Tested Minecraft Versions:
Update to Spigot 1.8.8 .
Whitlist now off!
Join the test Server and Play 1vs1!
"Unknown host" ? Copy the IP without space.
Code (Text):
# Plugin by Mustermaster1402 | Itsminecraft.de
# https://www.spigotmc.org/members/mustermaster.30825/
Cooldown: 15
#The Cooldown for the /fix command!
Scoreboard: false
High: 10000
#The High for the ArenaProtection please set here your y amount!
Fallback: false
#For the HUB Item.
FallbackServer: Lobby
#For reloading the command.
reloadcmd: rl
#Set the Kills to Win a game.
KillstoWin: 5
#The Server for the HUB Item.
Specfligh: false
#For fly for Specators.
UpdateNotify: true
#You recive UpdateNotifys.
LobbyCountdown: 10
#The Countdown for the Lobby.
LobbyCountdownXPto1: 0.1
#When you multply this with the LobbyCountdown this must give you 1. #An example: LobbyCountdown: 5 , LobbyCountdownXPto1: 0.2 .
GameCountdown: 10
#The Countdown for the Game and for the after Kill countdown.
GameCountdownXPto1: 0.1
#When you multply this with the GameCountdown this must give you 1. #An example: GameCountdown: 5 , GameCountdownXPto1: 0.2 .
Ranking: 1
#1 means placed heads ,2 means Dropped heads.
MYSQL: #Here you must out you data.
Database: localhost
Password: '12345'
Host: localhost
User: root
#The coodinates of the Ranking and the world.
world: world
Loc1x: 1
Loc1y: 1
Loc1z: 1
Loc2x: 1
Loc2y: 1
Loc2z: 1
Loc3x: 1
Loc3y: 1
Loc3z: 1
#Were you place the sign of Loc1 ,Loc2 , Loc3 under.
Signx: 0
Signy: -1
Signz: 0
#Hologram Stats.
enabled: false
world: world
x: 1
y: 1
z: 1
Code (Text):
Win: '%prefix% &9The Player: &e%player% &9won the game!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
Prefix: '&61vs1 &8>> '
QuitItem: '&cQuit'
#For the Quit Item.
Kill: '%prefix% &c You were killed by &e%killer% &cwith &e%health%
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix, %killer% = Killer, %health% = #Health.
Killed: '%prefix% &a You killed &e%killed% &awith &e%health% &ahearted!'
block: '%prefix% &cDon`t do this! &8Thanks ;-)'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
ArenaPretection: '%prefix% &cDon`t do this! &8This is the Arena
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
lobby: '%prefix% &9The Players will be teleported to the Arena in: %countdown% second/s!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %countdown% = Countdown.
lobbyend: '%prefix% &9The Player will be teleported!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
gameend: '%prefix% &9The Game starts jet!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
game: '%prefix% &9The game starts in: %countdown% second/s!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %countdown% = Countdown.
end: '%prefix% &9The Server restart in: %countdown% second/s!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %countdown% = Countdown.
endend: '%prefix% &9The Server restart'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix
LobbyTitle: '&c%count%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %count% = Countdown.
LobbySubTitle: '&eYourNetwork.com &cNetwork'
LobbyEndTitle: '&cTeleport'
LobbyEndSubTitle: '&eYourNetwork.com &cNetwork'
GameTitle: '&c%count%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %count% = Countdown.
GameSubTitle: '&eYourNetwork.com &cNetwork'
GameEndTitle: '&cTeleport'
GameEndSubTitle: '&eYourNetwork.com &cNetwork'
you: '%prefix% &aYou were fixed!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix
block: '%prefix% &cPlease wait %cooldown% &csecond/s before using this command
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %cooldown% = Cooldown.
other: '%prefix% &aYou fixed %player%!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %player% = Player.
title: '%prefix% &cKills'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix .
