Now with over 1000 placeholders!
- Amazing Auto-messager
- Amazing broadcasting feature
- Amazing Task-Scheduler (see tutorials)
- Amazing Events (Welcoming messages, PVP messages etc.) (see tutorials)
- Per-World, and Rank messages (configured with permissions)
- Custom display time and interval for each message
- Unlimited message length
- Color-codes
- Full command support
- Optional permission support
- Thousands of Placeholders (Placeholder API, and MvDW placeholders api)
- Ability to disable messages in certain worlds
- Ability for players to disable messages for themselves (controlled with permissions)
- Ability to display messages in a random order
- Simple but power config
- Custom per-message percentage
- No external requirements
- Amazing GUI
- Private messaging & Player-specific broadcasting
- Does not create any visible withers or ender dragons in player's sight.
BossMessenger offers an amazing GUI for admins and for players. Here are just some of the screenshots:
The main GUI:
The AutoMessenger main GUI:
The list-creating GUI (only if server version is 1.8.4 or higher, otherwise regular chat):
List-managment GUI:
Message-managment GUI:
And much more!!!
%player% - Player's name
%rdm_color% - Random color from the list
%online_players% - Amount of online players
%max_players% - Amount of player slots
%world% - Player's world
%server_name% - Server's name
%econ_dollars% - Player's major currency balance (Through Vault's economy support)
%econ_cents% - Player's minor currency balance (Through Vault's economy support)
%rank% - Players permission rank/group (Requires Vault)
%sec% - Seconds left before the message goes away
%timer% - Timer, displaying how much time is left before the message goes away
%sep% - Separates the main title from the subtitle or tab header from footer (in title or tab messages only)
%nl% - Goes to a new line
More placeholders are available, if you are using PlaceholderAPI, you can find them here:
player_health - displays player's health
server_fullness - displays how full the server is with players
random_percent - displays a random percentage
Set your percentage to 'auto', to make percentage reduce automatically, showing how long will the message stay up
* A percentage can be either a number or ONE of the above variables!
* The GUI has more functionality than commands
* /bm add <list> <percent> <show> <interval> <message> - adds a message to a specified message list.
* /bm delete <list> <#> - deletes a message number # from the list
* /bm createlist <listname> - creates a new list for messages
* /bm deletelist <listname> - deletes a list of messages
* /bm list [listname] - prints all existing lists, or all messages from the specified lists
* /bm broadcast <show> <message> - Globally broadcasts a message for the specified time
* /bm qb <message> - Globally broadcasts a message for the default broadcasting time (configurable in the config.yml)
* /bm gb <listname> <show> <message> - Broadcasts a message for the specified time, only in the specified list.
* /bm createtask <taskname> <message> - creates a new task with the specified message
* /bm deletetask <taskname> - deletes the specified
* /bm addtaskcmd <taskname> <command> - Adds a command to the task. Type the command without slash (/)
* /bm tasklist - lists all the existing tasks
* /bm taskinfo <taskname> - displays the info on the specified task
* /bm schedule <taskname <time> - schedules the specified task, for the specified time (in seconds)
* /bm qs <taskname> - schedules the specified task for the default time (configurable in config.yml)
* /bm gs <listname> <taskname> <time> - schedules the specified task in the specified list, for the specified time (in seconds)
* /bm disableworld <worldname> - disables messages in the specified world
* /bm enableworld <worldname> - re-enables messages in the specified world
* /bm pm <player> <message> - sends a private message to the specified player
* /bm toggle - toggles the message view for yourself
* /bm info - Displays information about the plugin
* /bm help - displays this list of commands
* /bm admingui - Opens an administration GUI
* /bm gui - Opens a player GUI
bossmessenger.command.<command> - gives access to the specified BossMessenger command.
Ex: bossmessenger.command.add - gives access to /bm add
bossmessenger.list.<listname> - assigns the specified message list to the player.
Ex: bossmessenger.list.default - makes the player see messages from the "default" message list
Description: Fires when a player joins the server
%target% - The name of the player that joined
Description: Fires when a player leaves the server
%target% - The name of the player that quit
Description: Fires when a player gets killed by another player
%killer% - The name of the player that killed
%victim% - The name of the player that got killed
BossBar Colors:
Used to retrieve player's permission group (via %rank%) and to get player's balance (via %econ_dollars% and %econ_cents%)
Used to get hundreds and hundreds of new placeholders!