Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12



BattleLevels is a plugin that allows you to track player kills, deaths and mob kills. It let's you create a formula to let players gain points and level up.
  • Let players earn points for killing players and mobs and let them level up.
  • Useful for various other goals. You can use the commands to give players extra points. You can use this in for example a quests server where player would get point and level up by fulfilling quests.
  • Advanced formula config. Require the same score to level-up every time or make it harder and harder every time they level-up. It's up to you. You can even set the amount per level or use a custom mathematical formula.
  • Bossbar to show messages or show a permanent progress bar.
  • Reward system that allows you to give an amount of points when killing a player or mob. This is completely configurable and randomizable per player, mob and custom mob.
  • Command executor which allows you to execute specific commands for events like killstreaks and level-ups. This is useful if you want to give players a new rank when they reach a certain level or give people a reward if they reach a big killstreak.
  • Reward system which allows you to execute commands, give items with metadata, give xp, firework, announcements, give money and show configurable messages. Everything is 100% configurable.
  • Anti-cheat: stops friends from killing each other over and over to gain points.
  • Custom mob system which allows you to set a custom amount of points for mobs with a specific nametag.
  • MythicMobs suppport. You can give different amounts of points for different kind of MythicMobs mobs.
  • Ranged Zones: create zones for balanced pvp. This allows you to block people with a high level from killing people with a low level. Read more down below.
  • Command creator which allows you to make your own commands to look up stats of yourself or other players with tons of variables. You can also create leaderboard commands with this command creator.
  • Boosters which allow you to get a double rewards or double points for a certain time. This useful if you want to make a double coins weekend or something like that. You can create global or personal boosters.
  • The ability to disable in a specific world using the configuration. This is handy for multiworld servers.
  • Level-up titles. Completely configurable.
  • Easy setup.
  • MySQL or SQLlite (local file) storage. Useful for syncing data over multiple servers.
  • Translatable messages.
  • Fancy chat placeholders. More details in the chat format section below
  • Extra damage based on level system
  • Extra hearts based on level system
  • Level zones which allows you to make zones that only people with a certain minimum or maximum level can enter.
  • Regular updates by an active developer who takes suggestions.
  • Commands to add or remove score and levels to a player. Useful for giving rewards in minigames or as a donation package.
  • Permission system to give multipliers to VIPS or people with a specific permission.
Video review:


You can reload the config with /battlelevels reload
You need the permission battlelevels.reload to use this command
Spoiler: Configuration
Code (Text):

# General config

# Do we want to use player kills ?
players-enabled: true
# Disabled world list
- disabledworldhere
# Commands that can be executed when you reach a certain killstreak. The zero is just an example.
# You can use the variables {killstreak} for the number of kills and the variable {name} for the player name variable.
- '/say This is an example command!'
- '/say You can even add multiple commands and the variable {killstreak} and {name}!'
# Commands that can be executed when you reach a certain level. The zero is just an example.
# You can use the variables {level} for the reached level and the variable {name} for the player name variable.
- '/say {name} just reached level {level}!'
- '/say You can even add multiple commands!'
# Announce a killstreak every x amount. Set to zero to disable.
announce-killstreak-every: 5
# You can use the variables {killstreak} for the number of kills and the variable {name} for the player name variable.
announce-killstreak-message: '&b{name} just reached a killstreak of {killstreak} kills!'
# Multipliers multiply the amount of score that you gain
# The permission is battlelevels.multiplier.x
# Replace x with the amount
# The score will then equal 'x * normal_score'
# Example for a multiplier of 1.5: battlelevels.multiplier.1.5
# Here you can set the enabled multipliers
- 1.5
# Score you earn for killing a player
kill-score: 1.5
# Earn extra points per kill in a killstreak. If this value would be 0.2 and your streak
# would be 10, you would get 2 extra points when you kill somebody
killstreak-score: 0.2
# Score which is lost on death
lose-score-on-death: 0.5
# Maximum level
max-level: 500
# Enable xp bar progress
xp-bar: false
# Enable extra hearts
# If this value would be 0.2 and your level would be 10, you would get 2 extra hearts
enable-extra-hearts: false
extra-hearts-per-level: 0.2
max-extra-hearts: 4.0
# Enable extra damage based on level
enable-extra-damage: false
# If this value would be 0.2 and your level would be 10, you would deal 2 hearts extra damage
extra-damage-per-level: 0.05
max-extra-damage: 2.0
# Enable negative score
# Of this is enabled, people their score can go below zero
negative-score: false
# Save interval in seconds
# The plugin will save all data periodically to avoid data loss when the server crasjes
save-interval: 60
# Upper limit. If you want to use random points between 2 limits as a reward, fill in the upper limit here. The plugin will generate a random number between the this number and the normal kill score every time.
enable-random: false
upper-limit: 2.0
# Whether a player's killstreak should reset when he logs out
reset-killstreak: false
# Level that new players get
start-level: 0
# Score that new players get
start-score: 0
# People with a level below can't get attack players and get attacked by players
start-pvp-level: 0
start-pvp-level-attacker-send-message: true
start-pvp-level-attacker-message: '&bYou can not attack this player because he is below the minimum PvP level'
start-pvp-level-player-send-message: true
start-pvp-level-player-message: '&bYou can not attack this player because you are below the minimum PvP level'

