BossMania || Custom-Mobs-Creator *GUI-Based Frequently updated [1.13-1.19.3]

 BossMania || Custom-Mobs-Creator *GUI-Based Frequently updated [1.13-1.19.3] 1.9.22

BossMania || Custom-Mobs-Creator *GUI-Based Frequently updated [1.13-1.19.3]
◦•●❤♡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ Dekomori on discord ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ♡❤●•◦

Native Minecraft Version
: 1.18
Tested Minecraft Versions:
1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18 / 1.19


The best Custom-Mobs plugin is here!

BossMania is a Custom-Mobs-ManagmentGUI Plugin GUI-Based plugin for Spigot.



With BossMania you can create your own mobs, with custom health, custom damage, custom speed, custom equipment, custom-drops, custom skills like fireballs, custom AI, custom sounds, bossbars and much more! You can also create AutoSpawns, AutoSpawns are location where the Bosses can spawn in automatic way by a cooldown. And you can also create make bosses spawn around the worlds in an automatic way.

All stuff is done simply through a GUI.

Main Features

  • GUIManagment
  • Local storage
  • Most of the plugin can be translated. (See below in which languages it has already been translated)
  • Skills
  • AutoSpawns
  • TabCompleter for every command(from version 1.1.0 and up)
  • BossBar(from version 1.2.0 and up)
  • You can convert data from plugins Boss and MythicMobs, to do that, insert one of them in the server and digit /bossmania, the GUI will say you to convert data. (Not everything can be converted.)(from version 1.3.0 and up)
  • Conditions for AutoSpawns and Skills(from version 1.4.0 and up)
  • Customize sounds made by bosses(from version 1.5.0 and up)
  • Make bosses spawn randomly in the world in automatic way.(from version 1.6.0 and up)
  • Create your own custom skills using an advanced Script-System.(from version 1.7.0 and up)

Avaible languages

  • English
  • Russian
  • Vietnamese
  • Italian
  • French
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese


To select language modify the language value in the Config.dat
If you want to help me translate, fork me on github:

For create another translation language, copy one that already exists and rename the last part, example:

BossMania_English -> BossMania_Here insert the language name

And in the Config.dat, for language, insert the last part of the file language.


  • /bossmania: Open the GUI.
  • /bossmania autospawns [page]: View autospawns list.
  • /bossmania create <name> <type>(Type of mob) [size (Required to create Slimes and MagmaBlocks)] : Create a new boss.
  • /bossmania createautospawn <name>: Create a new autospawn.
  • /bossmania giveegg <boss> <amount>: Get an egg that spawns a boss.
  • /bossmania help [page]: View subCommands list.
  • /bossmania killall [type]: Kill all the bosses.
  • /bossmania list: View the boss list.
  • /bossmania reload: Reload the config.dat and the languages.
  • /bossmania remove <boss>: Remove a boss from the storage.
  • /bossmania removeautospawn <autospawn>: Remove an autospawn from the storage.
  • /bossmania setdamage <boss> <damage>: Set the damage of a boss.
  • /bossmania sethealth <boss> <health>: Set the health of a boss.
  • /bossmania spawn <boss> [coordinates] or [player name]: Spawn a boss.

Avaible types of mobs

  • Blaze
  • Cavespider
  • Creeper
  • Drowned
  • Ender_Dragon
  • Enderman
  • Endermite
  • Giant
  • Hoglin
  • Husk
  • Illusioner
  • IronGolem
  • MagmaCube
  • Piglin
  • PigZombie
  • Pillager
  • Ravager
  • Silverfish
  • Slime
  • Skeleton
  • Spider
  • Stray
  • Vex
  • Vindicator
  • Witch
  • Zoglin
  • Wither_Skeleton
  • Zombie
  • Zombified_Piglin

With BossMania you can create your own skills using an advanced Script-System.

Premade skills

  • Disarm(Drop one item/armor from players.)
  • Fire(Fire players.)
  • Fireball(Launch a fireball to players.)
  • Grapple(Grapple players.)
  • Lightning(Strike a lightning on the players.)
  • Malus(Put a malus to the players.)
  • Throw(Throw players in air.)

