Hello everyone my name is Bladian! I was the owner of UHC based servers called Serenity and Verenity, which reached peaks of 1,400 players.
Just some evidence that this plugin was made for big servers, and has been optimised for around 1.5-2 years, making it as perfect as possible for a competitive or fun UHC server!
I've added everything which I think is required to have a fully automatic yet fun UHC plugin for your UHC server.
This plugin includes hundreds of different options which make it one of the best in the market.
Below I'll be showing all the different perks and options this plugin has to offer.
The UHC begins off, with a lobby system shown here, and includes 4 different scoreboards.
Lobby, Scattering, In-Game (Solo), and In-Game (Teams).
The scoreboards can be edited when bought!
Then let's show the stat system!
This contains many of the primary UHC statistics that need to be recorded, and which are saved through MySQL.
Then there's a world editor, which allows you to make the best possible 0,0 for PVP, here's an example of how the world changes.
(At this point I ran out of images which I can put sorry for the imgurs!)
Now the game editor, this allows for editing of the game, and configurable items such as, PVP time, Border Radius, Enderpearl damage, etc....
Then there's the Scenarios which can be included in your game! Each of them are made to work with each other, so you shouldn't be getting any bugs with them!
The scenarios included are as follow!
CUTCLEAN: Food and ores are presmelted, removing the needs of furnaces
TIMEBOMB: When you kill a player, a chest appears containing his drops. After 30 seconds this chest will explode
DIAMONDLESS: Diamonds aren't dropped when mined they only drop when a player is killed
BOWLESS: Bows can't be crafted or used
TRIPLE ORES: Triple the amount of an ore drops
BESTPVE: You're part of a BestPVE list, if you take damage, you're removed from it and to be added back, you need to kill a player. If you're part of, the list, you'll gain an extra heart
HORSELESS: You can't tame/ride horses
INFINITE ENCHANTER: You can infinitely enchant, no limitations
BAREBONES: You can only mine iron, you get 1 diamond, 1 gapple, 32 arrows and 2 strings from a kill
LONG SHOTS: If you get a shot from more than 50 blocks, , you get healed 1 heart, and do 1.5x the damage
NOFALL: You take no fall damage
SWITCHEROO: Everytime you shoot a player, you switch positions, with him
LUCKY LEAVES: There's a 0.3% chance of golden apples, , dropping from de-spawning leaves
TIMBER: The whole tree drops when you mine a log
FIRELESS: You don't take any kind of fire/lava damage
SOUP: When you right click a soup, you regain, 3.5 hearts
NO-CLEAN: When you kill someone, you get 20 seconds of PVP Protection. Once you attack someone this protection gets removed.
GOLDLESS: You can't mine gold
SWORLDESS: You can't hit anyone with a sword
GONE FISHING: You get infinite levels, and a fishing rod with unbreaking 250, luck of the sea 250, and lure 3, along with 20 anvils
RODLESS: You can't use or craft a fishing rod
BLOOD DIAMONDS: When you mine a diamond, you lose half a heart
WEB CAGE: When you kill a player you get surrounded by a sphere of cobwebs
Then there's the issue of combat loggers, which I've fixed using the combat log system shown here!
A combat skeleton which stops combat logging from happening, and which allows for an semi-automatic UHC plugin to complete by itself!
What I've shown you isn't even a glimpse of the full plugin! But due to limitations of the forums, this is all I'm currently able to show you.
I'll lastly show you the commands so you can get a general idea of the plugin!
Price: 50$
Version: 3.3.1
Current Number of Buyers: 14
SRC Price: 200$
SRC's Left: 3
What you get with the purchase is the following things.
1) UHC V3 plugin
2) Edited WorldBorder for UHC World Loading
3) Optimised Spigot, Paper, Bukkit YML files, which are made to attempt to reach 20TPS
4) Constant support and updates when buying the plugin
5) Discord Chat which allows for reporting of bugs, ideas, etc...
This plugin isn't in it's final version, in fact it's being updated weekly.
I've constantly updated it throughout these months, and haven't stopped yet.
Want to buy the plugin but you're still not sure about it?
You can contact me and test it on a private server! I'll make sure to convince you.
You can contact me to buy the plugin or try the plugin using these methods:
Twitter: @BladianMC
Discord: Bladian#6411
You can also contact me on these forums, but the 2 above are better as I get to constantly check my phone and speak to you faster.
Feel free to ask me any questions, and I'd be more than happy to answer!
Hello everyone my name is Bladian! I was the owner of UHC based servers called Serenity and Verenity, which reached peaks of 1,400 players.
Just some evidence that this plugin was made for big servers, and has been optimised for around 1.5-2 years, making it as perfect as possible for a competitive or fun UHC server!
I've added everything which I think is required to have a fully automatic yet fun UHC plugin for your UHC server.
This plugin includes hundreds of different options which make it one of the best in the market.
Below I'll be showing all the different perks and options this plugin has to offer.
The UHC begins off, with a lobby system shown here, and includes 4 different scoreboards.
Lobby, Scattering, In-Game (Solo), and In-Game (Teams).
The scoreboards can be edited when bought!
Then let's show the stat system!
This contains many of the primary UHC statistics that need to be recorded, and which are saved through MySQL.
Then there's a world editor, which allows you to make the best possible 0,0 for PVP, here's an example of how the world changes.
(At this point I ran out of images which I can put sorry for the imgurs!)
Now the game editor, this allows for editing of the game, and configurable items such as, PVP time, Border Radius, Enderpearl damage, etc....
Then there's the Scenarios which can be included in your game! Each of them are made to work with each other, so you shouldn't be getting any bugs with them!
