AntiCombatLog Pro [1.7-1.13]

 AntiCombatLog Pro [1.7-1.13] 3.3

AntiCombatLog Pro [1.7-1.13]

So sick of players escaping a combat by loggin out? Prevent this by using this plugin! Now with more features than the lite version.

  • Combat tag players when they hit each other
  • Only allow this tag to happen in certain regions
  • Allow certain players to bypass this tag by giving them a custom permission
  • Warn/ban players when they log out while being tagged
  • Drop items of logged players
  • Let certain commands be executed when players combat log
  • Decide if you want the amount of seconds left, before the tag expires, be visible in an action bar or in the chat
  • Decide whether or not you want the prefix to be shown
  • Allow certain commands to be used while being combat tagged
  • Disable fly and teleportation while begin combat tagged
  • Highly customisable
  • Citizens2 support
  • Vault support
  • Allows you to give a money penalty to players who combat log
  • mcMMO party support
  • Featherboard integration
  • PlaceholderAPI integration
  • tag all players within a server, world or region
  • untag all players within a server, world or region
  • check who combat logged
  • show a list of tagged players
  • prevent players from entering a non-pvp zone when combat tagged
  • region based tag times
  • permission based tag times
  • world based tag times
  • player name based tag times
  • ...
Citizens2 support means when you hit a "Peaceful_Citizens" you won't get combat tagged. You can add it by using /acl npc add. Make sure you have the right one selected!


  1. Once you've bought this plugin, simply press the download button
  2. Make sure you have WorldEdit and WorldGuard installed.
  3. Restart your server
  4. Configure the config and the messages to your need
  5. Enjoy!
This is the guid to get started:
  1. Make a seperate pvp region with the pvp flag enabled (WG stuff)
  2. Increase the priority of the made region so it's higher than any other region
  3. Make sure "Disabled_Regions" in the config.yml doesn't have this region in his list.
  4. Make sure the person you are trying to tag isn't OP or doesn't have the bypass permission.
  5. Have fun!

Code (Text):

#Whether or not you want this plugin to check if there is an update available
Updatechecker: true

#Whether or not you want to have the prefix in front of every message. (Prefix is set in messages.yml)
Use_Prefix: true

#Whether or not you want some messages to be shown in the action bar
Use_Actionbar: true

#Enabled or disable if you want to use WorldGuard region check or Citizens npc checks. Values will set to false when neither of them are found.
WorldGuard: true
Citizens: true
mcMMO: true
Vault: true

#Whether or not you want to use custom time linked to certain permissions. If this is set to false you can ignore the #TagTimes part
Use_Custom_Times: true

#Default tag time. Is used when player doesn't have either one of the TagTimes permission or not have the bypass permission.
Default_Tag_Time: 20

#Different tag times depending on certain permissions. Use the same format!
Permission: "acl.tagtime.10"
Permission: "acl.tagtime.20"
Permission: "acl.tagtime.beginner"

#Every x seconds it'll show how much time there is left on the combat tag
Time_Interval: 1

#Whether or not you allow the timer to go down when people are running or not.
#Setting this to false will mean the player has to stand still for the set time.
Allow_Running: true

#Whether or not you want to add a glow effect around the players when they are tagged. (Will set to false once system is detected as 1.7/1.8)
GlowPlayersInCombat: true

#Commands that are allowed during combat. NOTE: Don't put a / in front of the command. This plugin does it on his own.
#/acl is allowed by default.
#You don't need to put arguments just the main part (part after the /)
- msg
- help

#These commands will be executed once a player combat logs
# %player%: will change to the player who combat logged
#Any other placeholders can be suggested!
- me there was a naughty boy/girl called %player%

#If a player is inside one of these world he won't get combat tagged and is free to leave combat
#Can be empty list.
- testworld_nether

#If a player is inside one of these regions he won't get combat tagged and is free to leave combat
#Note: If you disabled World Guard support you can ignore this list.
- pizza

