⭐AzuriteSpigot⭐ - PAID Optimized 1.8 Spigot Fork - Leaked (Deobfuscated)

 FREE ⭐AzuriteSpigot⭐ - PAID Optimized 1.8 Spigot Fork - Leaked (Deobfuscated) Latest Version (2024-12-11)

⭐AzuriteSpigot⭐ - PAID Optimized 1.8 Spigot Fork - Leaked (Deobfuscated)


Recoded chunk ticking & block ticking
Custom tickloop implementation
Dynamic paralellised entity tracking
Eigencraft & PandaWire redstone implementations
World Generator Configs
Recode of one of the heaviest parts in any spigot: Activation Range & AntiXray
Best HCF enderpearls system
Heavily optimized networking
Phase & VClipping fixes
Ghost bucket fix
One of the best entity tracker packets recode (capable of hundreds of players)
Best Fishing Rod & Arrow mechanics
Optimized chunk packets & chunk serialization
Fix for commonly known backpacking issue on HCF servers
Player TP tracker for improved player tracking accuracy
Fix for drop & eat bug
Heavily optimized player logins
Option to launch pots when clicking certain blocks (eg: hoppers/chests)
PaperSpigot console improvements
Enchant Limiter to increase or decrease any enchantment level (Works with enchant table & anvils)
Heavily optimized TNT & Redstone mechanics
Explosion Destroyer for durability checking & obsidian damage by TNT
Ingame GUI editor for easier configuring
Async data saving (eg: worlds, user cache, stats)
Best bow boosting configurations
Many more fixes & optimizations

