AlonsoLevels Pro [1.8-1.17] • Add levels to your network Rewards! MySQL/HikariCP! Custom slots!

 AlonsoLevels Pro [1.8-1.17] • Add levels to your network Rewards! MySQL/HikariCP! Custom slots! 2.2 BETA PRO

This plugin requires NBTAPI installed!
1.17.x and java16 requires MomoJS or JSEngine installed.
Free and Pro version are compatible.
You NEED a permission plugin.
Plugman or similar plugins ARE NOT SUPPORTED!
Respect my work. You are not allowed to -Redacted- this plugin in any setup.
Tested on 1.8.8, 1.9.2, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.4, 1.17.1
You are not allowed to post/move/copy this on or similar. Don't insist.
If you want to contribute with a translation in your native language, feel free to dm me the translation.





Tired of looking for level systems for your network?
You bought many but none worked?
Developer disappeared and never updated the plugin again?
Reading this with television announcer voice?
Well, I did.. I created this plugin because of that.

No the voice part but the rest.

What happended to you?
Well, I bought different level systems, but none worked.
There were problems with database, the rewards didn't work properly,
the author never replied, updates every 4 months to "fix" issues,
in short, bad resource, even though it was a premium resource!

Then what you did?
Nothing, I decided to learn to code and made my own.
However, years passed and no one else released any plugin to add level system.
So I decided to recode my old level system and make it public. So here it is!

Why should I use this instead of "others"?
Well, it's up to you if want to use mine or others.
If you find another that actually works, use it

However, I'd recommend you to try this plugin at least once

What else should I now?
Well, you can find all information in features list.
Visit our Github for more information

Note: Did you know that hippopotamus milk is pink?

Looking for PRO version? Why premium?

Premium offers more features that free version.
Already tried free version? Try premium version now!

If you are interested in knowing why a premium version
was released, read why premium? for more information!