The scenarios included are as follow!
CUTCLEAN: Food and ores are presmelted, removing the needs of furnaces
TIMEBOMB: When you kill a player, a chest appears containing his drops. After 30 seconds this chest will explode
DIAMONDLESS: Diamonds aren't dropped when mined they only drop when a player is killed
BOWLESS: Bows can't be crafted or used
TRIPLE ORES: Triple the amount of an ore drops
BESTPVE: You're part of a BestPVE list, if you take damage, you're removed from it and to be added back, you need to kill a player. If you're part of, the list, you'll gain an extra heart
HORSELESS: You can't tame/ride horses
INFINITE ENCHANTER: You can infinitely enchant, no limitations
BAREBONES: You can only mine iron, you get 1 diamond, 1 gapple, 32 arrows and 2 strings from a kill
LONG SHOTS: If you get a shot from more than 50 blocks, , you get healed 1 heart, and do 1.5x the damage
NOFALL: You take no fall damage
SWITCHEROO: Everytime you shoot a player, you switch positions, with him
LUCKY LEAVES: There's a 0.3% chance of golden apples, , dropping from de-spawning leaves
TIMBER: The whole tree drops when you mine a log
FIRELESS: You don't take any kind of fire/lava damage
SOUP: When you right click a soup, you regain, 3.5 hearts
NO-CLEAN: When you kill someone, you get 20 seconds of PVP Protection. Once you attack someone this protection gets removed.
GOLDLESS: You can't mine gold
SWORLDESS: You can't hit anyone with a sword
GONE FISHING: You get infinite levels, and a fishing rod with unbreaking 250, luck of the sea 250, and lure 3, along with 20 anvils
RODLESS: You can't use or craft a fishing rod
BLOOD DIAMONDS: When you mine a diamond, you lose half a heart
WEB CAGE: When you kill a player you get surrounded by a sphere of cobwebs
Then there's the issue of combat loggers, which I've fixed using the combat log system shown here!
A combat skeleton which stops combat logging from happening, and which allows for an semi-automatic UHC plugin to complete by itself!
What I've shown you isn't even a glimpse of the full plugin! But due to limitations of the forums, this is all I'm currently able to show you.
I'll lastly show you the commands so you can get a general idea of the plugin!
Price: 50$
Version: 3.3.1
Current Number of Buyers: 14
SRC Price: 200$
SRC's Left: 3
What you get with the purchase is the following things.
1) UHC V3 plugin
2) Edited WorldBorder for UHC World Loading
3) Optimised Spigot, Paper, Bukkit YML files, which are made to attempt to reach 20TPS
4) Constant support and updates when buying the plugin
5) Discord Chat which allows for reporting of bugs, ideas, etc...
This plugin isn't in it's final version, in fact it's being updated weekly.
I've constantly updated it throughout these months, and haven't stopped yet.
Want to buy the plugin but you're still not sure about it?
You can contact me and test it on a private server! I'll make sure to convince you.
You can contact me to buy the plugin or try the plugin using these methods:
Twitter: @BladianMC
Discord: Bladian#6411
You can also contact me on these forums, but the 2 above are better as I get to constantly check my phone and speak to you faster.
Feel free to ask me any questions, and I'd be more than happy to answer!
- Added an entire arena/practice system for pre-game use:
- Command: /arenaEditor
- Permission: You need OP
- Configuration:
- enabled: Whether or not you want the arena system to be enabled
- kit: The saved kit, don't touch this as it's specifically made for inventory saving
- locations: A list of all the possible locations (54 maximum)
- 3 Options:
- Add Arena Location:
- Right Click to add the location which you're standing on
- Remove Arena Location:
- Open a GUI with all the available locations
- Right Click to remove a location from the GUI
- Shows the type of the block (mostly for debugging but can be used to find a fishy spawn)
- Set Arena Kit:
- Gives you the options of 2 different kits
- Option 1: UHC Kit (Iron Enchanted)
- Option 2: Build UHC Kit (Full Diamond, without lava and water, with blocks removed after 5 seconds)
- Gives you the options of 2 different kits
- Add Arena Location:
- Added custom death messages:
- Option to enable / disable it, just incase you don't want any changes done to it
- %player% is the player who died
- #%killer% is the person who killed the player
- #%pkills% is the amount of kills
- #%kkills% is the amount of kills by the killer
- Made it so that you can now see your team mate in lobby when doing teams
- Added an option so you can set your own rules in the config
- Each - represents a new rule
- Each rule should take 5 seconds, and as the scatter goes by the rules, I would have (max players / 2 / 5) rules
- Example: 300 players maximum, 300/2/5 = 30 rules
- Added a scatter choice:
- HORSE: The newest one where it spawns you on an invisible horse
- PLAYER: The default one where it spawns you with potion effects
- Edited the scatter location system to make sure you won't spawn in water
- Added a /tctoggle command
- Toggles the team chat messages received
- Fixed a few spelling mistakes
- Fixed an issue with border radius doing the wrong border
- Fixed a colouring issue with /healtime
- Fixed a colouring issue with /pvptime
- Fixed a colouring issue with /bordertime
- Made it so you can't craft anvils in BareBones
- Made it so you can't craft enchantment tables in BareBones
- Added a custom Cave System: (Experimental but should work decently)
- Horizontal Stretch is the width of the cave
- Vertical Stretch is the height of the cave
- Cutoff is the frequency of the caves (the lower it is the higher the frequency of the caves)
- Min is the minimum Y level it should start at
- Max is the maximum Y level it should start at
- Fixed an issue with combat systems
- Removed a few debug messages