#If a player is hit or hits one of the following npc's he won't get combat tagged.
#Note: If you disabled citizens support you can ignore this list
- 0
- 1

#Whether or not you want to punish players when they combat log
Allow_Punishments: true

#The amount of warning you want to give the player before they get banned.
#Set to -1 if you want infinite amount of warnings and never get banned.
#Set to 0 if you want them straight up banned
Amount_Warnings: 2

#This only works if you have Litebans installed. However you don't NEED litebans for this to work. It will just take the Minecraft banning system.
#Set to -1 if you want them to be permanently banned
Amount_Days_Banned: 14

#Whether or not you want to punish players with a penalty when they combat log
Money_Penalty_On_Combat_Log: enabled
#Amount you want to charge them when they combat log
Penalty_Amount: 20

#All permissions
#Players can't be combat tagged
No_Tag_Permission: "acl.bypass"
#Player can check their time left using /acl
Check_Own_Time_Permission: "acl.checktime"

#Permission for /acl reload
Reload_Config: "acl.admin.reload"
#Permission for /acl tag <player>
Tag_Other_Player: "acl.admin.tagg"
#Permission for /acl untag <player>
Untag_Other_Player: "acl.admin.untagg"
#Permission for the region type commands
Region_Manager: "acl.admin.region"
#Permission for the world type commands
World_Manager: ""
#Permission for /acl npc type commands
NPC_Manager: "acl.admin.npc"
#Permission for /acl <player>
Check_Other_Time_Permission: "acl.admin.checktime"
#Permission for /acl tag all
Tag_All_Players: "acl.admin.tagg.all"
#Permission for /acl untag all
Untag_All_Players: "acl.admin.untagg.all"

#Whether or not you want to disable fly while players are combat tagged
Enabled: true
Bypass_Permission: "acl.bypass.nofly"
Message: "Your fly is disabled due to being in combat"
#Whether or not you want to disable the ability to teleport while in combat
Enabled: true
Bypass_Permission: "acl.bypass.noteleport"
Message: "You can't teleport while in combat!"
#Whether or not you want to disable the use of Enderpearls while in combat
Enabled: true
Bypass_Permission: "acl.bypass.noenderpearl"
Message: "You can't use ender pearls while in combat!"
#Disables the use of Chorus fruit while in combat. (1.9+)
Enabled: true
Bypass_Permission: "acl.bypass.nochorusfruit"
Message: "You can't consume Chorus fruit while in combat"

Code (YAML):

#Wether or not you want this plugin to auto check if there is an update
checker: true
#Whether or not you want support for these plugins to be enabled
world-guard: true
vault: true
citizens: true
mcMMO: true
savage-faction: true
flying-carpet: false
massivecraft-factions: true
#Use prefix or not
use-prefix: true
#Use action bar or not
use-actionbar: true
#Allow time to pass by when running
allow-running: true
#Allow mob hits to be counted as combat tag
allow-mob-tagging: true
#Only get tagged when damage is involved.
only-tag-when-damage: true
#Whether or not a kick/ban counts as combat log
combat-log-on-kick-or-ban: true
#Whether or not a kick from spamming counts as combat log
combat-log-on-spam-kick: true
#Glow when begin combat tagged (1.9+)
glowing-in-combat: true
#Teleport players to spawn when respawn after begin combat logged
teleport-to-spawn: true
#Commands that can be used when combat tagged
- msg
- help
#Commands which will be executed when a player combat logs. %logger% is the one who logs while combat tagged. %damager% is the one who last hit the logger.
- me %logger% tried to escape battle from %damager%
#Players won't be combat tagged when in one of these worlds
- world_the_end
#Database values
#Drivers: sqlite, mysql
driver: "sqlite"
file-name: "acl-pro"
host: "localhost"
port: 3306
db-name: "sys"
username: "root"
password: "root"

