)
    • Small, lightweight, configurable AntiBot
    • Powerful AntiCrash
    • IPTables & IPSet integration (firewall) - not required of course.
    • Fully configurable
    • Some more.. like blacklist & whitelist
  • Aegis Lite was made because some big networks didn't want so many features of Aegis, even if they could disable it.
  • Both versions support 1.7.x-1.16.3 with no 1.7-1.8 disconnect issues. You can disable 1.7 support and every other version (protocol). Like.. you can allow 1.8-1.16.3 but you can also block 1.11

It is the best solution against bot and crash/exploit attacks. Including ping attacks, bungee smashers, null pings, slow bots, AI bots and much more.

  • 2705.png
    Protection against EVERY BungeeCord/Proxy side/layer attack.
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    A LOT of configurable features like AntiVPN system.
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    It supports 1.7.x - 1.16.3 so you don't have to worry about losing any player
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    No 1.7-1.8 disconnect issues while they see each other like with Travertine or HexaCord!
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    Fresh updates! New features, added often!
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    About 5,000+ users on discord
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    Great support on discord server. Languages: German, Turkish, English, Polish. Do you have any question? Just ask it on our discord server, we can answer fluently in these 4 languages and help you to configure anything or answer any question!

AntiBot - blocks every type of bot attacks. Player has to pass some login checks, if we detect an attack he has to pass falling & captcha test which is 100% impossible for bots. Of course that captcha thing happens in our fake-server which has cache-system, it's powerfully optimized and can keep THOUSANDS of bots. (Every bot is disconnected in 30s if he does not pass tests)


  • Blocks EVERY bungee/proxy exploit:
    • BadPacketException (bad packet id, packet id outside of range)
    • QuietException (unexpected packet received during login process)
    • IndexOutOfBounds and similars
    • Oversized packets & too small packets
    • Ping & Handshake floods
    • Invalid login states
    • Every type of nullping & handshake & ping attacks
    • CryptoCrashers, AuthSmashers, Encryption crashers
    • And MUCH more. Want to test it? The IP of test server is:
  • BLACK-LIST system
    • built-in blacklist system that automatically loads thousands of blocked ips for you
    • integration with ipset, you can blacklist ips with IPSet feature (configurable)

  • Login checks
    • If there are more than (e.g) 20 connections per second (bot attack) and player is new player (didn't play before) he need to ping server e.g. 3 times
    • Nickname length & regex pattern check
    • Blacklist & temporary blacklist check
    • Need to join twice during bot attack, if it's a new player
    • Completely 0 false positives.
  • In-game checks
    • Captcha & falling check
      • 2753.png
        How does it work
        • Player respawns in empty world and has to pass 3-second "falling/drop" test, if he doesn't pass it, he has to enter/type captcha in chat, simple verification system that blocks EVERY bot. Everything is made for performance, this "empty world" can keep 100,000+ bots which is impossible to make.
        • This check happens only once for ONE player.
      • can be enabled only during bot attack
      • unbypassable
    • Ping check (check player's ping, can be enabled during only bot attack, blocks ping above 2k+)
    • Country check (configurable, can be disabled)
    • AntiVPN check (configurable, can be disabled)
    • Settings check (bots do not send Settings packet, we can detect them easily with it)
    • and some more..
  • 2757.png
    Aegis ANTIBOT has never been bypassed, our AntiBOT is unique.
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    We are not afraid of having the test server:
  • 1f441-1f5e8.png
    EVERY player can join easily & softly during bot attack, no login delays, no tps & ping drops.

IPTables & IPSet

Our powerful IPTables & IPSet integration blocks A LOT of bots, floods & crash attacks even before they go to BungeeCord which optimizes your CPU & RAM usage A LOT. Of course you don't have to use them and it will be still blocked by a lot of other checks!