# ================ ⚡ AzuriteSpigot ⚡ ================ # # Azurite configuration # You will find all the main mechanics here # # ====================================================== serverBranding: AzuriteSpigot # Used for commands and server ping data worlds: ticking: disableBlockLighting: false randomTickSpeed: 3 tickBlocks: true tickTileEntities: true tickBeacons: true tickBrewingStands: true tickHoppers: true tickVillages: false tickFurnaces: true tickChunks: true tickBiomeCache: true tickWeather: true commands: enableSpigotConfigCommand: true enablePingCommand: true enableTPSCommand: true enableChunkUnloadCommand: true enableClearLagCommand: true enableSetMaxPlayersCommand: true chunks: cacheChunkMaps: true # IMPORTANT! This patch is from paper and we highly suggest using. However if you get chunk corruption bugs turn this off. chunkLoadingThreads: 3 playersPerThread: 100 chunkUnloading: true unloadPerTick: 150 projectiles: arrowTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0 rodTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0 snowballTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0 eggTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0 pearlTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0 potionTrajectoryRandomness: 1.0 sounds: itemFizzSounds: true fluidFizzSounds: true mobRandomSounds: true explosionSounds: true footstepSounds: false particles: dispenserEffects: true spawnerParticles: true explosionParticles: true tntParticles: true footstepParticles: false modifiers: furnaceModifier: 1.0 brewingModifier: 1.0 fallDamageModifier: 1.0 critDamageModifier: 1.0 events: firePlayerMoveEvent: true fireBlockPhysicsEvent: true fireHopperMoveItemEvent: true fireSandBlockChangeEvent: true fireSandPhysicsEvent: true fireRedstonePhysicsEvent: true fireTNTDispenseEvent: true blocks: redstoneOptimization: EIGENCRAFT # Redstone implementation. Choose EIGENCRAFT/PANDAWIRE/DEFAULT gravelFall: true grassSpread: true grassSpreadLight: true leafDecaying: true dropFloatingPlants: true dropExplosionBlocks: true dispenserRandomness: true # Optimizes cannons pistonPushEntities: true # Push entities with piston pistonMaxBlockPush: 12 # Maximum blocks pushed by pistons infiniteWaterSources: true waterDestroyRedstone: true oldEnchantingSystem: false # Toggle for 1.7 enchanting system generating: cobbleGenerating: true # Cobble generation from lava and water stoneGenerating: true # Stone generation from lava and water obsidianGenerating: true # Obsidian generation from lava and water sponges: spongeRadius: 4 # Sponge activation radius, 0 to disable spongePreventWaterFlow: false spongeInstantBreak: false spawners: chunkMobLimit: 0 # Number of mobs in a chunk to prevent spawning. 0 - to disable requirement minimumSpawnDelay: 200 maximumSpawnDelay: 800 spawnCount: 4 spawnRange: 4.0 # Spawn range for entities around the spawner playerSpawnRange: 16.0 # Radius for players around to spawn maximumNearbyEntities: 0 # Amount of entities around the spawner to prevent spawning. 0 - to disable requirement lightLevelCheck: true players: playerBorderDamage: false playerMovedTooQuicklyCheck: true # Toggle spigots moved too quickly check. checkPlayerSleep: true playerIdleTimer: false playerPhaseLeniency: 1.0E-7 # Defines the length a player can go inside a block, if you experience issues with server setting back due to phase, we recommend setting it to 0.0625 playerPhaseChestsAndAnvils: false # Toggles chests & anvil bounding boxes, it is only recommended enabling this if you want to have protection against people glitching through chests & anvils dynamicParalellisedTracking: true # Async player tracking. Server will decide when it should be used playersNeededParalellisedTracking: 100 # How many players should be tracked for us to run paralellised hideEntitiesThrownHidden: false # Toggle hiding entities thrown by hidden players protRandomness: true # Toggle protection randomness (HCF server toggle off and check below) protectionModifier: 25.0 # Protection damage modifier. If prot randomness is disabled make sure to change this to 20-23. Lower for more damage and higher for less damage armorDamageDivision: 4.0 # Armor damage modifier (HCF should be 12) optimizePlayerPrinter: false # Remove block place delay autoRespawnPlayer: false potionLaunchOnClick: - HOPPER - CHEST - ENDER_CHEST networking: ipConsoleLog: false writeAddPlayerPacketsLazily: false # Write add player packets lazily instead of using our queue implementation. networkBlockingJoin: true # PaperSpigot patch for preventing blocking while ticking. Toggle off if you have issues with your anticheat on join. tickPlayerLatency: true # Tick player latency on tablist parentNettyThreads: 1 # 1 Is sufficient as it is just responsible for accepting connections and offloading to child group childNettyThreads: 0 # Default is 4, 0 is recommended which uses all processors available but will increase cpu usage. knockback: globalActiveKnockback: Default # Which profile should we use as the default overrideDefaultKnockback: true # Should we use our custom knockback overrideRodKnockback: true # Should we use our custom knockback overrideArrowKnockback: true # Should we use our custom knockback patches: patchArrowBounceBug: true # Toggles the arrow hit delay in knockback profiles. patchDropEatBug: true patchGhostBuckets: true # This makes sure the server uses the correct location for placing liquids by waiting for the client tick packet patchHCFRegenBug: true # This makes regeneration weaker as players in teamfights are often invincible with regular regen. obfuscateEntityEquipment: true # Obfuscates equipment to deny a few cheats menus: fillerEnabled: true fillerType: STAINED_GLASS_PANE fillerData: 7 pageType: CARPET pageData: 2 pageBackDisplay: '&dPrevious Page' pageBackLore: - '&e(Current Page: &2%page%/%max-pages%&e)' pageForwardDisplay: '&dNext Page' pageForwardLore: - '&e(Current Page: &2%page%/%max-pages%&e)' backButtonType: BED backButtonData: 0 backButtonDisplay: '&cBack' mobs: mobAI: true naturalMobSpawn: true ironGolemFallDamage: true snowGolemFallDamage: true babyZombieSpawning: true zombieOnChickenSpawning: true villagerZombieSpawning: true skeletonOnSpiderSpawning: true entityCollisions: true # Toggle this off if you want the best performance entityCollisionsDelay: 1 # A delay of 4 is recommended factions: fixFreecamCegging: false # Only enable if it is an issue! May cause performance issues sandMerging: false tntMerging: false hidePistonAnimations: false hideTntEntity: false hideSandEntity: false fixSandChunkUnloading: true optimizeTNTMovement: false optimizeSandMovement: false fixEastWestCannon: true durability: explosionDestroyer: false durabilityItemChecker: potato damageOnlyByTNT: false blockDurabilities: - obsidian:3 - bedrock:5 - end_stone:5 blockResistances: - obsidian:35.0 - bedrock:60.0 - end_stone:45.0 - anvil:2000.0

