AgarMC [BungeeMode / Multiarena]

 AgarMC [BungeeMode / Multiarena] 2.2

AgarMC [BungeeMode / Multiarena]
AgarMC - The famous game in minecraft!
plugin original:

General: You all probably know the browser game with the cells eating each other and growing for their life. Now you can have it on your own minecraft server.

Information regarding to the gameplay:
All other players will see you as a slime or as a magmacube!

After you've joined an arena, you run around and pickup randomly spawning slimeballs to grow. If your mass is bigger than the mass of an other player (there must be a difference of at least 10 units), you will eat the player and grow. Take care of the endercrystals: If your mass is bigger than 50, it will be halved when you get too close. Have fun!

This plugin is compiled for any minecraft 1.8 AND 1.9 version! You have to choose the right jar file.

  • Unlimited arenas
  • Join / Leave signs
  • Inventory store & reset
  • Commands are blocked for ingame players (see permissions.yml)
  • Item ingame menu
  • In general like the original game
  • Trails to display your size
  • Every message / text can be changed (Full color code support!)
  • Single server mode with more than 1 arena
  • Bungeecord support (config.yml)
  • Possibility to view yourself as a slime as well
  • Random spawn points
  • Top 15 Scoreboard
  • More items spawning
  • BossBar with mass and range
  • Drop mass with Q (when slimeball selected)
  • Arenas protectable
  • Players get slower while increasing their mass
  • Join gui for MultiArena (vip permission required)
  • Two ingame creatures: Slime and MagmaCube with SelectionGUI (vip permission required)

This is for a normal server:
  • /agarmc help
  • /agarmc createarena <arena>
  • /agarmc setpoint1 <arena>
  • /agarmc setpoint2 <arena>
  • /agarmc maxsize <arena> <players>
  • /agarmc setleavepoint <arena>
  • /agarmc editable <arena> <true|false>
  • /agarmc spawncrystal
  • /agarmc removecrystal (you have to be next to the crystal)
  • /agarmc arenalist
  • /agarmc removearena <arena>
  • /agarmc join <arena>
  • /agarmc leave <arena>
  • /agarmc joingui
    • Works only with
  • /agarmc settype
    • Works only with
This is for a bungee supported server:
  • /agarmc setpoint1
  • /agarmc setpoint2
  • /agarmc maxsize (Note: This is no maxsize for the slimes!)
  • /agarmc editable <true|false>
  • /agarmc spawncrystal
  • /agarmc removerystal
  • /agarmc setupfinished
  • /agarmc leave
  • agarmc.setup
    • Allows you to create and configure an arena
  • agarmc.commandbypass
    • Allows you to execute commands ingame
    • Access to VIP features (more coming soon!)
Signs [optional]:
  • How do I create a join sign?
  1. [AgarMC]
  2. join
  3. arenaname
  • How do I create a leave sign?
  1. [AgarMC]
  2. leave
Screenshots [new ones will come soon!]:



First make sure, that you have LibsDisguises correctly installed (with ProtocolLib
and BossBarAPI

--> Then simply drop the AgarMC.jar file into your servers plugins folder and restart the server!

Attention: Do not reload the server, when an arena is currently running! Endercrystal explosions are blocked on the whole server. This plugin is compiled with Java7.


Code (Text):
# #AgarMC - A fun minigame developed by gartenzaun

enabled: false
hubserver: yourhubserver
setupfinished: false
forcedgamemode: survival
disablejumpingame: true
Arena config (arenas.yml):
Example config for an arena named test on a normal server:

Code (Text):
world: world
x: 36
y: 63
z: 183
x: 0
y: 63
z: 209
playersize: 5
x: 23.646848448381398
y: 63.0
z: 204.64195727147666
pitch: 1098488210
yaw: 1098488210
world: world
editable: true
world: world
x: 26
y: 63
z: 189

Example arena config for a bungee supported AgarMC server:

