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CasualProtector v6.0 /w Source Code 6.0

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What is CasualProtector?
  • This plugin protects your server from bots (antibot and antivpn systems), exploits (lags, crashes caused by hack-clients, e.g jigsaw or jessica etc. or bungee exploits) and optimizes tps, fps, reduce lags! We support a lot of mc versions (1.7.x-1.14.x)
  • The only thing what the plugin wants from you is install ProtocolLib (it is required for packet listening)
  • We protect against bungee exploits! Please read bungee exploits section. (If someone crashes your server (with a lot of bots or something like a -Redacted-/flood) please use my fixed waterfall from readme.txt file. As one of the very few people I patched a "nullping bypass".
  • Since 3.9 we check the redstone and limit them! It really optimize server tps and game perfomance! There are redstone exploits that a lot of newest versions doesn't block just because it's more like a bug. Look at redstone checker section

  • Blocks bots (a lot of ways to block bots, look at antibot section)
  • Blocks exploits, lags, crashes (look at antiexploit section)
  • Blocks some flood packets (like -Redacted-/dos - remember that we don't block all -Redacted-/dos attacks! You have to block it in another way like iptables or something else, we only check flood packets)
  • Vpn/proxy/bad ip checking (a lot of configurable ways to block it, you can add your own ip checking! You can set the url and result you want to get)
  • Block flood attack (MCSpam etc., bungee crashers/exploits) - edited proxy and spigot code.
  • Reduce/remove redstone exploits (redstone checker section). Thanks to redstone limits per chunk the plugin really optimizes tps and reduce lags.
  • Allow only specified countries to join (e.g german, poland, china or your country, it's fully configurable)
  • Supports bungeecord! Are you running bungeecord? Put the .jar file to your spigot and bungeecord servers!
  • Optimize lags, tps (\/ and more)
  • Optimize fps - hiding falling blocks like sand and tnt. (really helpful)
  • Blocks mods like worlddownloader, labymod, liteloader, forge etc.
  • Configurable - The plugin is almost fully configurable! There are configuration files like:config.yml, messages.yml, messagesbunge.yml


  • There is an accounts limit for accounts per ip (configurable) - if player exceed it his connections to server (also his bots) will be cancelled with specified reason.
  • Vpn, proxy checking - we send a http request to API's that respond very fast with the result (bot or normal player) - you can disable vpn/proxy detectors in bad-ip-checkers section in config.yml. You can add your own ip checker, it's very easy, just take a look at already existing detectors in the section.
  • Checking last player's name length and compare it, if there were too many connections with the same name length - bots will be not able to join
  • Compare half of player's name with online players' name, if these are similar - more bots (with similar nicknames) will be not able to join.
  • ConnectionThrottle - 1 address can connect to server every 15 seconds (very useful) - obviously you can change the delay. (we recommend to set connection-throttle in spigot config to -1)
  • If player name is similar to 3 other players' name he will be not able to join, e.g "1283217juniks_ 812372123juniks_, deathbot122, etc.." - the next bot will be not able to join, and bots will have to change their nicknames.
  • If player is using vpn or proxies ip he will be not able to connect to the server (configurable)
  • Player has to connect again to server if he is newbie (double-join/re-connect) - deathbots and other bots without double-join will be not able to join. If he is verified he doesn't have to re-connect again.
  • Plugin checks first packets from player - if these are recognized as invalid (or are sent too late) - bot is kicked and his ip is blocked for 10 minutes.
  • There is a pingchecker! If player's ping is bigger than set and tps are above 19.8 he will be kicked. Often bots have very big ping so they will be kicked from the server.