# Data config

# MySQL settings
mysql: false
mysql-host: host
mysql-port: 3306
mysql-username: username
mysql-password: password
mysql-database: database
# Database table name
database-table: BattleLevelsData

# Formula config

# Linear formula: you will always need to earn the same amount of score to level up to the next level
# Current level: floor(x/b)
# Total score required to reach level c: c * b
# x is the player's current score and and b is the score needed to level up to level 1 (base score)
linear-formula-enabled: false
# This is the b value from the previous formula
# If you would leave this value at 5, the progress would look like this:
# Total score required to reach level 1: 5
# Total score required to reach level 2: 10
# Total score required to reach level 3: 15
# Total score required to reach level 4: 20
# Total score required to reach level 5: 25
# And so on...
linear-default-level-up: 5

# Geometric formula: you will always need to earn a bit more score to level up to the next level
# Total score required to reach level c: b * s ^ (c - 1)
# s is the scaling factor and b is the score needed to level up to level 1 (base score)
geometric-formula-enabled: false
# This is the b value from the previous formula
geometric-default-level-up: 5
# This is the s value from the previous formula
geometric-scaling-factor: 1.5
# If you would leave the the default level-up at 5 and the scaling factor at 1.5, the progress would look like this:
# Total score required to reach level 1: 5
# Total score required to reach level 2: 7.5
# Total score required to reach level 3: 11.25
# Total score required to reach level 4: 16.875
# Total score required to reach level 5: 25.3125
# This score would of course be rounded
# And so on...

# Geometric formula 2: you will always need to earn a bit more score to level up to the next level
# Total score required to reach level 1: (b * 1) + (s * 1)
# Total score required to reach level 2: (b * 2) + (s * 1) + (s * 2)
# Total score required to reach level 3: (b * 3) + (s * 1) + (s * 2) + (s * 3)
# Total score required to reach level 4: (b * 4) + (s * 1) + (s * 2) + (s * 3) + (s * 4)
# s is the scaling factor and b is the score needed to level up to level 1 (base score)
geometric2-formula-enabled: true
# This is the b value from the previous formula
geometric2-default-level-up: 5
# This is the s value from the previous formula
geometric2-extra-factor: 0.5
# This example would require you to get 0.5 more than the previous time to level-up

# Custom formula 1: you can set the amount per level
# The number that you need to set is the total score that the player needs to have at the point of leveling up
# You can as much levels as you want
custom1-formula-enabled: false
1: 5.0
2: 11.0
3: 18.0
4: 26.0
5: 35.0
# Custom formula 2: you can set a custom formula
# This formula is configured via JavaScript so your formula needs to be a valid JavaScript expression
# The level variable represents the level
# Check the internet for basic JavaScript functions like exponents and square roots
custom2-formula-enabled: false
custom2-formula: 'Math.pow(1.5, level) * Math.sqrt(level) * 2;'