Line1: '&6%p1%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line2: '&6%p2%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line3: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line4: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line5: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line6: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line7: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line8: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Count1: '%Killsp1%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count2: '%Killsp2%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count3: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count4: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count5: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count6: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count7: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count8: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Lobby: Lobby
InGame: InGame
Restarting: Restarting
Build: Build
Line1: '&cName: %player%'
Line2: '&cKills: %kills%'
Line3: '&cRang: %rang%'
Line4: '&cDeaths: %deaths%'
Line5: '&cK/D: %k/d%'
Line6: '&cWins: %wins%'
Line7: '&cLoses: %loses%'
Line8: '&cW/L: %w/l%'
#Available variabels: %player% = Playername , %kills% = Kills, %rang% = #Rang , %deaths% = Deaths , %k/d% = K/D, %wins% = WIns, %loses% # = Loses, %w/l% = Wins/Loses.
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
Update to Spigot 1.8.8 .
- Spectator-mode
- Instant TNT (NO world damage)e
- Stats system
- Fix command with configurable cooldown!
- Auto Fire remove after 5 seconds!
- World protection player can only Build in Creative Mode!
- PVP Manager in the lobby is PVP disabeld!
- Player can`t open Chests or other things!
- Go out of Arena protection!
- Easy to setup!
- Mysql
- Ranking
- Java 8 Only
- Scoreboard can be edited
- Gamestatus in Motd!
- UpdateNotifcation!
Whitlist now off!
Join the test Server and Play 1vs1!
"Unknown host" ? Copy the IP without space.
- Stop your server!
- Download the 1vs1.jar and put it in your plugins folder!
- Start your server!
- Set the spawn with /setlobby, the first Location with /setpos1 (Mapname), the second Location with /setpos2 (Mapname) ,the Spectator Location with /setspec and create the map with /createmap (Mapname) (BlockID)!
- You need at least two maps.
- Put the coordinates from the Ranking Heads in the Config!
- Set keep Inventory to true: /gamerule keepinventory true
- Play 1vs1!
Code (Text):
# Plugin by Mustermaster1402 | Itsminecraft.de
# https://www.spigotmc.org/members/mustermaster.30825/
Cooldown: 15
#The Cooldown for the /fix command!
Scoreboard: false
High: 10000
#The High for the ArenaProtection please set here your y amount!
Fallback: false
#For the HUB Item.
FallbackServer: Lobby
#For reloading the command.
reloadcmd: rl
#Set the Kills to Win a game.
KillstoWin: 5
#The Server for the HUB Item.
Specfligh: false
#For fly for Specators.
UpdateNotify: true
#You recive UpdateNotifys.
LobbyCountdown: 10
#The Countdown for the Lobby.
LobbyCountdownXPto1: 0.1
#When you multply this with the LobbyCountdown this must give you 1. #An example: LobbyCountdown: 5 , LobbyCountdownXPto1: 0.2 .
GameCountdown: 10
#The Countdown for the Game and for the after Kill countdown.
GameCountdownXPto1: 0.1
#When you multply this with the GameCountdown this must give you 1. #An example: GameCountdown: 5 , GameCountdownXPto1: 0.2 .
Ranking: 1
#1 means placed heads ,2 means Dropped heads.
MYSQL: #Here you must out you data.
Database: localhost
Password: '12345'
Host: localhost
User: root
#The coodinates of the Ranking and the world.
world: world
Loc1x: 1
Loc1y: 1
Loc1z: 1
Loc2x: 1
Loc2y: 1
Loc2z: 1
Loc3x: 1
Loc3y: 1
Loc3z: 1
#Were you place the sign of Loc1 ,Loc2 , Loc3 under.
Signx: 0
Signy: -1
Signz: 0
#Hologram Stats.
enabled: false
world: world
x: 1
y: 1
z: 1
Code (Text):
Win: '%prefix% &9The Player: &e%player% &9won the game!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
Prefix: '&61vs1 &8>> '
QuitItem: '&cQuit'
#For the Quit Item.
