Don't post Problems and Bugs into the Reviews!
PM me if you have Ideas! Use the Message Title "BungeeEquip Ideas"
PM me if you found Bugs! Use the Message Title "BungeeEquip Bugs"
This Resource works with UUID's
so it does NOT work with Cracked Servers
Java 8
BungeeCord 1.7.x 1.8.x 1.9.x or 1.10.x
MySQL Database
BanPoints: Decide how long a Player is banned. Each time can be changed in the Config.yml
MutePoints: Decide how long a Player is muted. Each time can be changed in the Config.yml
ID-System: Every Ban and Mute becomes a ID
History: Get all the Statistics about a Player (Ban's, Mute's, MutePoint's and BanPoint's)
Reportsystem with ID's: Each Report will be saved into the Database. Reports can be closed. Thereby they will be deleted automatically.
Ban-Layouts: Ban a Player with a predeterminated Layout from the Config.yml
Mute-Layouts: Mute a Player with a predeterminated Layout from the Config.yml
TPServer: Teleport to a Player over the Network.
Staff-Chat: Chat with the Team. Easy to use: Write a @staff or @support before the Message.
Global-Chat: Write a Global Message with a @global before the Message.
Broadcast: Players with the Permission recived a message when someone Mute's, Kick's or Ban's a Player.
Ping: Look your Ping or see the Ping of another Players.
Title Announce: Write a Message and it will displayed in the Middle of the Screen.
ClearChats: Clear the Chat of the Complete Network or only for single Servers!
Autobroadcaster: Send a Atomaticly Message to every Server.
PlayerInfo: Get a Playerinfo of the Selected Player (Name, UUID, Online/Offline Status, Rank, Server, Banpoints, Mutepoints, Banned & Muted Times and so on.)
Advanced Chatfilters: Caps-Block Mute by Using vorbidden words, Chatting-Delay, .....)
TeamList: Shows the Teammembers with Rank, and Current Server.
BanInfo: Shows the Info of a Ban (Ban-ID, Banned by, Reason, Start, End, Type, Proof)
Proof-System: Save a Proof (Youtube-Link or Chatlog Link or else) to know why the player is banned.
Fully Configurable: You can Change all the Messages and Commands.
Missing lines in the Config.yml will be added automaticly
Code (Text):
Send me a PN with Idears!
Questions can be submitted at any time.
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