# ================ ⚡ AzuriteSpigot ⚡ ================ # # Enchantment limit configuration # Increase or decrease the limit of any enchant # # ====================================================== enchant-limits: unbreaking: 3 armor: protectionAll: 4 protectionFire: 4 protectionFall: 4 protectionExplosion: 4 protectionProjectile: 4 thorns: 3 aquaAffinity: 1 waterBreathing: 3 depthStrider: 3 tools: efficiency: 5 silkTouch: 1 fortune: 3 swords: sharpness: 5 baneOfArthropods: 5 smite: 5 fireAspect: 2 knockback: 2 looting: 3 bows: power: 5 punch: 2 flame: 1 infinity: 1 rods: lure: 3 luckOfTheSea: 3

# ================ ⚡ AzuriteSpigot ⚡ ================ # # Messages configuration # You will find all the language here # # ====================================================== messages: insufficientPerm: '&dAzuriteSpigot &7┃ &cYou do not have access to this command.' onlyPlayer: '&dThis command can only be used by players.' playerNotFound: '&ePlayer &d%player% &ecould not be found.' notValidType: '&eValue &d%value% &eis not type &a%type%&e.' player: disconnectSpam: disconnect.spam loggedInAnotherLocation: You logged in from another location factionsDurabilityChecker: '&eDurability: &d%durability%' command: ping-command: playerPing: '&d[Ping] &eYour Ping: &d%ping%ms' otherPlayerPing: '&d[Ping] &e%player%''s Ping: &d%ping%ms' config-command: configReloaded: '&eConfigs have been reloaded in &d%ms%ms&e.' clear-lag-command: clearedLag: '&eYou have cleared &d%entities% &eentities.' set-max-players-command: setMaxPlayersUsage: '&cUsage: /setmaxplayers <amount>' setMaxPlayers: '&eSet max players to &d%amount% &eplayers.' unload-chunks-command: unloadedChunks: '&eYou have unloaded &d%amount% &echunks.' version-command: versionMessage: - '&fThis server is running &dAzuriteSpigot &fversion 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.' tps-command: tpsMessage: - '&7&m-------------------------' - '&d[Server TPS]' - '&f(TPS from 1s, 5s, 15s: %server_tps%&f)' - '&f(Memory: &e%free_memory%&7/&e%max_memory% MB&f) &7- &f(Uptime: &6%uptime%&f)' - '&f(Threads: &b%threads%&f) &7- &f(Alive: &a%alive%&f, Interrupted: &c%interrupted%&f, Daemon: &9%daemon%&f)' - '&f(Chunks: &2%chunks%&f) &7- &f(Players: &c%players%&7/&c%max_players%&f)' - '&f(Entities: &3%entities%&f) &7- &f(Tile Entities: &e%tiles%&f)' - '&7&m-------------------------' knockback: knockbackUsage: - '&7&m-------------------------' - '&d[Knockback Usage]' - '%commands%' - '&7&m-------------------------' profileNotFound: '&eProfile &d%name% &ecould not be found.' knockback-create: createUsage: '&d- &f/knockback create <name>' createHover: '&eClick to create a new profile.' createExists: '&eProfile &d%name% &ealready exists.' createProfile: '&eProfile &d%name% &ehas been created.' knockback-delete: deleteUsage: '&d- &f/knockback delete <name>' deleteHover: '&eClick to delete a profile.' deleteActive: '&eYou cannot delete &d%name% &eas it is a active profile.' deleteProfile: '&eProfile &d%name% &ehas been deleted.' knockback-list: listUsage: '&d- &f/knockback list' listHover: '&eClick to list profiles.' listName: '&d- &f%name%' listNameActive: '&d- &2%name% &7(Active)' listNameHover: '&eClick to view &d%name%''''s &evalues.' listMessage: - '&7&m-------------------------' - '&d[Knockback Profiles]' - '%profiles%' - '&7&m-------------------------' knockback-setactive: setActiveUsage: '&d- &f/knockback setactive <name>' setActiveHover: '&eClick to set an active profile.' setActiveAlready: '&eProfile &d%name% &eis already active.' setActive: '&eProfile &d%name% &eis now globally active.' knockback-view: viewUsage: '&d- &f/knockback view <name>' viewHover: '&eClick to view a profile.' viewSetting: '&d- &f%setting%&7: &d%value%' viewSettingHover: '&eClick to set a new value for &d%setting%&e.' viewSetActiveClick: '&a[Set Active]' viewSetActiveClickHover: '&eClick to set profile &d%name% &eactive.' viewDeleteClick: '&c[Delete]' viewDeleteClickHover: '&eClick to delete &d%name%&e.' viewEditClick: '&6[Edit]' viewEditHover: '&eClick to edit &d%name%&e.' viewMessage: - '&7&m-------------------------' - '&d[%name%]' - '%values%' - '%clickables%' - '&7&m-------------------------' knockback-edit: editUsage: '&d- &f/knockback edit <name> <setting> <value>' editHover: '&eClick to edit a profiles values.' editSettingNotFound: '&eSetting &d%setting% &ecould not be found.' editTypeNewValue: '&eType a value for &d%setting% &e(Current: &2%current%&e) &eType &ccancel &eto cancel.' editCancelled: '&eEditing for value &d%setting% &ehas been cancelled.' editSettingValue: '&eSet the value of &d%setting% &eto &2%value% &efor profile &c%profile%&e.' knockback-editmenu: editMenuUsage: '&d- &f/knockback editmenu <name>' editMenuHover: '&eClick to edit a profile.' knockback-set: setUsage: '&d- &f/knockback set <name> <player>' setHover: '&eClick to set a players profile.' setProfile: '&eSet profile &d%profile% &eto player &2%player%&e.' knockback-clear: clearUsage: '&d- &f/knockback clear <player>' clearHover: '&eClick to clear a players profile.' clearProfile: '&eReset &d%player%&e''''s active profile.' config-editing: configEditNewValue: '&eType a value for &d%setting% &e(Current: &2%current%&e) &eType &ccancel &eto cancel.' configEditCancelled: '&eEditing for value &d%setting% &ehas been cancelled.' configEditSetValue: '&eSet the value of &d%setting% &eto &2%value%&e.'