# Booster config

# Enable boosters
booster-enabled: true
# Enable double reward score when having a booster
booster-double-score: true
# Enable double rewards when having a booster
booster-double-rewards: false
# Maximum normal booster time in hours
max-booster: 24
# Maximum global booster time in hours
max-global-booster: 24
# Global booster message
global-booster-message: '&e{name} activated a global booster for &e{amount} hours'
# Normal booster message
booster-message: '&aYou enabled a booster for &e{amount} hours'
# Message if boosters aren't enabled
booster-not-enabled: '&aBoosters are not enabled'
# Normal booster de-activated
booster-de-activated: '&aThe booster is now deactivated'
# Global booster de-activated
global-booster-de-activated: '&aThe global booster is now deactivated'
# Normal booster maximum message
max-boost-message: '&aThe maximum boost is &b{amount} hours'
# Global booster maximum message
max-global-boost-message: '&aThe maximum global boost is &b{amount} hours'
# No booster activated
no-booster-activated: '&cNo booster activated'
# Normal booster message for the command creator
normal-booster: '{time} hours'
# Global booster message for the command creator
global-booster: '{time} hours global boost'

# Messages config

# Level-up message
levelup-message: '&bYou leveled up to level &e{level}'
# Level-up announcement
levelup-announcement: '&b{name} leveled up to level &e{level}'
# How often it should show the level-up announcement
announce-every-x-level: 5
# Show death message
show-death-message: true
# Death message
# Player variables: {killer_level}, {killer_kills}, {killer_level}, {killer_score}, {killer_killstreak}, {killer_topstreak}, {killer_kdr}
death-message: '&7You were killed by &b{name} &a({killer_level}) &7and you lost &b{amount} points'
# Show death broadcast
show-death-broadcast-message: false
# Death broadcast message
# Player variables: {killer_level}, {killer_kills}, {killer_level}, {killer_score}, {killer_killstreak}, {killer_topstreak}, {killer_kdr}
# {death_level}, {death_kills}, {death_level}, {death_score}, {death_killstreak}, {death_topstreak}, {death_kdr}
death-broadcast-message: '&b{death} &a({death_level}) &7was killed by &b{killer} &a({killer_level})'
# Show kill message
show-kill-message: true
# Kill message
# Player variables: {death_level}, {death_kills}, {death_level}, {death_score}, {death_killstreak}, {death_topstreak}, {death_kdr}
kill-message: '&7You killed &b{name} &a({death_level}) &7and you received &b{amount} points'
# Player offline message
player-offline: '&cPlayer offline'
# Player does not exist message
not-exist: '&cThat player does not exist'
# Progress bar configuration
progress-bar: '&a{part1}&c{part2}'
progress-bar-segments: 10
progress-bar-segment: '|'
# Database initializing kick message
data-kick: 'Please wait, the database is starting up'
# The format of high numbers
# Commas in the format. (Example: 1234967 becomes 1,234,967 )
# Enabling this will disable the enable-custom feature.
enable-commas: false
# Format high numbers properly. (Example: 9000000 becomes 9M)
# This feature will be disabled if enable-commas is enabled
enable-custom: false
thousands-format: k
millions-format: M
billions-format: B
trillions-format: T
quadrillions-format: QD
quintillions-format: QT
sextillions-format: SX
septillions-format: SP