Code (Text):
x: 0
y: 63
z: 209
x: 36
y: 63
z: 183
editable: true

This is the messages.yml file in the AgarMC plugins folder:

Code (Text):
arenacreated: '&fYou''ve created the AgarMC arena %arena%!'
removecrystal: '&fRemoved all endercrystals near around you!'
setpoint1: '&fYou''ve successfully set the first point for the arena!'
setpoint2: '&fYou''ve successfully set the second point for the arena!'
maxsize: '&fYou''ve successfully set the max size for the arena!'
leavepoint: '&fYou''ve set the leavepoint for the arena!'
listarenas: '&fList of all AgarMC arenas:'
arenaremoved: '&fSuccessfully removed arena %arena%!'
arenadoesntexist: '&fThis arena doesn''t exist!'
freemode: '&fSelected the FreeMode for the arena!'
lastmanstand: '&fSelected the LastManStand-Mode for the arena!'
editable: '&fArena editable:'
arenaprotected: '&fAgarMC arena protected!'
join: '&fYou joined the game!'
leave: '&fYou''ve left the arena!'
joinsigncreated: '&fYou''ve created an AgarMC join sign!'
leavesigncreated: '&fYou''ve created an AgarMC leave sign!'
ejectmass: '&fSorry you can''t eject mass. Please get at least a mass of 20!'
eaten: '&fYou were eaten by %killer%! Try again.'
eat: '&fYou ate %target%!'
activateparticles: '&fClick to activate particles to see your size!'
ejectmass: '&fClick to eject some mass!'
disableparticles: '&fClick to disable particles!'
leave: '&fLeave the arena!'
slimeenabled: '&fSee you as a slime!'
slimedisabled: '&fDisable selfview as a slime!'
headline: '&fAgarMC - Top 15'
actionbar: '&fMass %mass% - Range: %range% blocks'

(Note: Make sure, that your server is stopped, during editing the messages!!)

How to setup an arena:

This is for a normal server!
  1. At first we have to create an arena. Therefore you type /agarmc createarena <arena>
  2. You have to specify the arena points. This is done like in WorldEdit, but the height of the points is unnecessary. Walk into the first corner and type: /agarmc setpoint1 <arena>
  3. Then go to the second corner and type /agarmc setpoint2 <arena>
  4. Alright, then specify the max amount of players in an arena with /agarmc maxsize <arena> <players (integer vaule)>
  5. You have to specify the leavepoint for the arena with /agarmc setleavepoint <arena>!
  6. [optional] You can spawn crystals in your arena with /agarmc spawncrystal.
  7. Protect your arena with /agarmc editable <arena> <true|false>!
  8. [optional] Now you can place the join / leave signs!
This is for a bungee supported server!
  1. Enable bungeecord in the config.yml
  2. Set your hub / lobby server in the config.yml
  3. You have to setup your arena! Set the first point with /agarmc setpoint1
  4. Then you have to set the second point of the arena with /agarmc setpoint2
  5. Then you can view your slots / maxsize with /agarmc maxsize. (More information is send ingame.)
  6. [optional] You can spawn crystals in your arena with /agarmc spawncrystal.
  7. Protect your arena with /agarmc editable <true|false>!
  8. The final step is /agarmc setupfinished
  9. Now bungeemode is activated and you just have to rejoin your server!

All commands are listed under /agarmc help.
That's all!

  1. You are not allowed to distribute this plugin!
  2. You are not allowed to post or to publish this resource anywhere!
  3. You are not allowed to decompile or modify this plugin!
  4. You are not allowed to sell this plugin!
  5. No refund will be given!
  6. You are allowed to use this plugin on your own minecraft server after you've bought it.
  7. For all possible purposes not mentioned here, please send a PM to me!
Test Server:

None at the moment.

More updates will follow ;) If you have requests or found a bug, send me a PM or use the discussions forum.

Feel free to make a video. If you send me the link, I'll embed it here :)

That's all! Have fun!

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