BreadSpigot is a powerful fork of TacoSpigot aimed towards eliminating all lag sources for skyblock servers. It includes heavy optimizations towards entities, spawners, hoppers, redstone, players, etc.
Features (Everything can be configured & toggled):
- Custom knockback
- Ability to disable sprint on hit
- Fast pots
- Ability to pearl through certain blocks
- Fence gates
- Cobweb
- String
- Fence gates
- No Rain
- Disable cactus damage
- Custom Events
- ArmorEquipEvent
- ArmorRemoveEvent
- CactusBreakEvent
- CactusGrowEvent
- PotionEffectAddEvent
- PotionEffectEvent
- PotionEffectExpireEvent
- PotionEffectExtendEvent
- PotionEffectRemoveEvent
- ArmorEquipEvent
- Disable leaf decay
- Disable footsteps
- /recommend for configs
- Spigot hopper freeze fix
- Flawless printer
- TPS Graph
- HashTreeSet Fix
- Iron golem fall distance
- Iron golems disable dropping poppys
- Disable spawner mob ai
- Entity collision optimization
- Redstone Optimization
- Stacked mobs
- Max stack size
- Mobs to not stack
- Stack radius
- Max stack size
- Mob stacker compatible with custom mob drop plugins
- Optimized ticking hoppers
- TileEntity optimizations
- Disable mob footsteps
- Spawner Optimizations
- Disable unessesary spawner checks
- Light optimizations
- Mob spawning optimizations
- Faster spawner math
- Toggle mob tracking
- Chunk mob limits
- Hopper optimizations
- Disable spawner particles
- Special recommended configs
- 1.8.8 based with the ability for 1.7-1.13 support
- Overall optimizations to the server
BreadSpigot TPS Example:
10,000 entities in a single block at 20 TPS