Check My Inventory - Offline player support

 Check My Inventory - Offline player support 4.3.11

Check My Inventory


Cant decide new plugins name, so will be keeping this one until some inspiration hits my little brain. And as i dint picked any new name so I cant pick a winner. But as I'm not [insertBadWord] I will give everyone ho have sent me name suggestion one premium plugin from my library. Send me private message with plugin name you have picked.
Peps ho "won": Jamy, Ultiyplayer, Sweepyoface, yhonatan555, GODEYE, l3st4tPlugins, xXBarchticXx, _Krono, AtlasTech, Wazez, dasilvaj4, Wolfenshire, ultimatebuild, rambeau, ItsDexter


This plugin will allow you to check a player's inventory or enderchest and edit it as you like. However, what makes CMI unique is you can do all of this even if the player is offline! Still not sold? What if I told you it was also possible to edit a player's armor, potion effects, location, health, exp, hunger, compass target, game-mode, walk speed, fly speed, and even spawn location no matter if the player is online or not! You can even toggle a player's fly on or off, teleport to players, change their max health, or get anyone's player skull. All features can be done even if a player is offline. With a rich GUI full of options and information so you can administrate your server easily, CMI makes many features a thousand times easier for anyone running a server. Want to give a player creative but you're afraid they might logout? No big deal! Forget about it, it's no problem at all with CMI. You can use the GUI to view/edit a player's information in real time, or if you're not too fond of that there is also a text-based way to view everything. You can even search thro all players inventories for specific item if you have lost some like in example uber mega drive stick with 1000 punch power. New features are being added all the time, and the price of this plugin may rise soon, so grab your copy now!

Thx 357 for plugins new description

Check players inventory and information about him

Get detailed information about player

Fix light glitches with simple command

Load map up to 32 chunk in range for nice screenshot or overview



Showcase of search function in CMI plugin


Java 7 and up
PaperSpigot/Spigot/Bukkit - 1.7.10/1.8.x/1.9.x


- Lightweight
- Has search functionally to search throw all players (offline to) by:
  • item by id
  • item by its name
  • item by its lore
  • item by its enchant level
  • potion's by its custom effect levels
  • players by game mode
  • players by fly mode
  • players by god mode
  • Option to remove items automatically during search
- Has scan functionality to scan whole map for particular items in
  • chests,
  • traped chests,
  • hoppers,
  • armorstands,
  • item frames,
  • furnaces,
  • dropers,
  • brewing stands,
  • horses with chests,
  • minecart with chest
  • minecart with hopper
  • Option to remove items automatically during scan
- Can replace blocks in particular range by chunks or for entire world! Extremely useful if you want to remove in example mob spawners from your world.
- Server chunk ViewRange depending by users permissions, up to 32 chunks!
- Can fix light glitches in map
- Can load map for up to 32 chunks range for area preview
- Can clean old player data files by players offline days from playerdata folder
Can make spawner to drop item with set type for later placement and getting same spawner
- Can control servers time
- Can control players personal time
- Can spawn any entity with fully customizable variables
- Can clean old player data files by players offline days from stats folder
- Can clean old Essentials player data files by players offline days
- Can clean old LWC protections by players offline days
- Can edit online/offline players inventory
Can edit online/offline players ender chest
Can open workbench for you or other player
- Can open villager trade window for you or other player
- Can silently (without open animation) open chests for preview
- Can give items with custom name, lore or enchantings to online/offline player. Specialized mob spawner support.
- Can change online/offline player game mode!
- Can change online/offline player god mode!
- Can give temporary god mode for player, until relog
- Can change online/offline player fly mode!
- Can give temporary fly mode for player, until relog
- Can change online/offline player fly speed!
- Can change online/offline player walk speed!
- Can change online/offline player spawn location!
- Can change online/offline player potion effects!
- Can automaticaly change players game mode to defined one on world change
- Can automaticaly change players fly mode to defined on world change
- Can automaticaly change players god mode to defined on world change
- Check server status

- You can teleport all online/offline players from specific world!
- You can teleport to online/offline players location!
- You can teleport back to your death location!
- Can change online/offline players maxhealth!
- Can set spawner by looking at it and performing simple command.
- Can heal online/offline player!
Can feed online/offline player!
- Can clear online/offline players inventory!
- Can repair items for online/offline players
- Can enchant item for online/offline players
- Can change item name for online/offline player
- Can change item lore for online/offline player
- Can change online/offline players exp!
- Can change online/offline players hunger!
- Can change online/offline players compass pointer target!
- Can change online/offline players Hat to any block!
- Can spawn any players head and give it for online/offline player
- Can teleport to any world location
- Can print out list of players with OP
- Can show player nickname change history over Mojang page
- Edit players inventory in real time
- Save inventory at any time you want
- Load inventory from saves
- Save inventory on players death for future restore
- Uses aliases for simpler command use