#Time interval
time-interval: 1
#Default tag time when all other based timings are disabled or not used.
default-tag-time: 20
#Whether or not you want the time left message to be shown.
time-left-message-enabled: false
#If set to true, it'll disable the "you are tagged" message when a person #is already tagged.
disabe-tagged-message-when-tagged: true
enable-permission-times: true
permission: "acl.tagtime.10"
permission: "acl.tagtime.20"
enable-world-times: true
world: "world"
world: "world_nether"
enable-region-times: true
region: "region1"
region: "region2"
enable-playername-times: true
MineNoot: 20
Notch: 5

pvp-check-enabled: true
- __global__

- 0
- 1

enable-punishments: true
#Amount warnings before player gets banned
amount-warnings: 2
enable-banning: false
days-banned: 14
enable-money-penalty: true
penalty-amount: 200

tag-bypass: "acl.tag.bypass"
check-own-time: "acl.tag.checktime"
admin-wildcard: "acl.admin.*"
check-others-time: "acl.tag.checktime.others"
reload-config: "acl.admin.reload"
acl-menu: ""
db-wildcard: "acl.admin.db.*"
db-reload: "acl.admin.db.reload"
db-clear: "acl.admin.db.clear"
db-updateData: "acl.admin.db.update"
tag-others: "acl.admin.tag.others"
tag-all: "acl.admin.tag.others.all"
tag-list: "acl.admin.tag.list"
untag-yourself: "acl.admin.untag"
untag-others: "acl.admin.untag.others"
untag-all: "acl.admin.untag.others.all"
region-wildcard: "acl.admin.region.*"
region-add: "acl.admin.region.add"
region-remove: "acl.admin.region.remove"
region-list: "acl.admin.region.list"
world-wildcard: "*"
world-add: ""
world-remove: ""
world-list: ""
npc-wildcard: "acl.admin.npc.*"
npc-add: "acl.admin.npc.add"
npc-remove: "acl.admin.npc.remove"
npc-list: "acl.admin.npc.list"

enabled: true
bypass-permission: "acl.bypass.nofly"
message: "Your fly is disabled due to being in combat"
enabled: true
bypass-permission: "acl.bypass.noteleport"
message: "You can't teleport while in combat"
enabled: true
bypass-permission: "acl.bypass.noenderpearl"
message: "You can't use ender pearls while in combat"
enabled: true
bypass-permission: "acl.bypass.nochorusfruit"
message: "You can't consume chorus fruit while in combat"
enabled: true
bypass-permission: "acl.bypass.noantipvpzone"
message: "You can't enter this region while in combat"

Code (Text):

Prefix: "§6AntiCombatLog §e> §f"
Player_Tag_Time: "&b%time% seconds left."
Tag_Message: "&cYou have been tagged."
Untag_Message: "&aYou are no longer tagged."
Player_Moved: "&cYou have to stand still in order for the timer to go down"
Check_Own_Time: "&bYou are tagged for %time% seconds"
Command_Block: "&cYou can't use the command %command% while in combat."
Not_Combat_Tagged: "&cYou are not tagged!"

No_Permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command."
Reload: "&aPlugin reloaded!"
Player_Not_Found: "&c%player% isn't online or isn't a player."
Player_Already_Tagged: "&c%player% is already tagged"
Tag_Yourself: "&cYou can't tag yourself fool"
Not_Taggable: "&cYou can't tag %player%"
Tag_Message_Others: "&a%player% is tagged"
Player_Not_Tagged: "&aThat player isn't tagged anymore"
Untag_Message_Others: "&a%player% tag is removed"
Tag_Message_All: "&aAll players are tagged!"
Untag_Message_All: "&aAll Players are untagged!"

Region_Not_Valid: "&a%region% isn't a valid region"
Region_Already_Added: "&c%region% is already in the list."
Region_Added: "&a%region% added!"
Region_Not_Found: "&c%region% was not found in the list"
Region_Removed: "&a%region% removed!"
WG_Support_Disabled: "&aWorld Guard support is disabled"
Regions_Added_All: "&aAll regions are added"
Regions_Removed_All: "&aAll regions in disabled regions are removed"
No_Disabled_Regions: "&aThere are no disabled regions to show!"