  • Multi version support. BETA!
    • Supports 1.8.8 - Latest
  • Custom maximum level. BETA!
    • You decide the max level allowed in your server.
  • Custom permission.
    • You choose the permission for admin commands.
    • You choose the permission to check other's stats.
  • Enabled worlds. BETA!
    • Prevent players opening rewards/stats in other worlds.
    • Whitelist worlds for players to check stats/rewards.
    • Admin players are inmune to this.
  • Commands to modify player's stats. BETA!
    • Command to add experience to player.
    • Command to set player's experience.
    • Command to remove experience from player.
    • Command to add random experience to player.
    • Command to add level to player.
    • Command to remove level from player.
    • Command to set player's level.
  • 1.17.x support! BETA!
    • As Java16 is required for 1.17+ you might require install a dependency to make it work.
    • If your server doesn't support javascript engine these plugins will "fix it"!
    • First alternative. Install MomoJS, download here: MomoJS
    • Second alternative. Install MomoJS, download here: JSEngine
  • HikariCP support. BETA!
    • HikariCP is used for MySQL.
    • Option to add source properties to speficy things like useSSL, etc.
  • Reset player's data. BETA!
    • Command to reset player's data. (Console only)
  • Stats command BETA!
    • Check your statistics.
    • Check others' statistics.
  • Unlimited normal rewards. BETA!
    • Add as many rewards you want for your players.
  • Normal multipliers NOT IMPLEMENTED!
    • Leveling up unlocks coins multipliers. (COINS, NOT EXPERIENCE)
    • This is not currently in use. Will probably be used for other developers or future plugins.
  • Veteran rewards. UP TO 14!
    • Custom rewards for most dedicated players.
  • Veteran multipliers NOT IMPLEMENTED!
    • Leveling up unlocks coins multipliers. (COINS, NOT EXPERIENCE)
    • This is not currently in use. Will probably be used for other developers or future plugins.
  • Level up message. BETA!
    • Select message on level up. Supports PlaceholdersAPI!
    • Clickable text to open rewards in spigot.
    • Displays if multiplier was unlocked.
    • Displays if player reachs maximum level.
    • Supports title + subtitle.
  • Custom back item. BETA!
    • Select the material, displayname of the item.
    • Select custom command to run as player. (Useful to open other menus)
  • Custom extra item. BETA!
    • Select the material, displayname of the item.
    • Select custom command to run as player. (Useful to open other menus)
    • Lore supports PlaceholdersAPI!
  • Almost all items in the GUI supports custom model data! BETA x1000000!
    • Yes! Use custom texture for your RPG server.
    • Only 1.14+.
  • Almost all items in the GUI supports heads with custom texture! BETA x1000000! Requires NBTAPI!
    • Yes! You can use any texture you want.
    • If you can find it here, you can use it!
  • Partial HEX color support! BETA!
    • Almost all messages sent to the player supports HEX colors!
    • Placeholders DON'T support HEX colors. (This is not a bug)!
    • Items DON'T support HEX colors. (This is not a bug) WARNING!
  • Database supported. BETA!
    • Use SQLite to save data.
    • Use MySQL to save data.
  • Leaderboards. BETA! NEW 1.3-BETA
  • Option to disable veteran rewards! BETA!
    • Disabling veteran rewards disable also veteran multipliers!
    • Custom item to replace veteran item.
    • Lore supports PlaceholderAPI.
    • Custom command if player click the item.
    • Custom texture head support!
  • Option to disable multipliers! BETA!
    • Deleting content from multipliers.yml disable multipliers!
  • Kick on fail. BETA!
    • Kick player with custom reason that supports PlaceholdersAPI if it couldn't be loaded/registered.
  • Powerful API for developers! BETA!
    • API allows developers to interact with the plugin.
    • They can even open rewards gui using the API.
    • Many events to listen for specific actions with reasons.
    • More information in our Github.
    • Yes, you can set different aliases for main command!
    • You MUST restart the server to apply changes!
    • This is BETA, report bugs as soon as you can!
  • Edit levels with levels.yml file! BETA!
    • Your server doesn't support javascript expressions?
    • You can now edit levels using levels.yml!
  • Reload command. BETA!
    • Reload messages, permissions and some checks.
    • Restart is always recommended.
  • PlaceholdersAPI support! BETA!
    • Use our placeholders in your scoreboard.
    • Use our placeholders in items.
    • Use our placeholders in menus.
  • Experience bar progress. NEW 1.4-BETA! Requires ProtocolLib!
    • Display current level progress in experience bar.
    • Select which worlds to display experience bar.
    • If none selected, all worlds will be included.
    • Packets are used for this, that's why ProtocolLib is required.
  • Disable extra item. NEW 1.4-BETA!
    • Option to disable extra item in rewards gui has been added.
  • EssentialsChat support. BETA!
    • Still using EssentialsChat? This will allow you to use placeholders then!
    • This is BETA, please report bugs if any.
    • Disabled by default. Enable this option only if necessary!
    • You only need to enable this option in one of my plugins, not all.
  • ProtocolLib Support.
    • Currently used only for experience bar.
  • Configuration auto update.
    • Configuration will be updated on plugin update.
    • Comments will be removed on config update.
  • Update checker.
    • Be notified when there is a new update.

✪ config.yml
Code (YAML):
# _ _ _ _
# /_\ | |___ _ _ ___ ___| | _____ _____| |___
# / _ \| / _ \ ' \(_-</ _ \ |__/ -_) V / -_) (_-<
# /_/ \_\_\___/_||_/__/\___/____\___|\_/\___|_/__/
# by AlonsoAliaga

