Tested Minecraft Versions:
BedWars is a minigame where you have to defend your bed and destroy the others.
Once your bed is destroyed, you cannot respawn.
Made with love in Romania
Why BedWars1058? Look at the features:
⦁ Individual language per player (/bw lang)
⦁ Unlimited arena groups (Solo, Duals or whatever you want)
⦁ Custom scoreboards per arena groups
⦁ Unlimited teams (with custom name)
⦁ 100% configurable scoreboard
⦁ MultiArena/ BungeeMode/ SharedMode
⦁ Lobby removal when the game starts (optional)
⦁ 100% Customisable shop (add/remove stuff etc) (works also with vault)
⦁ Shop specials: Debug (Silverfish), Dream Defender (Iron Golem)
⦁ 100% Configurable team upgrades per arena group
⦁ Customisable generators (delay, etc)
⦁ Join GUI, Join NPCs and Join Signs
⦁ maxInTeam customisable per arena
⦁ allowSpectate customisable per arena
⦁ Statistics with web interface
⦁ Vault ranks support
⦁ Vip full join permission
⦁ Simple and efficient map reset system
⦁ Custom bed block per arena
⦁ PlaceholderAPI Support
⦁ Decent development api
Game Win & Final Kill Commands
This plugin may not work 100% with Advanced Anti Cheat (AAC) plugin or any abusive scoreboard plugin.
1.8.x version support will drop in the future.
You're getting a nice plugin at a good price.
Keep in mind that may have issues during the gameplay because it is still in beta.
Also it isn't in its final phase because I'm going to add more features to it.
Missing but coming soon features:
⦁ Quests, Challenges, Achievements
⦁ Level system, Web panel
Web Interface
Waiting screen
Emerald Generator
Bed Hologram
Make sure the server is safe mode disabled. Type /bw disableSafeMode in console. Then set the serverType to MULTIARENA in config and restart the server. Now make sure you are op and do /bw.
1. Set the main lobby using /bw setLobby
2. Now create an arena using /bw setupArena <worldName>
3. Now set the waiting lobby with /bw setWaitingLobby
4. If you want the waiting spawn to be removed when the game starts, use /bw waitingSpawnPos 1 and 2 like a worldedit selection.
5. Create as many teams as you want with /bw createTeam <teamName> <color>
6. Now set the spawn poin for each team using /bw setSpawn <teamName>
7. Then set the bed location standing on it: /bw setBed <teamName>
8. Don't forget to set the shop: /bw setShop <teamName>
9. And set the upgrade npc: /bw setUpgrade <teamName>
10. Add an iron and gold generator dor each team with /bw addGenerator <Iron/Gold> <teamName>
11. Now set the Emerald and Diamond spawners on the map: /bw addGenerator <Emerald/Diamond>
12. Save your work with: /bw saveArena
13. Finally, enable the arena with: /bw enableArena <mapName>
Item names and lore are located in each Language file.
shop.yml (configurable)
Item names and lore are located in each Language file.
upgrades.yml (configurable)
Item names and lore are located in each Lancuage file.
bw.vip - join a full arena. It is a vip kick. A random player will get kicked. Also allows to use chat color.
bw.chatcolor - allows to use chat color
/bw lang - change your Language
/bw leave or /leave - leave the game
/bw stats - see your stats
/bw - main setup command if safemode is disabled and you are op
> Can I buy it with PaySafeCard?
Sure! Just contact me on discord or via private message.
> How can I add a start item?
Start items are the items you receive when the game starts. You can simply add one in config.yml at startiItems. Example:
Code (Text):
- WOOD_SWORD,0,1,&7Custom name
Each data must be separated by a coma. You can use spaces for the item name only.
WOOD_SWORD is the material. 0 is the material data. 1 is the amount. and the text is the item name.
Other examples (they are all correct):
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
Start items are unbreackable.
> How to create a join sign
First of all you must be op. Then make sure you can build do /bw build if not. Now take a sign and write [bw] on the first line and the arena name on the second line. You can edit the sign format in signs.yml. Result:
> How to create a join npc
First of all disable the safemode doing /bw disableSafeMode in console.
Then type /bw npc add <entityType> <arenaGroup> <displayName>
entityType is the mob you'd like to have. See a list here.
arenaGroup is the group. Use "default" if you didn't create any group. Check bellow how to create a group.
displayName is the mob's name (hologram).
/bw npc add CREEPER default &9Quick Join
> Some of the scoreboard's placeholders don't work, why?
As your team names are not in english, you have to change them also in messages file. For exaple the default placeholder may be {TeamRedName} and you may have another name like Rosso team and the it will be {TeamRossoName} for you.
> How to remove a join npc?
Stay in front of a join npc and then type /bw npc remove
Help chat in English, Romanian and Italian
Please red the WIKI aka DOCUMENTATION before asking for help. Thanks.
[] No refunds!
[] You are not permitted to -Redacted- my plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package
[] You are not allowed to resell the plugin or post it elsewhere..
[] You are not permited to reverse engine or modify the plugin in any form
[] You will get unlimited support for the plugin you payed for it.