World_Not_Valid: "&a%world% isn't a valid one"
World_Already_Added: "&c%world% is already in the list"
World_Added: "&a%world% added!"
World_Not_Found: "&c%world% was not found in the list"
World_Removed: "&a%world% removed!"
World_Added_All: "&aAll worlds are added"
World_Removed_All: "&aAll worlds in the disabled worlds are removed"
No_Disabled_Worlds: "&aThere are no disabled worlds to show!"

Wrong_Command: "&cYou used the wrong command format. Try %command%."
Check_Others_Time: "&b%player% is still tagged for %time% seconds"

Not_Valid_ID: "&b%id% is not a valid NPC id"
NPC_Already_Added: "&c%id% is already added to the list"
NPC_Added: "&aNPC with id %id% is added!"
NPC_Not_Found: "&cNPC with id %id% was not found in the list"
NPC_Removed: "&aNPC with id %id% removed!"
No_NPC_Selected: "&cYou have to select an npc first"
Citizens_Support_Disabled: "&aCitizens support is disabled"
NPC_Added_All: "&aAll registered NPCs are added!"
NPC_Removed_All: "&aAll peacefull npcs are removed!"
No_Peaceful_NPC: "&aThere are no peaceful npc's to show!"

Warning: "&cYou can't combat log on this server"
Ban_Message: "&cYou have been banned for Combat Logging"

Code (YAML):
Prefix: ""
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
tagged: "&cYou have been tagged!"
tag-time: "&b%acl_time_left% seconds left."
not-tagged: "&aYou are not tagged."
untagged: "&aYou are no longer tagged."
command-blocked: "&cYou can't use %command% while in combat"
moved: "&cYou have to stand still in order for the timer to go down"
-Redacted--arguments: "You have used the wrong arguments. Type /acl help"
reloaded: "&aPlugin reloaded!"
player-not-found: "&c%player% isn't online or isn't a player!"
player-not-tagged: "&c%player% isn't tagged at the moment"
player-tagged-other: "&a%player% is tagged"
player-tagged-all: "&aAll players are tagged!"
player-tagged-all-world: "&aAll players in the world %world% are tagged!"
player-tagged-all-region: "&aAll players in the region %region% are tagged"
player-untagged-other: "&a%player% is untagged!"
player-untagged-all: "&aAll players are untagged!"
player-untagged-all-world: "&cAll players in the world %world% are untagged!"
player-untagged-all-region: "&cAll players in the region %region% are untagged!"
player-not-taggable: "&cYou can't tag %player%"
tagged-yourself: "&cYou can't tag yourself!"
tag-time-others: "%player% is still tagged for %timeleft% seconds."
db-reloaded: "&aDatabase values were reloaded!"
db-cleared: "&aDatabase was cleared"
db-data-updated: "&aDatabase values updated!"
page-not-number: "&c%value% is an invalid page number"
help-list-empty: "&cThere is no help to show!"
tag-list-empty: "&cThere are no tagged players to show"

worldguard-not-supported: "&cWorld Guard support is disabled!"
region-none-found: "&cThere wasn't a region to add/remove"
region-already-added: "&c%region% is already added!"
region-added: "&a%region% was added!"
region-added-all: "&aAll regions are added!"
region-removed: "&a%region% was removed!"
region-removed-all: "&cAll regions are removed!"
region-not-found: "&c%region% was not found in the list"
region-not-valid: "&c%region% is not a valid region"
region-list-empty: "&cThere are no regions to show"

world-already-added: "&c%world% is already added!"
world-added: "&a%world% was added!"
world-added-all: "&aAll worlds are added!"
world-removed: "&a%world% was removed!"
world-removed-all: "&cAll worlds are removed!"
world-not-found: "&a%world% was not found in the list"
world-not-valid: "&c%world% is not a valid world"
world-list-empty: "&cThere are no worlds to show"