For all commands there is no difference if player is online or not.
[] - required () - optional
/cmi ender [nickname] or /cend [nickname] - Opens players ender chest
/cmi inv [nickname] or /cinv [nickname] - Opens players inventory
/cmi back or /cback - Returns into last saved location
/cmi hat (playername) or /chat (playername) - sets players hat into item you are holding
/cmi head [playername] (playername) - spawns players head and gives it to player
/cmi tp [nickname] (nickname) - teleports player to another players location
/cmi tppos [x] [y] [z] (world) (pitch) (yaw) - teleports player to specific location
/cmi ping (nickname) - Shows players ping
/cmi settp[nickname] (nickname) - sets spawn point for player
/cmi maxhp [nickname] [amount] - sets players maxhp
/cmi heal [nickname] - heals player
/cmi feed (nickname) - Feeds player
/cmi workbench (nickname) - Opens workbench
/cmi merchant [type] (nickname) - Opens villager trade window
/cmi clear [nickname] - clears players inventory
/cmi effect [nickname] [effectname/clear] [duration] [power] - adds or removes special effects from player
/cmi hunger [nickname] [amount] - sets players hunger
/cmi time [freeze-unfreeze-day-night-dusk-morning-add-take-realtime-autorealtime-15:25-3:25pm-9416ticks] (worldname/all)
/cmi ptime [freeze-unfreeze-day-night-dusk-morning-realtime-reset-15:25-3:25pm-9416ticks] (playername)
/cmi fly [nickname] (true/false) (-s)
- sets players fly mode
/cmi glow [nickname] (true/false) (-s) - sets players glow mode. 1.9+ servers
/cmi tfly [nickname] (true/false) (-s) - give temporary fly mode for player, automaticaly disables on players logoff
/cmi god [nickname] (true/false) (-s)- sets players god mode
/cmi tgod [nickname] (true/false) (-s) - give temporary god mode for player, disables automaticaly on logoff.
/cmi flyspeed [nickname] [amount 1-10] - sets players fly speed
/cmi walkspeed [nickname] [amount 1-10] - sets players walk speed
/cmi gm [nickname] [0/1/2/3 survival/creative/adventure/spectator] - sets players game mode
/cmi exp [nickname] [amount] - sets players exp, use L at end to set by levels
/cmi repair (playername) [hand/armor/all] - repairs items for player
/cmi enchant (playername) [enchantname] [level] - enchant item you or target player holds in hand
/cmi itemname [playername] [remove/your_new_item_name] - Change item name
/cmi itemlore [playername] [loreLine] [remove/insert/new text] - change item lore for scpecific line
/cmi spawner [Type] - Set spawner to particular type
/cmi spawnmob [entityType] - Spawns entity
/cmi oplist - Shows all players with OP
/cmi status - Shows basic information about your server and worlds
/cmi compass [playername] (playername) - sets players compass pointer to target location
/cmi info [playername] - shows detailed information about player
/cmi list (playername) - Shows list of saved inventories for player
/cmi check (playername) [id] - Opens saved inventory in preview mode
/cmi load (playername) [playername] [id] - Loads saved inventory to specific player
/cmi save (playername) - Saves players inventory
/cmi saveall (days) - Saves all players inventory. If day given, then will players inventory ho logged in in that day range.
/cmi tpall [worldname] - teleport ALL players from specific world to your location
/cmi search id [id:data] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific item.
/cmi search name [some item name] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific item.
/cmi search lore [some lore] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific item.
/cmi search enchant [base level] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific item by its enchant level.
/cmi search potion [base level] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific potion by its custom effect level.
/cmi search gm [0/1/2/3 or survival/creative/adventure/spectator] - searches throw ALL players with specific game mode.
/cmi search fly [true or false] - searches throw ALL players with specific fly mode.
/cmi lfix (range up to view range) - fixes lightning glitches around you
/cmi preview [range] (innerrange) - loads map around you for map preview
/cmi viewrage [range] - change your view range up to 32 chunks
/cmi give [nickname] [itemname:data or id:data] (amount) n &3Item_name l &3item_Lore/n&3Second_line e lure:2,dig_speed:3 - gives item to specific player. Use _ to separate words in one line and /n to split lines in lore.
/cmi scan - scans map or range chunks for specific items in any place whic one can hold item inside. For more info how to use it/cmi scan ingame. Option to use purge variable in command to automatically clean items.
/cmi purge (stop) - cleans old player data files form playerdata or/and stats or/and plugins/Essentials/playerdata or/and LWC protections depending how long player is offline. Can move files to backup folder for option to reuse them later. Usable only from console and disabled by default for safety reasons.
/cmi lastonline [timeRnage/list/stop] [page] - Scan all players and shows list of them ho have played in last x minutes on server. Ignoring currently online.
/cmi replaceblock id mob_spawner w stone r 30 y 73 - replaces all spawner blocks in 30 chunks range under 73 level to stone. if w [blockname] is not provided, block will be removed. variable y [level] is entirely optional, but helps to speed up process if there is no blocks above that level.


