BetterCraft & NClientBase All + latest v3 powered by RyūgūDev aka GrafVillainous

 BetterCraft & NClientBase All + latest v3 powered by RyūgūDev aka GrafVillainous LATEST


This is a REUPLOAD of all versions of BetterCraft because the Original site is Offline!
The v3 is a fork of the NClientBase (in the package) with many updates but without crashers!
If you need Crashers and Exploits just use V2 wich is based on 1.12.2, but you maybe need using a ViaProxy:
Because the ProtocolHack is really outdated and only supports up to 1.17.1

Then you downloaded a older version of v3 b115, you need delete the BetterCraft Config folder in .minecraft

//Optifine M6 Pre 2 Ultra
//Simple UI
//Simple Hotbar
//Custom Icon
//Simple Custom Tab
//Custom MainMenu
//Server Versions in Multiplayer
//Labymod 3 with Cosmetics, ChatSymbols and RS24
//Simple Background Shader
//And more...

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