# Enable a prefix in front of the name
enable-prefix: false
# Prefix
prefix: '&b[&aLevel &e{battlelevels_level}&b]'

# Bossbar config

# Show permanent progress bossbar
permanent-bar: false
# Permanent bossbar message
permanent-bar-message: '&c&l>> &bProgress &c&l<<'
# How long the bossbar is shown after a kill in seconds. Set to zero to disable
bar-showtime: 4
# Enable bossbar on player kill
kill-bar-enabled: false
# Player kill message
# Player variables: {death_level}, {death_kills}, {death_level}, {death_score}, {death_killstreak}, {death_topstreak}, {death_kdr}
bar-message: '&c&l>> &aYou killed &e{died} ({death_level}) &aand earned &b{amount} &apoints &c&l<<'
# Enable bossbar on mob kill
mob-bar-enabled: false
# Mob kill message
mob-bar-message: '&6&l>> &bYou killed a &e{died} &band earned &a{amount} &bpoints &6&l<<'
# Enable level-up bossbar
level-up-bar-enabled: false
# Level-up message
bar-level-up: '&c&l>> &bYou leveled up to level &a{level} &c&l<<'
# Temporary bossbar color
temp-bossbar-color: BLUE
# Permanent bossbar color
permanent-bossbar-color: GREEN
# Level-up bossbar color
level-up-bossbar-color: YELLOW
# Temporary bossbar style
temp-bossbar-style: SEGMENTED_20
# Permanent bossbar style
permanent-bossbar-style: SEGMENTED_20
# Level-up bossbar style
level-up-bossbar-style: SEGMENTED_20

# Zone settings

# Enable ranged zones
ranged-zones: false
# Enable level-zones
level-zones: false
# Ranged zone message
ranged-message: '&aYou can''t hit &b{hit} &abecause the range in this zone is &e{range}'
# Level zone message
level-message: '&aYou can''t enter this zone &abecause the required level is &b{level}'
# Enable global ranged zones
global-ranged-zones: false
# Global ranged zones value
global-ranged-zones-range: 10
# Global ranged zone message
global-ranged-message: '&aYou can''t hit &b{hit} &abecause the range is &e{range}'
# Max level zones
max-zones: false
# Max level zones message
max-message: '&aYou can''t enter this zone &abecause the maximum level is &b{level}'

# Rewards config

# Heal
heal: false
# Percentage chance that the item will be given
item-give-percentage: 100
# Item ID. Set to zero to disable.
item-id: '264:0'
# Item amount
item-amount: 1
# Money amount
money-amount: 100
# XP amount
xp-amount: 50
# Show reward message
show-reward-message: true
# Reward message
reward-message: '&bYou received &e{itemamount} diamonds, {xpamount} xp and {moneyamount} money'

# Level-up config

# Execute commands every time a player levels up
every-level-commands: false
# If the previous option is enabled, here are the commands
- /say {name} just reached level {level}!
# How often it should should show firework
firework-every-x-level: 1
# Level-up sound
level-up-sound: entity.player.levelup

# Level-up title. Variables are {level} and {name}
enable-level-up-title: true
# Message
level-up-title: '&eYou are now level &a&l{level}'
# Fade in time in ticks
level-up-title-fade-in: 10
# Fade out time in ticks
level-up-title-fade-out: 10
# Stay time in ticks
level-up-title-stay: 100

# Level-up subtitle. Variables are {level} and {name}
enable-level-up-subtitle: false
# Message
level-up-subtitle: '&ebCongratulations!'
# Fade in time in ticks
level-up-subtitle-fade-in: 10
# Fade out time in ticks
level-up-subtitle-fade-out: 10
# Stay time in ticks
level-up-subtitle-stay: 100

# Anti grinder config
# This allows you to stop people from killing the same person over and over to get more points
# This examples makes it so that you can only earn points for the first 20 kills on the same person during 3 minutes (180 seconds)
# Enabled anti grinder or not
antigrinder-enabled: false
# Interval in seconds
antigrinder-interval: 180
# Max kill
antigrinder-max: 20
# Message
antigrinder-message: '&bYou killed {victim} too much and you did not earn points. Please wait before killing this person again.'
send-antigrinder-message: true