ANTIEXPLOIT SYSTEM (what do I block):

  • Nbt exploit (mainly hacked items like written_book with too many pages etc. (windowclick, blockplace spam etc))
  • Packet-Filter checks all Client packets and their InputBuffer#remaining, really useful feature, blocks most of exploits.
  • Run commands (e.g in books, executing commands without player permission - adding to plot, paying money etc.)
  • Firework exploit (too big Flight size that crashes the server)
  • If there are more than XXX tags in nbtCompound - nbt is recognized as invalid and event is cancelled, player is kicked
  • Spam packets: register, arm animation etc. if there are more players = arm animation exploit works better, more packets = more lags - i did a time period between sending arm animation packets and some more. (since 1.12 it's useless)
  • Invalid packets.. e.g: client position, player can send invalid position packets, e.g too big x,y,z coordinates (or pitch and yaw)
  • Payload exploits (like too many register packets, or too big size of channels, too big mc|bedit data etc.)
  • Checking last 50 windowclick packets. If they are very similar (and the space between each packet is less than 0.5 sec) player is disconnected. Useful for detecting spam packets.
  • Sign exploits (too much lines, characters in sign etc)
  • Command exploits like worldedit commands (//calc with arguments etc)
  • Hacked items (too big enchantments/over-enchanted items or amount of item)
  • Hopper creative crasher (common on creative servers, when hopper is placed noone can join on the server until server administrator will remove the world data)
  • Fix skull (skullexploitpatch code used) and chunk exploits
  • Fix armorstand and egg exploits
  • Fix duplications like book, sign
  • Command exploits (like pex or worldedit)
  • Anti logged from another location (if we can call it exploit)
  • UUIDSpoof exploit (with cache-system)
  • Custompayload (jigsaw and many more)
  • Player's ip is blocked from joining on server for 10 minutes if he tries to crash server
  • and many more! (This plugin was specifically created to prevent exploits)
  • Honestly - CasualProtector can replace 10+ anticrash plugins on your server and it's much better than every anticrash plugin. I have made lots of my own exploits so I completely know how to fix them and how they work.

How does it work? It's simple. I check the redstones in every chunk. If the redstones amount is too big (e.g 60) the plugin just unpower (unactive) the redstones in current chunk. I also limit the clicking in lever, one click is limited to 1.5s. But how much awesome would it be when I wouldn't add some fun things!
I sort the chunks in inventory from the most dangerous to less. The most dangerous chunks are first in gui and these are coloured with &4 (dark red), by simply clicking on it you can teleport to chunks and do whatever you want - maybe the players are trying to lag the server with mechanics?
Permission for admins (broadcast about cancelling redstone actions):

  • In the downloaded .rar file you can find "readme.txt" file - there is link to download waterfall with custom patches created by me. What do you have to do? Just download the file from link and move it to your bungeecord folder, replace your already existing proxy server (bungee/hexacord/waterfall) with my own waterfall. It will fix a lot of exploits, floods and bot attacks.
  • If you are developer - I can give you access to my private github repository with a fork of waterfall that contains bungee_exploits.patch file which is a patch for all common exploits (invalid handshake, null ping crasher etc. very popular in 2019, a lot of networks are being crashed by it)

  • casualprotector.admin (or op) - informs about kicking player
  • casualprotector.command - access to /casualprotector command
  • casualprotector.pingbypass - bypass for pingchecker

  • /casualprotector reload - reloads the configuration (you need restart if you want new messages etc. to be displayed!)
  • /casualprotector bypass [nick] - add player's to bypass list (he has bypass for vpn/proxy detectors and all antibot features)

Mods that we block (you can easily disable it)
  • World downloader mod
  • Forge
  • LiteLoader
  • LabyMod (called lmc in config.yml)
  • Since cprotector version (14.10.2019) Worlddownloader and forge are blocked very well and are supported at 1.14.4!

  • We have our own logs! If you want to know who was crashing/lagging your server (or doing bot attack) just look in logs file in directory of plugin! (remember to switch print-everything in the config.yml - otherwise nothing will be displayed in the logs or console)
  • You can disable almost every module! Like blocking nbtexploits, uuidspoof, and everything! Just read the configuration and switch some values to false.
  • Update checker - if there is a new version of casualprotector, plugin will inform you about that!
  • some more..


Terms of Service

1) You may not sell or share the plugin to anyone.
2) You can pay with PayPal F&F or PayPal G&S
3) You cannot chargeback after sending the money.
4) There is a no refund policy.
5) I can change this terms of service without notice

JAR: $10.00:
The casual-protector.jar and its extra-bonuses like waterfall.jar (with a lot of patches)
Buy on discord: yooniks#2411 | if you want to test the resource i can give you ip of 100+ players servers that use cprotector.

*(Please do not sell plugins that are a must have to keep a server online its just a dick move)*

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