# ================ ⚡ AzuriteSpigot ⚡ ================ # # HCF Enderpearl Configuration # All the options for enderpearl mechanics # # ====================================================== antiGlitch: fixBlockGlitch: true fixFenceGlitch: true refundSuffocation: true refundRiskyPearl: true refundOnCritblock: false refundIfSoClose: true # Allow for players to spam pearls on a block close to them refundCloseDistance: 1.0 glitchReturnPearl: true glitchReturnMessage: '' glitchReturnCommand: timer remove %player% Enderpearl teleport: misc: instantlyTaliTeleport: false entityTpHitDetection: true entityTpGetOutOneByOne: true # Deny entity TP system if you are in a one by one spawnEndermite: true pearlThruFence: true pearlThruString: true pearlThruWeb: true pearlThruPlants: true pearlHopperUnderFence: true pearlChestUnderFence: true pearlParticlesEnabled: true pearlParticleCount: 32 pearlDamage: 5.0 crossPearlMoveHelper: 0.35 # How much should we move the player inside the block when cross-pearling hitBlockTeleport: true # Should we teleport them if they throw an enderpearl directly on the block beforeBlockTeleport: true # Should we teleport them if they throw an enderpearl just before the block (Like ViperMC) maxTeleportBlocks: 3 # Maximum amount of blocks you can tali teleport through launchOnFenceClick: true launchOnOtherClick: - FURNACE - ANVIL - SIGN - SIGN_POST - WALL_SIGN - HOPPER - CHEST - ENDER_CHEST - TRAPPED_CHEST - WORKBENCH - ENCHANTMENT_TABLE - BEACON - ANVIL slabs: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true stairs: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true chests: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true beds: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true cobblewalls: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true pistons: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true end-frames: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true enchant-tables: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true anvils: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true daylight-sensors: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true trapdoors: enabled: true crosspearl: true diagonal: true critblock: true