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
BedWars is a minigame where you have to defend your bed and destroy the others.
Once your bed is destroyed, you cannot respawn.
Made with love in Romania
Why BedWars1058? Look at the features:
⦁ Individual language per player (/bw lang)
⦁ Unlimited arena groups (Solo, Duals or whatever you want)
⦁ Custom scoreboards per arena groups
⦁ Unlimited teams (with custom name)
⦁ 100% configurable scoreboard
⦁ MultiArena/ BungeeMode/ SharedMode
⦁ Lobby removal when the game starts (optional)
⦁ 100% Customisable shop (add/remove stuff etc) (works also with vault)
⦁ Shop specials: Debug (Silverfish), Dream Defender (Iron Golem)
⦁ 100% Configurable team upgrades per arena group
⦁ Customisable generators (delay, etc)
⦁ Join GUI, Join NPCs and Join Signs
⦁ maxInTeam customisable per arena
⦁ allowSpectate customisable per arena
⦁ Statistics with web interface
⦁ Vault ranks support
⦁ Vip full join permission
⦁ Simple and efficient map reset system
⦁ Custom bed block per arena
⦁ PlaceholderAPI Support
⦁ Decent development api
Game Win & Final Kill Commands
This plugin may not work 100% with Advanced Anti Cheat (AAC) plugin or any abusive scoreboard plugin.
1.8.x version support will drop in the future.
You're getting a nice plugin at a good price.
Keep in mind that may have issues during the gameplay because it is still in beta.
Also it isn't in its final phase because I'm going to add more features to it.
Missing but coming soon features:
⦁ Quests, Challenges, Achievements
⦁ Level system, Web panel
Web Interface
Waiting screen
Emerald Generator
Bed Hologram
Make sure the server is safe mode disabled. Type /bw disableSafeMode in console. Then set the serverType to MULTIARENA in config and restart the server. Now make sure you are op and do /bw.
1. Set the main lobby using /bw setLobby
2. Now create an arena using /bw setupArena <worldName>
3. Now set the waiting lobby with /bw setWaitingLobby
4. If you want the waiting spawn to be removed when the game starts, use /bw waitingSpawnPos 1 and 2 like a worldedit selection.
5. Create as many teams as you want with /bw createTeam <teamName> <color>
6. Now set the spawn poin for each team using /bw setSpawn <teamName>
7. Then set the bed location standing on it: /bw setBed <teamName>
8. Don't forget to set the shop: /bw setShop <teamName>
9. And set the upgrade npc: /bw setUpgrade <teamName>
10. Add an iron and gold generator dor each team with /bw addGenerator <Iron/Gold> <teamName>
11. Now set the Emerald and Diamond spawners on the map: /bw addGenerator <Emerald/Diamond>
12. Save your work with: /bw saveArena
13. Finally, enable the arena with: /bw enableArena <mapName>
Item names and lore are located in each Language file.
shop.yml (configurable)
Item names and lore are located in each Language file.
upgrades.yml (configurable)
Item names and lore are located in each Lancuage file.
bw.vip - join a full arena. It is a vip kick. A random player will get kicked. Also allows to use chat color.
bw.chatcolor - allows to use chat color
/bw lang - change your Language
/bw leave or /leave - leave the game
/bw stats - see your stats
/bw - main setup command if safemode is disabled and you are op
> Can I buy it with PaySafeCard?
Sure! Just contact me on discord or via private message.
> How can I add a start item?
Start items are the items you receive when the game starts. You can simply add one in config.yml at startiItems. Example:
Code (Text):
- WOOD_SWORD,0,1,&7Custom name
Each data must be separated by a coma. You can use spaces for the item name only.
WOOD_SWORD is the material. 0 is the material data. 1 is the amount. and the text is the item name.
Other examples (they are all correct):
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
Start items are unbreackable.
> How to create a join sign
First of all you must be op. Then make sure you can build do /bw build if not. Now take a sign and write [bw] on the first line and the arena name on the second line. You can edit the sign format in signs.yml. Result:
> How to create a join npc
First of all disable the safemode doing /bw disableSafeMode in console.
Then type /bw npc add <entityType> <arenaGroup> <displayName>
entityType is the mob you'd like to have. See a list here.
arenaGroup is the group. Use "default" if you didn't create any group. Check bellow how to create a group.
displayName is the mob's name (hologram).
/bw npc add CREEPER default &9Quick Join
> Some of the scoreboard's placeholders don't work, why?
As your team names are not in english, you have to change them also in messages file. For exaple the default placeholder may be {TeamRedName} and you may have another name like Rosso team and the it will be {TeamRossoName} for you.
> How to remove a join npc?
Stay in front of a join npc and then type /bw npc remove
Help chat in English, Romanian and Italian
Please red the WIKI aka DOCUMENTATION before asking for help. Thanks.
[] No refunds!
[] You are not permitted to -Redacted- my plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package
[] You are not allowed to resell the plugin or post it elsewhere..
[] You are not permited to reverse engine or modify the plugin in any form
[] You will get unlimited support for the plugin you payed for it.