You are not convined yet

  • 2705.png
    Much better than any plugin
    • We can do much more in a BungeeCord fork than in a PLUGIN
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    Works above using/firing Login events
    • AntiBot detect bots before any events
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    Powerful performance optimization
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    Powerful cache system
    • We do not reinvent the wheel.. We save the most important and used packet in cache system on start-up and we just use it instead of creating the packets everytime new players joins..
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    Test-Server:, you can try your crashers & exploits here!
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    Aegis is on 500+ servers and on a lot of BIG networks, with 1,000+ players
Review video from big youtuber:
Video from customer (he recorded video when some people tried to down his server)

How is that possible?
- Our amazing IPSet and IPTables blocks a lot of connections even before it goes to BungeeCord which is... very good, it reduces bungee cpu usage. It was tested with MCSpam, MCDrop, MCRage (bot/stress websites) and everything is blocked, very good plans on these websites costs 40$, we tested every plan and method . During every type of attack every REAL/LEGIT player can join softly, without any lag etc. just like the attack would not ever happened, the best thing is.. even console is very clean, just like attack would not even happen! Aegis is almost 100% configurable, you can edit every message, checks etc.

How is that possible Aegis is so good?
It's simple. It's bungeecord fork, we can do almost everything in there. About 8 login and ping checks before logging.. About 5 checks in-game (falling + captcha test during bot attack, ping check and much more). Falling & captcha test (it is required only once from player to pass these tests) can keep THOUSANDS players in fake-server that Aegis creates to verify them, that all thanks to the cache system. So even if bots go through login and ping checks they have to pass "falling & captcha" test which is IMPOSSIBLE.

Aegis is much better than any AntiBot plugin, I guarantee it. Servers with more than even 10k players are using Aegis - if you wanna get ips of these servers then just send me private message on discord.

In you can find configs for: German, Russian, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Czech, Danish, Turkish - we have a lot of translations, everything explained very well, you can configure everything!

Aegis contains also AntiVPN and Auth-System which you can disable if you don't want. You can also disable our AntiBot if you want AntiCrash only. Everything is configurable.

Auth-System is replacement of AuthMe and FastLogin or other "Authentication" plugins. It forces cracked players to create accounts with /register and /login, but.. Premium players are logged automatically without creating an account which is great! This feature is used by a lot of servers. You don't need 2 bungeecords anymore, like and for cracked and premium players! They can be on ONE bungeecord without any issues!
Video with Auth-System:
AntiVPN verifies players in empty-world for a few seconds, only once. It is much better than freezing on "Logging in..." screen + we use AntiVPN verification only when player passes AntiBot tests which is great and do not flood AntiVPN/Proxy websites (api). We also have GeoIP checks which you can enable and use!

Commands (aegis.command permission)
  • /aegis reload (aegis.reload) - reload Aegis & Bungee configuration files
  • /aegis (un)blacklist <ip> - blacklist player ip (can't even see server motd if is blacklisted)
  • /aegis (un)whitelist <ip/name> - (un)whitelist player (bypasses antibot etc)
  • /aegis stats (aegis.stats) - show statistics of Aegis:
  • Auth System (can be disabled easily)
    • /aegis auth premium <nickName> - makes players as premium account
    • /aegis auth nonpremium <nickName> - makes players as cracked account
Example of attacks (from our test-server logs)



You can even set clean-console to true, and your console will be much cleaner and attacks will not make your console look awful!


Our test server:
(feel very free to test your bots & crashers there)
(Server has 2cpu cores and 3gb, and I guarantee it will stop every bot and crash attack)

Video: (find more on my youtube channel)

Aegis is BotFilter's fork with a lot of new features like improved AntiBot, AntiNullPing, AntiVPN, BlackList, AuthSystem and many many more.

Feedbacks from other website:



Cracked by me, uncracked version posted by TheMat (thank you mate)

Latest reviews

Not working mate
You are running 8.7.2 BULLET-PROOF (1.7.x-1.16.3) version

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