[BungeeReport] ✰MySql support ✰ 100% Config! ✰ DISCORD UPDATE

 [BungeeReport] ✰MySql support ✰ 100% Config! ✰ DISCORD UPDATE 1.2.4

[BungeeReport] ✰MySql support ✰ 100% Config! ✰ DISCORD UPDATE
Native Minecraft Version:Legacy (< 1.13)Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
Contributors:LordThomLanguages Supported:All
| EssentialBungee Report |

Please keep in mind that I am not English, there may be some mistakes ^^
BungeeReport is a bungeecord plugin (& spigot soon) allowing to have a complete management of your reports.
Indeed this plugin allows you to record different reports from players and manage them more easily.
/!\ This plugin use Mysql database

> Allows players to report another player via bungeecord
>Reports are sent automatically to moderators.
>Moderator< can teleport directly to the reported player's server.
>Storage of information allows moderators to have better tracking of players.
>This plugin supports cracked versions.
>Messages, commands, permissions, everything is editable via the configuration file.
>Cooldown timer
>Shows the top 10 most reported players


/report <player> <reason> : Report a player with a custom reason
/reportinfo <player> : See recent reports of a player (date,reason,total report count)
/brreload : Reload configuration
/reporttop : Displays recent reports (10)


Spoiler: Screens


Spoiler: Config

Do you have a serious and solid project? I know how hard it is for a server to grow, so if I feel that your server is serious it is possible for you not to pay this plugin. Introduce me your project here: My Discord: LordThom # 0280

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