# Custom command config
# Variables:
- ' &a&l<&a&m===&a&l> &cReport for &6{name} &a&l<&a&m====&a&l>'
- ' &bScore&a: &e{score} {coin}'
- ' &bLevel&a: &e{level}'
- ' &bKills&a: &e{kills}'
- ' &bDeaths&a: &e{deaths}'
- ' &bMultiplier&a: &e{multiplier} &e{coin}'
- ' &bKillstreak&a: &e{killstreak} kills'
- ' &bHighest Killstreak&a: &e{topstreak} kills'
- ' &bExtra damage&a: &e{extradamage} &c{heart}'
- ' &bExtra hearts&a: &e{extrahearts} &c{heart}'
- ' &bPoints needed to level-up&a: &e{neededfornext} {coin}'
- ' &bProgress&a: {progressbar}'
- ' &bBooster&a: &e{boostertime}'
- ' &bXP level&a: &e{xp}'
- ' &bTotal experience&a: &e{totalxp}'
- ' &bProgress&a: &e{progress}%'
- ' &bKDR: &e{kdr}'
- ' &aTop 10 Levels'
- ' &e1: &a{top_level_1_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_1_value}'
- ' &e2: &a{top_level_2_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_2_value}'
- ' &e3: &a{top_level_3_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_3_value}'
- ' &e4: &a{top_level_4_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_4_value}'
- ' &e5: &a{top_level_5_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_5_value}'
- ' &e6: &a{top_level_6_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_6_value}'
- ' &e7: &a{top_level_7_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_7_value}'
- ' &e8: &a{top_level_8_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_8_value}'
- ' &e9: &a{top_level_9_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_9_value}'
- ' &e10: &a{top_level_10_name} - &elevel &a{top_level_10_value}'


Level-up titles require the TitleManager plugin (recommended) by @Puharesource or the TitleLib plugin by @inventivetalent


The command creator allows you to make custom commands to check the stats of any player or even look up the top stats.

Code (Text):
You can also create leaderboards in commands by using the correct variables.

A leaderboard variable looks like this:
{top_{stat}_1_name} for the name of the player.
{top_{stat}_1_value} for the statistic value.
Example: {top_level_1_name}
This would print the name of the player with the highest level.
Example: {top_level_1_value}
This would print the level of the player with the highest level.

The available statistics to make leaderboards for are: level, score, kills, deaths, killsteak, topstreak, booster



The plugin has some built-in managing commands:
  • /battlelevels reload (Permission: battlelevels.reload)
  • /battlelevels addscore <player> <amount> (Permission: battlelevels.score)
  • /battlelevels removescore <player> <amount> (Permission: battlelevels.score)
  • /battlelevels addlevel <player> <amount> (Permission: battlelevels.level)
  • /battlelevels removelevel <player> <amount> (Permission: battlelevels.level)
  • /battlelevels reset <player> (Permission: battlelevels.reset)
  • /battlelevels version (Permission: battlelevels.version)
  • /battlelevels set <player> <statistic> <amount> (Permission: battlelevels.set)
  • /battlelevels execute <command> <optional arg> (Permission: battlelevels.execute)


The plugin also allows you to get points for killing mobs.
Make sure to put 'enabled' to true in the rpg.yml to use this feature.
To disable a mob, set the 'points' to 0.0.
To give a random amount of points between 2 boundaries, enable 'random-enabled' for the mob and set the 'upper-limit' to something higher than the normal score.

You can create custom points for mobs that have a nametag by adding the value to the custom-mobs section in the rpg.yml file.
You must write the nametag of the mob in an alphanumeric form (only letters and numbers).
Having trouble to find the correct name to add ?
Enable 'debug' in your rpg.yml file and it will log the names that you need to use for the config in the console when you kill a mob with a special nametag.

If you're using MythicMobs, you can use the mob name like in the mobs config of MythicMobs instead of the nametag.

This example will give a random amount of points between 5 and 10 when you kill that is defined as 'MyCoolMythicMob' in the MythicMobs config or that has 'MyCoolMythicMob' as nametag.

Code (Text):
points: 5.0
random-enabled: true
upper-limit: 10.0
This feature is very useful for RPG-themed servers.


Spoiler: Example rpg.yml
Code (Text):

enabled: true
enable-mobs-from-mobspawner: true
show-message: true
killmessage: '&bYou killed a &e{name} &band you received &e{amount} points'
debug: false
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 1.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 2.0
points: 5.0
random-enabled: false
upper-limit: 7.0


Use a chat manager like EssentialsChat, DeluxeChat (this requires PlaceholderAPI) or HeroChat.
Here are the variables for default chat managers like EssentialsChat and HeroChat. If these don't work because of the way that your chat manager works, check out the 'prefix' option in the config.yml

Code (Text):
Variables for PlaceholderAPI and DeluxeChat. Make sure to enable placeholderapi integration in the config file of DeluxeChat. Here is the example DeluxeChat config file from the picture below:
As you can see on line 95 of this config, placeholderapi integration is enabled.

