Authenticator is an advanced staff authentication system.
Note: These pictures are not up-to-date; a few messages have been altered.
Note: The comments may be a bit off-place, this is due to HTML not rendering all whitespace. All default resources can also be viewed
Conditional Punishment System
Secure Mode Key Comparison
By downloading / buying this plugin, you agree to the following terms of service:
Authenticator is an advanced staff authentication system.
- Upon first logging in, the player will be prompted to set a password
- While logging in, the player cannot move, take damage, break or place blocks or execute commands, and they are given blindness and teleported away
- Conditional Punishment System
- BungeeCord Support: Log in once after a server restart and stay logged in when switching servers
- Timeout: If the player takes longer than a configurable amount of time to log in, they will be kicked from the server
- Two modes: Normal Mode, where the player has to input their password, and Secure Mode, where the player has to input a key sent to the console
- String metric support: (Configurable) In secure mode, the typed key only has to be so close to the expected key (the player can substitute l (lowercase L) for I (uppercase i) etc.)
- Passwords aren't stored in the plain text form; only their BCrypt salted hash gets stored as binary data, so not even the server owner knows the players' passwords
- Advanced command system for resetting passwords and reloading configuration files
- Extensive general and language configuration
- Automatic update checking
Note: These pictures are not up-to-date; a few messages have been altered.
- /auth command - permission - description
- /auth help - - Displays a help page
- /auth reload [config1,config2,etc] - authenticator.cmd.reload - Reloads the specified or all configuration files
- /auth reset <player | uuid> - authenticator.cmd.reset - Resets the password of a player
- /auth [version] - authenticator.cmd.version - Displays version information
- /auth update - authenticator.cmd.update - Checks for updates
- /auth require <player> - authenticator.cmd.require - Requires authentication of <player>
- /auth setpw <new_password> - authenticator.cmd.setpw - Allows players to update their password if they have already set one
Note: The comments may be a bit off-place, this is due to HTML not rendering all whitespace. All default resources can also be viewed
Conditional Punishment System
Secure Mode Key Comparison
- Download and drag Authenticator-v2.x.x into your plugins folder. You may wish to check the integrity:
- Restart the server
- Edit the configuration files
- Use /auth reload to reload the configurations
- Enjoy!
- Give player blindness and teleport him away while logging in
- Add a command system: /auth[enticator]
- Messages config
- Add a little bit of salt to the password hashes
- Add a command to require authentication
- Auto-Updater
- ... Suggest your ideas here!
By downloading / buying this plugin, you agree to the following terms of service:
- You will not reupload, resell, or in any way make this plugin available to anyone for any reason
- You will not get a refund under any circumstances
- You will only use this plugin on one server (BungeeCord networks count as one)
- You will not decompile or in any way change anything included in the plugin jar file
- I hold the right to change these TOS whenever I wish to, without any notification