No-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do this."
Reloaded: "&aSome messages and options have been reloaded. Other may require a restart!"
Invalid-player: "&cPlayer is not online!"
Invalid-amount: "&cAmount is not a valid number!"
Invalid-negative-amount: "&cAmount is not a valid positive number!"
Please-reconnect: "&cSomething went wrong. Please reconnect to the server!"
Please-reconnect-other: "&cThe player is not registered. {PLAYER} must reconnect to the server!"
Disabled-world: "&cYou cannot use this command in your current world."
Game-mode-enabled: "&cYou cannot use this command while playing."
Only-console: "&cFor security reasons this command can be executed in console only."
Locked-reward: "&cYou cannot claim this reward yet!"
Already-claimed-reward: "&cYou already claimed this reward!"
Claimed-reward: "&aYou claimed this reward!"
Disabled-server: "&cYou cannot claim this reward here! Claim it in {SERVER}."
Cancelled: "&cYour action was cancelled by a plugin!"
Added-exp: "&aYou added {EXPERIENCE} experience points to {PLAYER}."
Notify: " &8+&3{EXPERIENCE} YourNetwork Experience!"
Cancelled: "&cYour action was cancelled by a plugin!"
Added-exp: "&aYou added {EXPERIENCE} experience points to {PLAYER}."
Notify: " &8+&3{EXPERIENCE} YourNetwork Experience!"
Cancelled: "&cYour action was cancelled by a plugin!"
Removed-exp: "&aYou removed {EXPERIENCE} experience points from {PLAYER}."
Notify: " &8-&3{EXPERIENCE} YourNetwork Experience!"
Cancelled: "&cYour action was cancelled by a plugin!"
Set-exp: "&aYou set {PLAYER}'s experience to {EXPERIENCE}."
Notify-add: " &8+&3{EXPERIENCE} YourNetwork Experience!"
Notify-remove: " &8-&3{EXPERIENCE} YourNetwork Experience!"
Cannot-add-zero: "&cYou cannot add {LEVEL} levels to {PLAYER}."
Added-level: "&aYou added {LEVEL} level(s) to {PLAYER}."
Notify-add: " &8+&3{LEVEL} YourNetwork Level(s)!"
Notify-remove: " &8-&3{LEVEL} YourNetwork Level(s)!"
Cannot-remove-zero: "&cYou cannot add {LEVEL} levels to {PLAYER}."
Removed-level: "&aYou removed {LEVEL} level(s) from {PLAYER}."
Notify-add: " &8+&3{LEVEL} YourNetwork Level(s)!"
Notify-remove: " &8-&3{LEVEL} YourNetwork Level(s)!"
Set-level: "&aYou set {PLAYER}'s level to {LEVEL}."
Notify-add: " &8+&3{LEVEL} YourNetwork Level(s)!"
Notify-remove: " &8-&3{LEVEL} YourNetwork Level(s)!"
Cancelled: "&cYour attempt to reset {PLAYER}'s statistics was cancelled by a plugin."
Player-reset: "&a&lYou reset {PLAYER}'s statistics! Player was kicked to save new data."
#Reason to kick player to save data. Placeholders {PLAYER} playername, {UUID} player uuid
#PlaceholderAPI is supported. However since the player just joined, it might not work correctly.
- "&fInternal Exception: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"
Amount: 15
Character: "■"
Complete: "&3"
Remaining: "&7"
Max-level: "&c&lMAX LEVEL"
#Supports PlaceholderAPI is available.
- "&3&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
- " &aYour statistics!"
- "&a "
- " &7Actual level: &a{LEVEL}"
- " &7Next level: &a{NEXT_LEVEL}"
- " &7Progress: &b{PROGRESS} &3{PERCENT}%"
- "&b "
- " &7Current level experience: &a{LEVEL_EXPERIENCE}"
- " &7Experience to level up: &a{REQUIRED_EXPERIENCE}"
- " &7Current total experience: &a{TOTAL_EXPERIENCE}"
- "&3&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
#Supports PlaceholderAPI is available.
- "&3&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
- " &aYour statistics!"
- " &c&lMAX LEVEL!"
- " &7Actual level: &a{LEVEL}"
- " &7Actual experience: &a{TOTAL_EXPERIENCE}"
- "&3&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
#Supports PlaceholderAPI is available.
- "&3&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
- " &a{PLAYER}'s statistics"
- "&a "
- " &7Actual level: &a{LEVEL}"
- " &7Next level: &a{NEXT_LEVEL}"
- " &7Progress: &b{PROGRESS} &3{PERCENT}%"
- "&b "
- " &7Current level experience: &a{LEVEL_EXPERIENCE}"
- " &7Experience to level up: &a{REQUIRED_EXPERIENCE}"
- " &7Current total experience: &a{TOTAL_EXPERIENCE}"
- "&3&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
#Supports PlaceholderAPI is available.
- "&3&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
- " &a{PLAYER}'s statistics"
- " &c&lMAX LEVEL!"
- " &7Actual level: &a{LEVEL}"
- " &7Actual experience: &a{TOTAL_EXPERIENCE}"
- "&3&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
#Leave "" to disable.
Title: "&6&lLEVEL UP"
#Leave "" to disable.
Subtitle: "&r"
#{CENTER} can be used here to attempt to center the message in THIS MESSAGE.
Multiplier-unlocked: "{CENTER}&6{MULTIPLIER}x &7Coin Multiplier &aUnlocked&7!"
#{CENTER} can be used here to attempt to center the message in THIS MESSAGE.
Max-level-reached: "{CENTER}&cYou have reached max level!"
#{CENTER} can be used here to attempt to center the message in THIS MESSAGE.
Open-rewards-not-spigot: "{CENTER}&eOpen rewards menu to claim them"
#{CENTER} can be used here to attempt to center the message in THIS MESSAGE.
Open-rewards-spigot: "{CENTER}&eClick here to claim your rewards"
Open-rewards-hover: "&eClick to open rewards!"
#{CENTER} can be used here to attempt to center the message in THIS MESSAGE.
#This is a BETA feature and might not work properly.
#Supports PlaceholderAPI is available.
- "{CENTER}&a&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
- "{CENTER}&a&k0&r &6LEVEL UP! &a&k0"
- "&r "
- "{CENTER}&7You are now &3YourNetwork Level &a{LEVEL}&7!"
- "&r "
- "{UNLOCKED}\n"
- "{CENTER}&a&l▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&r"
Title: "&8YourNetwork Leveling"
Title: "&8Veteran Rewards"

