
 BlizzardHoppers 1.0.3

#EnhancedHoppers made by Intelligence

#This is where you can change the displayname and lore of the Mob Hopper!
  display-name: "&d&l[!] &dMob Hopper &d&l[!]"
    - ""
    - "&7&o** Use a &d&oMob Hopper&7&o to obtain mob drops"
    - "&7&oinstantly into your hopper system."
    - ""
    - "&d&lInformation:"
    - "&d&l * &dType: &7Mob Hopper"
    - "&d&l * &dDescription: &7Place to automatically pick up mob drops!"
    - ""

#This is where you can define what the mob hopper will pick up.
  - "TNT"
  - "BONE"
  - "ARROW"
  - "STRING"

#This is where you can change the displayname and lore of the Crop Hopper!
  display-name: "&a&l[!] &aCrop Hopper &a&l[!]"
    - ""
    - "&7&o** Use a &a&oCrop Hopper&7&o to obtain crops"
    - "&7&oinstantly into your hopper system."
    - ""
    - "&a&lInformation:"
    - "&a&l * &aType: &7Crop Hopper"
    - "&a&l * &aDescription: &7Place to automatically pick up crops!"
    - ""

#This is where you can define what the crop hopper will pick up.
  - "CACTUS"
  - "MELON"

#General settings for all hoppers.
  #Decide if the hoppers will ignore items that are dropped by players or not.
  ignore-player-items: true
  #This option will decide whether or not you want to modify how cactus farms work:
  #When enabled, cactus growth will require a crop hopper to be placed in the chunk
  #of the growing cactus, otherwise the even will cancel and the cactus will not grow.
  #^^^ This is very good for server optimization!
  #When disabled, cactus will grow without needing the crop hopper to be in the chunk,
  #of the growing cactus. This is not very good for server optimization!
  cactus-growth-change: True

  no-permission: "&4&l[!] &cYou don't have permission to do this!"
  mob-hopper-place: "&4&l[!] &cYou have successfully placed a &4&lMob Hopper&c!"
  mob-hopper-break: "&4&l[!] &cYou have successfully broken a &4&lMob Hopper&c!"
  crop-hopper-place: "&4&l[!] &cYou have successfully placed a &4&lCrop Hopper&d!"
  crop-hopper-break: "&4&l[!] &cYou have successfully broken a &4&lCrop Hopper&d!"
  hopper-limit-reached: "&4&l[!] &cYou cannot place anymore hoppers, the limit is 1 per chunk!"
  give-hopper: "&4&l[!] &cYou have given &4&n%player% %amount% &chopper(s)!"
  get-hopper: "&4&l[!] &cYou have received &4%amount% &choppers!"
  invalid-arguments: "&4&l[!] &cInvalid command, usage: &4&n/enhancedhopper give <crop:mob> <player> <amount>"
  invalid-player: "&4&l[!] &cThat player is not online!"

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This is jackpto and not hoppers!
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