BlockBall [2016] [Minigame|Lobby|Soccer/Football|1.8/1.9/1.10]

 BlockBall [2016] [Minigame|Lobby|Soccer/Football|1.8/1.9/1.10] N/A

BlockBall [2016] [Minigame|Lobby|Soccer/Football|1.8/1.9/1.10]
I have decided to simply remove the paypal account from this resource. It's not purchasable anymore.


Finally a soccer/football game that looks like one and doesn't use slimes or other strange items.


Official testing server:

Other public servers with this plugin installed:


*Message me to add/remove your server to/from that list.

Target Servertypes



  • Buy the plugin BlockBall
  • Put the plugin into your plugin folder
  • Install the plugin Worldedit
  • Start the server (1.8.0 - 1.11.0, Java 7/Java 8)
  • Join and play :)


  • 4 different gamemodes (Hubgame, Eventgame, Minigame, Bungeecordgame)
  • Adds a new soccer/football minigame to your hub or lobby
  • Simple and fast setup because of chat menu
  • Multiple arenas support
  • Based on the ArmorstandDoubleEntity-Engine of Petblocks, no laggs.
  • Every message can be changed ingame (new v1.4)
  • Players can join be simple jumping into the arena
  • Nearly everything is customizeable:
  • Set arena locations
  • Set goals locations
  • Set ball spawn location
  • Set ball skin (URL (Mc) and Playername support)
  • Set ball vertical kick strength
  • Set ball horizontal kick strength
  • Set particles when a red team member kicks the ball
  • Set particles when a blue team member kicks the ball
  • Set particles when a ball spawns
  • Set sounds when a ball spawn
  • Set particles when someone shoots a goal
  • Set sound when someone shoots a goal
  • Set ball generic hit sound
  • Set ball generic hit particle
  • Set max score until arena reset
  • Set max amount of players
  • Set min amount of players (new v2.2)
  • Set the name of the red team (example: Team nether)
  • Set the name of the blue team (example: Team ice)
  • Set the prefix of the red team
  • Set the prefix of the blue team
  • Set the armor of the red team
  • Set the armor of the blue team
  • Set spawnpoint of the red team (new v1.3)
  • Set spawnpoint of the blue team (new v1.3)
  • Set the join message
  • Set the left message
  • Set game-end spawnpoint (new v1.7)
  • Set join signs (new v1.8)
  • Toggle Reset score for empty games (new v2.2)
  • Toggle fast joining (new v2.2)
  • Toggle double jump (new v1.2)
  • Set double jump particle (new v1.3)
  • Set double jump sound (new v1.3)
  • Wall bouncing (new v3.0.0)
  • Scoreboard support. (new v3.1.0)
  • Potioneffect game items (new v3.1.0)
  • Let specators see arena messages (new v2.8.0)
  • Set bossbar messages/colors/styles/flags (spigot 1.9/1.10 only) (new v2.4)
  • Top goals scoreboard handling (new v2.8.0)
  • Switch teams during matches (new v1.3)
  • Forcefield protection against entities (new v1.3)
  • Supports the plugin BossBarAPI (new v2.2)
  • Supports the plugin Vault (new v2.8.0)
  • Supports the plugin Placeholderapi (new v2.3)

Code (Text):
BlockBall placeHolders for the PlaceholderAPI:

0 = gameid
player = current game





  • Type /blockball to open the chat menu

  • Select corners of the arena via Worldedit and type "1"

  • After that select the red goal and type 2, then select the blue goal and type 3.


  • Now select the ball spawnpoint to finish the standard setup

  • Don't forget to save otherwise it won't work

  • Just try to run into the arena to join the match, the forcefield explains all

  • You are ready to play!

  • To edit the existing settings, open the edit mode and go to ball or team settings

  • Let's change the ball skin

  • I enter a URL from a skin on the mojang database

  • Finished


How to setup wall-bouncing:
  1. Open the edit menu of your arena and go to settings
  2. Open settings/general settings/wall bouncing
  3. Add your wanted block id which can "bounce" the ball back. For example if ordinary wooden blocks should do the effect, add "5". If you also want to allow dark wood blocks, add it including the subid "5:1".
  4. Save and start your game.
How to configure Bungeecord BlockBall:
  1. Think if you really want to use a whole server for BlockBall ;)
  2. Go on your wanted BlockBall server and setup it like the ordinary Minigame mode. (Enable bungeecordminigametype and set lobby spawnpoint).
  3. Restart the server.
  4. Read the tutorial below.
How to use signs with Bungeecord BlockBall:
  1. Go to the BlockBall folder of your BlockBall server and open the bungeecord.yml. Set enable to true and connection to MINIGAME.
  2. Now put the BlockBall plugin into another server (where you can click on signs, Hubserver, Lobbyserver, etc.)
  3. Copy the bungeecord.yml from your BlockBall server to your BlockBall folder of the Hubserver. (The bungeecord.yml file has to be always the same on all server)
  4. Set the connection to SIGN
  5. Join and type /bbbungee <servername> and afterwards rightclick on a sign to convert it into a server sign.
  6. Restart both server.


  • Everyone knows these common slimeball or soccer games with drops. Consider that there are more possibilities out there.
  • Isn't such a game cool when it really looks like it should?

/blockball - Opens the chat menu for blockballs
/blockballreload - Reloads config.yml (new v2.8.0)
/bbjoin <game> <team> - Join any game from anywhere (new v2.8.0)
/bbc - Optional command to navigate through the chat menu (servers with buggy chat) (new v1.3)
/bb - Optional command to join teams (servers with buggy chat) (new v1.3)


  • blockball.admin - Allows to use the /blockball command
  • blockball.user - Allows to join a game


  • Not much to state here as all options can be changed ingame for every single arena.


Question #1:

How to use custom skin URLS?

I received this command to generate a non player skull in game, but how do I get it to work with your plugin?

Code (Text):
/give @p skull 1 3 {display:{Name:""},SkullOwner:{Id:"98958836-4e85-4e5d-9c20-6ee46723f202",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmY3ZWI3NWU1NTQyY2M0OTM3YWFhZDViYjg2NTczOTNlYWYwMjY1MDA2ZWFjMWRjOTY2OTFmMzJlMTY0MzcifX19"}]}}}
It's really difficult to understand as mojang changed the way how skins work many times, just follow these simple steps:

1. Select the importent part from your command that hides the actual URL base64encoded.

Code (Text):
2. Now copy this code and paste it into a base64decoder and press decode.


3. You might already guessed it that you need to select the value after the url key.

Code (Text):
4. Depending on the plugin, you need to copy the url with or without the prefix "http://".

Code (Text):
Code (Text):
Question #2:

I got a friend request of 'Shynixn' on skype and he wants this plugin to be sent?

Don't send him your bought plugin. It's someone pretending to be me, i'll never add you on skype without asking.

Question #3:

Will this plugin receive many updates?

Not really. It's finished and will only receive bug fixing updates.

What can i do against it?

Post a comment with an idea.


Please note that by buying/downloading this plugin you agree to following:
  • You are not allowed -Redacted- this plugin
  • Use this plugin only on your servers/servernetworks
  • Do not reuse source code in any other plugins
  • I am allowed to discontinue any plugin at any time.
  • I am allowed to reduce/increase the price at any time.
  • I am allowed to change the rules of the "Terms of Service" anytime without notifying the Buyers.
  • Chargebacks are forbidden, No refunds.*

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