Locked-material: CHEST_MINECART
Unlocked-material: CHEST_MINECART
Claimed-material: MINECART
Locked-material: TNT_MINECART
Unlocked-material: TNT_MINECART
Claimed-material: MINECART
- ""
- "&cYou can't claim this yet!"
- ""
- "&eClick to claim!"
- ""
- "&aYou have already claimed this reward!"
Locked-material: COAL_BLOCK
Unlocked-material: GOLD_BLOCK
Displayname: "&6{MULTIPLIER}x {COLOR}Coin Multiplier"
- ""
- "&7Increases the amount of coins you"
- "&7earn when playing games."
- ""
- "&8Automatically unlocks upon reaching"
- "&8the required level."
- ""
- "&cYou must be level {LEVEL} to unlock"
- "&cthis perk."
- ""
- "&aUnlocked!"
Material: BEACON
Displayname: "&6Veteran Rewards"
- "&7Rewards for the most dedicated"
- "&7players!"
- ""
- "&cYou must be YourNetwork Level {LEVEL} or"
- "&chigher to access this menu!"
- ""
- "&eClick to open veteran rewards!"
Material: ARROW
Displayname: "&aPrevious page"
Material: ARROW
Displayname: "&aNext page"
Material: ARROW
Displayname: "&aVolver"
#This command will be run BY THE PLAYER when back button is clicked. "none" to disable.
#In case you need to use {PLAYER} to replace with player name or {UUID} with player uuid.
Command: "none"
Displayname: "&aQuests & Challenges"
#Supports PlaceholderAPI is available
- "&7Completing quests and challenges"
- "&7will reward you with &6Coins&7, &3YourNetwork"
- "&3Experience &7and more!"
- ""
- "&7You can complete a maximum of &a10"
- "&7challenges every day."
- ""
- "&7Challenges completed today: &a%placeholder_quest%"
- ""
- "&eClick to view Quests & Challenges"
#This command will be run BY THE PLAYER when Extra button is clicked (in slot 50). "none" to disable.
#In case you need to use {PLAYER} to replace with player name or {UUID} with player uuid.
Command: "none"
Displayname: "&aYourNetwork Leveling"
#Supports PlaceholderAPI is available.
- "&7Playing games and completing quests"
- "&7will received you with &3YourNetwork"
- "&3Experience&7, which is required to level"
- "&7up and acquire new perks and rewards!"
- ""
- "&3YourNetwork &a%alonsolevels_level% %alonsolevels_progress_bar% %alonsolevels_progress_percent%%"
- ""
- "&7Experience until next level: &3%alonsolevels_experience_to_level_up%"
- ""
- "&eClick to see your rewards!"

#What's the name of this server? Will be used to disable rewards if they are restricted to specific servers.
Server: "Lobby"
#Max level for players to level up. Recommended to leave it as 500.
Max-level: 300
#LEVEL will be replaced with the actual level.
#Example: "(LEVEL-1) * 300" means that for:
#Level 1 = exp required is always 0.
#Level 2 = (2-1)*300 = 300 exp required
#Level 3 = (3-1)*300 = 600 exp required
#an so on..
#WARNING: This formula is processed internally using eval methods.
#That means that it can be used to modify everything internally if not used with caution.
#That includes files, folders, etc. Make sure only YOU have access to this. You have been WARNED!
#Recommended to leave this as default, it's based on the big network formula.
Exp-formula: "1250*(Math.pow(LEVEL,2))+ (6250*LEVEL) - 7500"
#Required level to access veteran inventory (rewards - multipliers)
Veteran-inventory: 100
#Disable commands for normal users. (Players without admin permission)
#Useful if you are using one server for each game like the big network.
#If you are using multi-arena minigames or similar systems leave it as false and use "Disabled-worlds"
Game-mode: false
#Worlds in which normal users CAN perform commands related to this plugin so they cannot open
#rewards gui or check statistics while playing in a map.
#This doesn't affect players with admin permission.
#Option useful to restrict the usage of commands for normal players in servers like Skywars or minigames.
- "lobby"
- "main_lobby"
- "world"
#This will kick the player as soon as he joins if the data couldn't be loaded. (Or there was an error in database)
Enabled: true
#Support PlaceholderAPI, it might not properly with many plugins because is most likely that
#the placeholders are not loading at the moment the player is kicked. (because he just joined)
#Available placeholders: {PLAYER} player name, {UUID} player uuid
- "&cCouldn't load/register information."
- "&fPlease reconnect to the server."
- "&r"
- "&7If problem persists contact an administrator."

