1. Set what commands run on restart
2. Dynamically edit the restart behavior in-game
3. Choose between Interval Reboot/Specific Reboot/None
4. Choose at which intervals messages will be sent
5. Choose from actionbars/titles and chat-messages
6. Smart Placeholders (Customizable Null Selections)
7. Commands for your players (see when the next restart is)
8. Extremely configurable down to the core
9. Support for PlaceholderAPI to use wherever you please
Commands (autorestart or ar):
- /autorestart now [interval]
- /autorestart stop
- /autorestart reload
Permission Nodes:
uar.commands - Having this permission will show the menu and not the interval when using /autorestart
uar.now - Permission to use /autorestart now [interval]
uar.stop - Permission to use /autorestart stop
uar.reload - Permission to reload the plugin
Placeholders (PlaceholderAPI):
Holograms (HolographicExtension & PlaceholderAPI):
Do you want to display the restart interval in holograms?
Use this resource alongside PlaceholderAPI to achieve it!
Auto-Restart .bat (Windows):
@Echo OFF
java -Xmx5G -Xms1G -jar <server-jar>.jar -o false
goto start
Auto-Restart .sh (Linux):
screen -s server -X stuff "stop"
screen -s server -X eval "stuff \015"
sleep 15
cd <path to the folder your startup script is stored in>
1. Set what commands run on restart
2. Dynamically edit the restart behavior in-game
3. Choose between Interval Reboot/Specific Reboot/None
4. Choose at which intervals messages will be sent
5. Choose from actionbars/titles and chat-messages
6. Smart Placeholders (Customizable Null Selections)
7. Commands for your players (see when the next restart is)
8. Extremely configurable down to the core
9. Support for PlaceholderAPI to use wherever you please
Commands (autorestart or ar):
- /autorestart now [interval]
- /autorestart stop
- /autorestart reload
Permission Nodes:
uar.commands - Having this permission will show the menu and not the interval when using /autorestart
uar.now - Permission to use /autorestart now [interval]
uar.stop - Permission to use /autorestart stop
uar.reload - Permission to reload the plugin
Placeholders (PlaceholderAPI):
Holograms (HolographicExtension & PlaceholderAPI):
Do you want to display the restart interval in holograms?
Use this resource alongside PlaceholderAPI to achieve it!
Auto-Restart .bat (Windows):
@Echo OFF
java -Xmx5G -Xms1G -jar <server-jar>.jar -o false
goto start
Auto-Restart .sh (Linux):
screen -s server -X stuff "stop"
screen -s server -X eval "stuff \015"
sleep 15
cd <path to the folder your startup script is stored in>