- AntiAura spanws fake player(s) behind player or to encircle player.
- If player hit fake player indicated number of times, plugin kick/ban player.
- You could set warn message kick before ban player.
- You could choose two options of bots.
- First: single - one fake player spawn centrally behind player.
- Second: double - two fake players spawn on the player's side
- You could add your names in AntiAura config file what fake player(s) will have.
- You could enable option which causes that fake player spawns only in pvp and encircle player.
- You could add worlds where fake player(s) will not turn up.
- You could change visibility equipment for fake player(s).
- You could change visibility fake player(s) name o the tablist.
- Fake player(s) change skins (by name).
- Support 1.7.10 - 1.12 version of Minecraft.
- Spigot server
- ProtocolLib plugin
- Java 8 or higher