Admin: "alonsolevels.admin"
Stats-others: "alonsolevels.stats.others"

#Available types: MySQL and SQLite
#You can use MySQL to make it global or you can use SQLite to make it local.
#MySQL requires a server (local or external)
#SQLite doesn't require anything, it's saved in a db file in the folder.
Type: "SQLite"
Table: "alonsolevels"
#If type is SQLite
File: "database-alonsolevels"
#If type is MySQL
Port: 3306
Database: "alonsolevels"
Username: "root"
Password: "12345"

#Auto update configuration? Enabling will delete comments.
Auto-update-configuration: true
#Check for updates? Recommended to keep it enabled.
Check-updates: true
#Notify updates when player with permission joins the server?
Notify-updates: true
#Permission required to receive update message.
Permission: "alonsolevels.update"
#Message to send when update is found.
Message: "&3[AlonsoLevels] &eA new update has been found! You are using version {CURRENT}. Download version {NEW} here &c{LINK}"


Command auto-complete.

Unlockeable coin multiplier. (Custom material, displayname and lore) NOT IMPLEMENTED!

Veteran rewards menu. BETA!

Main item + placeholder support. BETA!

Custom extra item + custom command. BETA!
This plugin doesn't have QUESTS feature and will never have.
This option allows you to make the player run a command when clicking
item if you have a Quests plugin.

Custom head texture support. BETA x10000! Requires NBTAPI!
This is in BETA, please report bugs/issues before reviewing!


Custom unlimited rewards. BETA!

Pages for rewards. BETA!

Custom lore for locked rewards. BETA!

Custom lore for claimed rewards. BETA!

Placeholders to use in your scoreboard plugin. BETA!

Level up message + title/subtitle BETA!

Statistics command.

Check others' statistics.

Message on level up to max level. BETA!

Display when multiplier is unlocked. NOT IMPLEMENTED!

Unlockeable coins multipliers. NOT IMPLEMENTED!

Clickable text to open rewards. (ONLY SPIGOT)

Can't see the gif? Click here

Veteran rewards. UP TO 14!

Veteran multipliers. UP TO 5! NOT IMPLEMENTED!

Whitelist servers to claim rewards.

Maximum level message in statistics.

Maximum level message in others' statistics.

Hide output when you are using it for minigames in console. BETA!

Option to disable Veteran item. NEW IN 1.1-BETA!

Option for custom item instead. NEW IN 1.1-BETA!

Deleting "Normal" in multipliers.yml now disable multipliers! NEW IN 1.1-BETA!

Leaderboards! NEW IN 1.3-BETA!
Requires AlonsoLeaderboards



Experience bar progress in certain worlds. (Currently bugged in some versions)


Installing the plugin in your server:
  • Download the plugin from
  • Copy the jar file into you plugins folder.
  • Restart the server.
  • Edit what you want in configuration files.
  • Restart the server.

Permissions are configurable in configuration files.
The output for commands that modify player information can be muted.
Example: /alonsolevels addexp AlonsoAliaga 1000 true
This will add 1000 experience points to player AlonsoAliaga but nothing will be sent
to the player/console that performed the command. Useful for minigames that run
commands to reward players.

/alonsolevels rewards <player> - Open rewards gui for player

/alonsolevels rewards - Open rewards gui
No permission.

/alonsolevels stats <player> - Check others statistics

/alonsolevels stats - Check self statistics
No permission.

/alonsolevels reset <player> - Reset player data (Console only)

/alonsolevels addexp <player> <amount> - Add experience to player

/alonsolevels addrandomexp <player> <min> <max> - Add random experience to player

/alonsolevels removeexp <player> <amount> - Remove experience from player

/alonsolevels setexp <player> <experience> - Set player's experience

/alonsolevels addlevel <player> <amount> - Add levels to player

/alonsolevels removelevel <player> <amount> - Remove levels from player

/alonsolevels setlevel <player> <level> - Set player's level

/alonsolevels reload - Reload messages and some checks. (Restart recommended)


None yet. You can send me your reviews


This is a simple plugin, i don't think it requires more features.
However if you consider your suggestion should be added, let me know in discussion tab.