Kill: '%prefix% &c You were killed by &e%killer% &cwith &e%health%
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix, %killer% = Killer, %health% = #Health.
Killed: '%prefix% &a You killed &e%killed% &awith &e%health% &ahearted!'
block: '%prefix% &cDon`t do this! &8Thanks ;-)'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
ArenaPretection: '%prefix% &cDon`t do this! &8This is the Arena
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
lobby: '%prefix% &9The Players will be teleported to the Arena in: %countdown% second/s!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %countdown% = Countdown.
lobbyend: '%prefix% &9The Player will be teleported!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
gameend: '%prefix% &9The Game starts jet!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix.
game: '%prefix% &9The game starts in: %countdown% second/s!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %countdown% = Countdown.
end: '%prefix% &9The Server restart in: %countdown% second/s!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %countdown% = Countdown.
endend: '%prefix% &9The Server restart'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix
LobbyTitle: '&c%count%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %count% = Countdown.
LobbySubTitle: '&eYourNetwork.com &cNetwork'
LobbyEndTitle: '&cTeleport'
LobbyEndSubTitle: '&eYourNetwork.com &cNetwork'
GameTitle: '&c%count%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %count% = Countdown.
GameSubTitle: '&eYourNetwork.com &cNetwork'
GameEndTitle: '&cTeleport'
GameEndSubTitle: '&eYourNetwork.com &cNetwork'
you: '%prefix% &aYou were fixed!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix
block: '%prefix% &cPlease wait %cooldown% &csecond/s before using this command
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %cooldown% = Cooldown.
other: '%prefix% &aYou fixed %player%!'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %player% = Player.
title: '%prefix% &cKills'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix .
Line1: '&6%p1%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line2: '&6%p2%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line3: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line4: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line5: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line6: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line7: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Line8: '&cTS'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %p1% = Player1 , %p2% = Player2.
Count1: '%Killsp1%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count2: '%Killsp2%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count3: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count4: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count5: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count6: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count7: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Count8: '%off%'
#Available variabels: %prefix% = Prefix , %Kills1% = Kills of Player1,
# %Kills2% = Kills of Player2 , %Wins1% = Wins of Player1, %Wins2% = #Wins of Player2 , %off% = deaktive this.
Lobby: Lobby
InGame: InGame
Restarting: Restarting
Build: Build
Line1: '&cName: %player%'
Line2: '&cKills: %kills%'
Line3: '&cRang: %rang%'
Line4: '&cDeaths: %deaths%'
Line5: '&cK/D: %k/d%'
Line6: '&cWins: %wins%'
Line7: '&cLoses: %loses%'
Line8: '&cW/L: %w/l%'
#Available variabels: %player% = Playername , %kills% = Kills, %rang% = #Rang , %deaths% = Deaths , %k/d% = K/D, %wins% = WIns, %loses% # = Loses, %w/l% = Wins/Loses.
- /fix - fix you
- /fix <playername> - fix the player
- /stats - show your stats
- /stats <playername> - show the stats of the Player
- /setlobby - set the Lobby Location
- /setpos1 (Mapname) - set the first Player Location
- /setpos2 (Mapname) - set the second Player Location
- /setspec - set the Spectator Location
- /createmap (Mapname) (BlockID) - Adds a new Map to the map pool.
- /forcemap - shows all Maps
- /forcemap (Mapname) - Select a Map.
- 1vs1.setspawn - to set all Locations (default OP)
- YT.is - to use the forcemap command (default OP)
- Spigot Conversation @Mustermaster
- E-Mail: [email protected] | [email protected]
- TeamSpeak: Itsminecraft.de | Channel: =-●Warte auf Support
- You have a Bug start a conversation with @Mustermaster
- Please read the Resource description.
- You want a new Feature start a conversation with @Mustermaster