# ================ ⚡ AzuriteSpigot ⚡ ================ # # Default.yml (Knockback) # # ====================================================== horizontal: 0.475 # Horizontal knockback: horizontal = value horizontalOnGround: 1.2 # On ground horizontal kb modifier: horizontal *= multiplier horizontalSprinting: 1.35 # Sprinting horizontal kb modifier: horizontal *= multiplier horizontalInherit: true # Inherit victim motion horizontalFriction: 0.85 # Horizontal friction: horizontal = (motion * frictionHorizontal) + victimYaw horizontalKnockbackDeduction: 0.8 # Knockback enchantment modifier: horizontal *= ((enchLevel + 1) - kbDeductionValue) vertical: 0.345 # Vertical knockback. vertical = value verticalOnGround: 1.1 # On ground vertical kb modifier: vertical *= multiplier verticalSprinting: 1.0 # Sprinting vertical kb modifier: vertical *= multiplier verticalInherit: false # Inherit victim vertical motion verticalFriction: 0.3 # Vertical friction: vertical += (motion * frictionHorizontal) enableOnePointSeven: true # Help players with victim chasing onePointSevenHorizontal: 0.375 # Horizontal knockback on back-hit: horizontal = value enableVerticalLimit: false # Limit vertical if it exceeds yLimit verticalLimit: 1.2 # Vertical limit: vertical = 0 rodHorizontal: 1.1 # Horizontal fishing rod knockback rodVertical: 1.0 # Vertical fishing rod knockback rodSpeed: 1.0 # Multiplies the number given with the rod's vector magnitude bowBoostDirectional: false # Should bow boosting be enabled using the direction player is facing bowBoostKbOnlyShooter: false # Should bow boosting direction only be enabled for shooter bowHorizontal: 0.9 # Horizontal bow knockback (Bow boosting recommended: 1.1) bowVertical: 0.9 # Horizontal vertical knockback (Bow boosting recommended: 0.35) bowPunchMultiplier: 1.1 # Punch enchantment modifier: horizontal *= (punchLevel + 1) * bowPunchMultiplier potionFall: 0.05 # Fall speed value potionSpeed: 0.5 # Throwing multiplier value potionVerticalOffset: -10.0 # Vertical throwing offset value potionFast: true # Make heal potions throwing smoother hitDelay: 20 # Delay between victim can get hit hitDelayArrow: 20 # Delay between victim can get hit by an arrow (Patches arrow bounce bug) slowdown: 0.6 # Slowdown player on hit cancelSprint: true # Cancel sprint for player on hit comboMode: false # Enable combo mode comboHeight: 2.3 # Maximum height of combo comboTicks: 10 # Maximum combo ticks comboVelocity: -0.05 # Vertical deduction on hit

# ================ ⚡ AzuriteSpigot ⚡ ================ # # Default.yml (Generator) # # ====================================================== world: generateOceans: true # Generate any oceans generateWaterLakes: true # Generate any water lakes generateLavaLakes: true # Generate any lava lakes cavesMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of cave generation sugarCaneMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of cane generation biomeReplacements: - Ocean;none - Plains;none - Desert;none - Extreme Hills;none - Forest;none - Tauga;none - Swampland;none - River;none - Hell;none - The End;none - FrozenOcean;none - FrozenRiver;none - Ice Plains;none - Ice Mountains;none - MushroomIsland;none - MushroomIslandShore;none - Beach;none - DesertHills;none - ForestHills;none - TaigaHills;none - Extreme Hills Edge;none - Jungle;none - JungleHills;none - JungleEdge;none - Deep Ocean;none - Stone Beach;none - Cold Beach;none - Birch Forest;none - Birch Forest Hills;none - Roofed Forest;none - Cold Taiga;none - Cold Taiga Hills;none - Mega Taiga;none - Mega Taiga Hills;none - Extreme Hills+;none - Savanna;none - Savanna Plateau;none - Mesa;none - Mesa Plateau F;none - Mesa Plateau;none spawn: spawnBiomeRadius: 0 # Radius of spawn biome (0, 0 coords) # Use custom biome to spawn within a certain radius spawnBiome: plains spawnBiomeRivers: true # Generate rivers in spawn biome spawnBiomeLakes: true # Generate lakes in spawn biome ores: emerald: emeraldMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of emerald generation coal: coalMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of coal generation coalSize: 17 # Maximum amount of coal can be generated in 1 chunk coalMustTouchAir: false # Generate coal only in caves iron: ironMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of iron generation ironSize: 9 # Maximum amount of iron can be generated in 1 chunk ironMustTouchAir: false # Generate iron only in caves gold: goldMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of gold generation goldSize: 9 # Maximum amount of gold can be generated in 1 chunk goldMustTouchAir: false # Generate gold only in caves redstone: redstoneMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of redstone generation redstoneSize: 8 # Maximum amount of redstone can be generated in 1 chunk redstoneMustTouchAir: false # Generate redstone only in caves diamond: diamondMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of diamond generation diamondSize: 8 # Maximum amount of diamonds can be generated in 1 chunk diamondMustTouchAir: false # Generate diamonds only in caves lapis: lapisMultiplier: 1.0 # Multiply the amount of lapis generation lapisSize: 7 # Maximum amount of lapis can be generated in 1 chunk lapisMustTouchAir: false # Generate lapis only in caves

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