Code (Text):



Example of hover statistics using DeluxeChat.



The plugin has a public API which allows other developers to use BattleLevels variables.
Example usage with Featherboard:


Click here for the Maximvdw's plugins placeholders for BattleLevels.

Plugins using the API: Maximvdw's plugins, UltimateMenu and many more

Click here for the API documentation and click here to get the .jar for developing.


The bossbar feature allows you to send level-up and player-kill and mob-kill messages using the bossbar and even show a permanent progress bar.
You can edit the messages, colors and styles in the configuration.
This doesn't require any extra libraries or plugins if your Spigot version is high enough.
Make sure to install BossBarAPI if your Spigot version is lower than 1.9





BattleLevels allows you to create a certain multiplier for a certain player.
battlelevels.multiplier.x would give a multiplier of x.
Replace x with the number
(eg: battlelevels.multiplier.2.0
This would give this player double points. Make sure to write the first decimal as well (1.0 instead of 1).

To enable a certain 'multiplier', you must add the number to the 'multipliers' list in the config.yml


Boosters are perfect for double coins and/or double reward weekends or for a donation package.
This allows players to get double rewards or points for a certain time. You can toggle this on and off in the command and you can edit the messages there. You can also change the maximum booster time in the config.

You can also create a booster for a specific player. This is useful if you want to sell 'double coins' perks or things like that.
The time unit is in hours.

Personal Boosters:
Command usage: /battlelevels activatebooster <player> <time>
Command usage: /battlelevels stopbooster <player>
This requires the permission battlelevels.booster

Global boosters:
Command usage: /battlelevels activateglobalbooster <time>
Command usage: /battlelevels stopglobalbooster
This requires the permission battlelevels.globalbooster


Level Zones allows you to make zones which can only be entered by people with a certain level or higher.
You need WorldGuard 6 to use this feature and you need to enable this feature in the config.
Create a region with a name that ends with "battlezone" followed by a number. You can optionally put a word and an underscore in front of this.
Example: "myregion_battlezone10" will allow people with level 10 or higher to enter
(Bypass permission: battlelevels.battlezonebypass)

Max Zones allows you to make zones which can only be entered by people with a certain level or lower.
You need WorldGuard 6 to use this feature and you need to enable this feature in the config.
Create a region with a name that ends with "battlemax" followed by a number. You can optionally put a word and an underscore in front of this.
Example: "myregion_battlemax10" will allow people with level 10 or lower to enter
(Bypass permission: battlelevels.battlemaxbypass)

No points zones allows you to make zones where BattleLevels won't do anything.
Create a region with a name that ends with "nopoints". You can optionally put a word and an underscore in front of this.
Example: "myregion_nopoints"

No rewards zones allows you to make zones where BattleLevels won't give rewards when a player levels up.
Create a region with a name that ends with "norewards". You can optionally put a word and an underscore in front of this.
Example: "myregion_norewards"


Ranged Zones allows you to create zones with a specific level range.
Example: if the range of a zone is 10, then someone with level 30 can only hit someone with a level between 20 and 40.
Other example: if the range of a zone is 50, then someone with level 130 can only hit someone with a level between 80 and 180.
You need WorldGuard 6 to use this feature and you need to enable this feature in the config.

Create a region with a name that ends with "battlelevels" followed by a number. You can optionally put a word and an underscore in front of this.
Example: "myregion_battlelevels10" will create a zone with a range of 10 levels.

You can configure the message in the config and you can also create a global range.

(Bypass permission: battlelevels.battlelevelsbypass)


This allows you to give players extra attack damage and hearts based on their level. You can toggle it, set a maximum and set the amount per level in the config.


You can contact me on Skype: bene.cage
or send me a private message for support and private enquiries.

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