Let us know if your server is using it!


1) Why is this BETA? That means it has bugs?
No, plugin should not have bugs. I use BETA because I like the word, I guess.

2) I like your plugins. Can I suggest you cool ideas for new ones?
Sure, join my discord server and let me know. I'll evaluate the suggestion
and decide if I wanna code it or not. Making a suggestion doesn't mean it will be made.

3) Why is this free?
Why not?

4) You know it could be premium?
Yes I know.

5) What are Coins Multipliers for?
Currently nothing, multipliers are there in case any other developers
want to use our API to give extra coins in their minigames or something like that.

6) This works with database?
Yes, as stated in features list you can use SQLite and MySQL.

7) What's that thing called API?
That's for developers who want to interact with AlonsoLevels in their plugins.
If you are not a developer, you won't be able to use it.

8) Why you didn't make it a premium resource?
I guess because I don't think there are plugins with level system
for networks that actually works in SpigotMC. That's why i decided to make one.

9) What's your discord?
You can find it at the beginning of the post.

9) Can I make a donation?
Sure, all donations are welcome and motivates me to make more plugins.
Check donation link at the beginning of the post.

10) Can i post this in

11) Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure. You are not allowed to post it.

12) Help me, it's not working in my server!
Before reviewing the resource. Make sure you have installed all dependencies.
It the error persists. Paste startup console log in and post it in discussion tab or join my server.


Did you save money using my plugins instead of buying others?
You like my job and want to support me?
Consider donating so I can keep coding more plugins like this.


Check our placeholders in our Github


Check our leaderboards identifiers in our Github


Access the API package:
Code (Java):
Available methods:
boolean isLoaded(UUID uuid)
> Returns if player is loaded.
int getLevel(UUID uuid)
> Returns player's level. Returns -1 if player is not loaded.
int getExperience(UUID uuid)
> Returns player's experience. Returns -1 if player is not loaded.
boolean isMaximumLevel(UUID uuid)
> Returns if player is in maximum level.
boolean addExperience(UUID uuid, int amount)
> Adds experience to player. Returns false if player is not loaded or amount is 0.
boolean removeExperience(UUID uuid, int amount)
> Remove experience from player. Returns false if player is not loaded or amount is 0.
boolean setExperience(UUID uuid, int experience)
> Set player's experience. Returns false if player is not loaded.
boolean addLevel(UUID uuid, int amount)
> Add levels to player. Returns false if player is not loaded or amount is 0.
boolean removeLevel(UUID uuid, int amount)
> Remove levels from player. Returns false if player is not loaded or amount is 0.
boolean setLevel(UUID uuid, int level)
> Set levels for a player. Returns false if player is not loaded. Doesn't call ExperienceChangeEvent.
int getProgressPercentage(UUID uuid)
> Returns level progress percentage. Returns -1 is player is not loaded.
String getProgressBar(UUID uuid)
> Returns progress bar for player. Returns empty bar if player is not loaded.
double getCoinMultiplier(UUID uuid)
> Returns multiplier amount. Returns 0.0 if player is not loaded.
boolean openVeteranGUI(Player player)
> Open veteran gui for player. Returns whether success or not.
boolean openNormalGUI(Player player)
> Open normal gui for player. Returns whether success or not.
boolean openNormalGUI(Player player, int page)
> Open normal gui for player with page specified. Returns whether success or not.

Available events:
> When player data is registered in database.
> When player data is about to be deleted from database.
> When player experience is modified. (Not called if player level is set)
> When player level is changed.
> When player claims a reward.
If you find any bugs, errors or want to request a feature.
Join my discord or use our issue tracker.

Review section is not place to report errors.


    • Custom slots for items. (Premium only)
    • More than 14 veteran rewards. (Premium only)
    • More multipliers. (Premium only)
    • Offline player support. (Not easy to implement)
    • XP boosters of any kind. (API is available for other devs)
    • MVdWPlaceholderAPI support. (Use {placeholderapi_*} where * is placeholder without %%)
    • Quests feature. (Just use a quest plugin)



By downloading this resource you agree all following terms and conditions:
  • You are not permitted to -Redacted- the plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package.
  • You are not permitted to decompile or modify the plugin in any form.
  • You are not permitted to claim this resource as your own creation.

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