citizens-not-supported: "&cCitizens support is disabled"
no-npc-selected: "&cYou haven't selected an NPC yet."
npc-already-added: "&cNPC with id %id% was already added!"
npc-added: "&aNPC with id %id% was added!"
npc-added-all: "&aAll NPC's are added!"
npc-removed: "&cNPC with id %id% was removed!"
npc-removed-all: "&cAll NPC's are removed!"
npc-not-found: "&cNPC with id %id% was not found in the list"
npc-not-valid: "&cNPC with id %id% is not a valid NPC"
npc-list-empty: "&cThere are no npc's to show"

warning: "&cYou can't combat log on this server"
ban: "&cYou have been banned for Combat Logging"
Messages can use the following color codes: & and §


Player commands:
- Shows how much time is left on the combat tag
/acl help - Shows a personal help page based on the player his permissions (This plugin only)
Admin commands:
/acl reload
- Reloads AntiCombatLog Pro
/acl <player> - Show how much time is left on the combat tag from the given player
/acl tag <player> - Tags the given player
/acl tag all - Tags everybody that's taggable
/acl tag list - Shows the first page of tagged players and their time
/acl tag list <page> - Shows the given page of tagged players and their time
/acl tag list <world/region> <page> - Shows the given page of tagged players from the given world/region.
/acl tag all <world/region> - Tags all players in the given world/region
/acl db clear - Clear database values
/acl db reload - Reload database values
/acl db updatedata - Updates data in database with local server data
/acl untag <player> - Removes the tag from the given player if he is tagged
/acl untag all - Untags everybody that is tagged
/acl region [add/remove] - Adds/removes the region your are standing in.
/acl untag all <world/region> - Untag all players within the given world/region
/acl region [add/remove] <region name> - Adds/removes the given region only if it's a valid one
/acl region [add/remove] all - Adds/removes all the regions to the Disabled_Regions list
/acl region list - Shows the first page of the list containing all disabled regions set in the config
/acl region list <page> - Shows the given page of the list containing all disabled regions set in the config
/acl world [add/remove] - Adds/removes the world you are standing in.
/acl world [add/remove] <world name> - Adds/removes the given world only if it's a valid one
/acl world [add/remove] all - Adds/removes all the worlds to the Disabled_worlds in the config
/acl world list - Shows the first page of the list containing all disabled worlds set in the config
/acl world list <page> - Shows the given page of the list containing all disabled worlds set in the config
/acl npc [add/remove] - Adds/removes the selected npc
/acl npc [add/remove] <npc id> - Adds/removes the given npc id to the "Peaceful_Citizens" list.
/acl npc [add/remove] all - Adds/removes all the registered npcs to the "Peaceful_Citizens" list
/acl npc list - Shows the first page of the list containing all Peaceful npc's set in the config
/acl npc list <page> - Shows the given page of the list containing all Peaceful npc's set in the config

If you find any bugs, be so kind to report them via discussion or by contacting me via PM. Please don't post them in the review section.

Green means done
  • Different time tag times depending on permissions
  • list command for Peacefull npcs, disabled_regions, disabled worlds
  • command to add all npcs registered in citizens to the peacefull citizens list
  • clear command to clear following lists: peacefull_npcs, disabled_regions, disabled_worlds
  • /acl untag all : untagg all players
  • /acl tag all : tag all players online
  • SpawnShield support
  • FactionUUID support
  • McMMO support
  • Vault support
  • ...
Make sure to leave a suggestion in the review section or discussion section or contact me via PM.

By purchasing this plugin, you agree with the following terms and conditions:
  1. These terms and conditions can change at any point in time, without discussion.
  2. No redistributing allowed. This will result in being denied further updates of this plugin.
  3. You can't edit/hack the plugin without my permission.
  4. If you get banned from Spigot for some reason, you'll be unable to receive an updated version of this plugin
  5. No return of money or chargebacks. If you use the chargeback method of Paypal you'll be removed from the buyers list and won't be able to get any further updates.
  6. Violating any of these rules will result in a report to spigot moderators and removal of any further access to this plugin


Latest updates

  1. 3.3


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