Skill triggers

The skills can be set to get triggered when the boss

  1. Spawns
  2. Gets damage,
  3. Dies.
  4. You can also set skills to get executed every * seconds, for example, you can set skills to get executed every 10 seconds.


  • bossmania.admin: Get all permissions.
  • bossmania.use: Use /bossmania
  • bossmania.<command>: Use the subCommand inserted.

BossManiaApi api = BossMania.api;

Boss boss = api.createBoss(String name, EntityType entityType); - Create a boss.

Boss boss = api.getBosses().find(String name); - Find a boss by name.

AutoSpawn autospawn = api.createAutoSpawn(String name); - Create a autospawn.

AutoSpawn autospawn = api.getAutoSpawns().find(String name); - Find a autospawn by name.

BossManager bossmanager = api.getBossManager(); - return BossMania class.

bossmanager.getLivingBosses(); - return Map<LivingEntity, ActiveBoss> of the living bosses.

ActiveBoss activeboss = bossmanager.getBoss(LivingEntity entity); - Find a ActiveBoss by LivingEntity. ActiveBoss is a class, that is used as boss spawned, it contains the UUID of the Entity and the Boss class as type of boss.

boss.getKey() - return name of the boss.
boss.getDisplayName() - return the displayName of the boss. (This one is the string that the admin sets to specify what string should be displayed on boss head).
boss.getSize() - return the size of the boss. (Used only for Slimes and Magma Cubes Bosses).
boss.getDroppedXp() - return int of dropped xp.
boss.getStatsManager() - return StatsManager class that contains the stats of the boss.
boss.getTargetType() - return TargetType class of the boss.
boss.getDrops() - return List<Drop> of drops.
boss.getSkillManager() - return SkillManager class.
boss.getCustomBossBar() - return the CustomBossBar class of the boss.
boss.remove() - remove the boss from the storage.

MobStats mobStats = boss.getStatsManager().getMobStats(); - Get the MobStats class from a boss.

Equipment equipment = boss.getStatsManager().getEquipment(); - Get the Equipment class from a boss.

Hands hands = boss.getStatsManager().getHands(); - Get the Hands class from a boss.

Immunities immunities = boss.getStatsManager().getImmunities(); - Get the Immunities class from a boss.

immunities.isImmuneToFire(); - Get boolean of if the boss is immune to fire.
immunities.isImmuneToExplosions(); - Get boolean of if the boss is immune to explosions.
immunities.isImmuneToProjectiles(); - Get boolean of if the boss is immune to projectiles.
immunities.isImmuneToSweepAttack(); - Get boolean of if the boss is immune to SweepAttacks.

equipment.getHelmet() - return CustomItem helmet item from the boss.
equipment.getChestplate() - return CustomItem chestplate item from the boss.
equipment.getLeggings() - return CustomItem leggings item from the boss.
equipment.getBoots() - return CustomItem boots item from the boss.

mobStats.getEntityType() - return EntityFinder class enum.
mobStats.getHealth() - return the double of boss health.
mobStats.getDamage() - return the double of boss damage.
mobStats.getMovementSpeed() - return the double of boss movement speed.
mobStats.getFollowRange() - return the double of boss followRange.
mobStats.getKnockbackResistance - return the double of getKnockbackResistance.

hands.getMainHand() - return CustomItem item in the main hand of the boss.
hands.getOffHand() - return CustomItem item in the off hand of the boss.

autospawn.getKey() - return the name of the autospawn.
autospawn.isEnabled() - return boolean of if autospawn is enabled.
autospawn.getLocation() - return the location of the autospawn.
autospawn.getSecondsPerSpawn() - return the int of how many seconds needs the mobs for spawn.
autospawn.getEntities() - return a list<String> of Boss names.
autospawn.restartInterval() - restart the task that spawns bosses.
autospawn.cancel() - cancel the task that spawns bosses.

P.S All the getters has a setter

BossSpawnEvent: Called when a boss spawns.
BossGetDamageFromPlayerEvent: Called when a player hits a boss.
BossExecuteSkillEvent: Called when a boss execute a skill.
BossDeathEvent: Called when a boss deaths.

Latest updates

  1. 1.9.22

  2. 1.9.16

  3. 1.8.41


Latest reviews

Lmao your Discord not working you ignore pv messages since year nice xd
update to 1.19
can u please update?

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