  • cmi.command.[commandname].cooldownbypass - bypasses command cooldown
  • cmi.command.silentchest - Grants access to the silentchest command
  • cmi.command.ender - Grants access to the ender command
  • cmi.command.inv - Grants access to the inv command
  • - Grants access to the tp command
  • cmi.command.settp - Grants access to the settp command
  • cmi.command.effect - Grants access to the effect command
  • cmi.command.effect.others - Grants access to the give effect to other players
  • Grants access to the ping command
  • - Grants access to ping other players
  • cmi.command.maxhp - Grants access to the maxhp command
  • cmi.command.give - Grants access to the give command
  • cmi.command.give.others - Grants access to the give items to another players
  • cmi.command.spawner - Grants access to spawner command
  • cmi.command.spawner.[type] - Grants access to set spawner to particular type
  • cmi.command.spawnmob - Grants access to spawnmob command
  • cmi.dropspawner - Allows to get spawner back after destroying it with silk touch
  • cmi.dropspawner.nosilk - Allows to get spawner back after destroying it even without using silktouch pickaxe
  • cmi.command.time - Grants access to time command
  • cmi.command.ptime - Grants access to ptime command
  • cmi.command.ptime.others - Grants access to change personal player time for other players
  • - Grants access to the fly command
  • - Grants access to set fly mode to other players
  • cmi.command.glow- Grants access to glow command
  • cmi.command.glow.others - Grants access to set glow mode to other players
  • cmi.command.tfly - Grants access to tfly command
  • cmi.command.tfly.others - Grants access to set temporary fly mode to other players
  • - Grants access to repair command
  • - Grants access to repair other player items
  • cmi.command.enchant - Grants access to enchant command
  • cmi.command.enchant.others - Grants access to enchant items for others
  • cmi.command.itemname - Grants access to itemname command
  • cmi.command.itemname.others - Grants access to rename items for other players
  • cmi.command.itemlore - Grants access to change items lore
  • cmi.command.itemlore.others - Grants access to change items lore for other players
  • cmi.command.enchant.bypasslimit - Grants access to bypass enchant limitations
  • cmi.command.god - Grants access to the god command
  • cmi.command.tgod - Grants access to tgod command
  • cmi.command.tgod.others - Grants access to set tgod for other players
  • cmi.command.compass - Grants access to the compass command
  • cmi.command.workbench - Grants access to the workbench command
  • cmi.command.workbench.others - Can open workbench for other player
  • cmi.command.merchant - Grants access to the merchant command
  • cmi.command.merchant.others - Can open merchant window for other player
  • cmi.command.hunger - Grants access to the hunger command
  • cmi.command.heal - Grants access to the heal command
  • cmi.command.feed - Grants access to the feed command
  • cmi.command.feed.others - Can feed other players
  • cmi.command.clear - Grants access to the clear command
  • cmi.command.clear.others - Grants access to the clear other player inventory
  • cmi.command.flyspeed - Grants access to the flyspeed command
  • cmi.command.walkspeed - Grants access to the walkspeed command
  • cmi.command.lastonline - Grants access to lastonline command
  • cmi.command.oplist - Grants access to oplist command
  • - Grants access to the gm command
  •[gamemode]- Grants option to set gm to specific game mode
  • - Grants option to set gm for another player
  •[gamemode] - Grants option to set gm for another player to specific game mode
  • cmi.command.exp - Grants access to the exp command
  • - Grants access to the info command
  • - Grants access to the save command
  • cmi.command.saveall - Grants access to the saveall command
  • cmi.command.load - Grants access to the load command
  • cmi.command.check - Grants access to the check command
  • cmi.command.list - Grants access to the list command
  • cmi.command.back - Grants access to the back command
  • cmi.command.hat - Grants access to the hat command
  • cmi.command.head - Grants access to the head command
  • cmi.command.tpall - Grants access to the tpall command
  • - Grants access to the search command
  • cmi.command.scan - Grants access to the scan command
  • cmi.command.replaceblock - Grants access to the replaceblock command
  • cmi.command.openchest - Grants access to the scan chest edit function
  • cmi.command.openentity - Grants access to the scan entity inv edit function
  • cmi.buttonteleport - Grants access to the teleport button
  • cmi.invedit - Grants option to edit inventory
  • cmi.enderedit - Grants option to edit ender chest
  • cmi.command.hat.others - Grants option to give hat for another player
  • - Grants option to teleport another player
  • cmi.command.maxhp.others - Grants option to set maxhp for another player
  • cmi.command.status - Grants option to use status command
  • - Grants option to set fly for another player
  • cmi.command.god.others - Grants option to set god for another player
  • cmi.command.hunger.others - Grants option to set hunger for another player
  • cmi.command.heal.others - Grants option to heal another player
  • cmi.command.flyspeed.others - Grants option to set flyspeed for another player
  • cmi.command.walkspeed.others - Grants option to set walkspeed for another player
  • cmi.command.exp.others - Grants option to set exp for another player
  • cmi.command.head.others - Grants option to set head for another player
  • cmi.command.lfix - Grants access to lfic command
  • cmi.command.preview - Grants access to preview command
  • cmi.command.viewrange - Grants access to viewrange command
  • cmi.viewrange - grants access to gave dynamic view range
  • cmi.viewrange.[range] - determines how far you can see in chunks, up to 15
  • cmi.namehistory - enables to see players name history when he is logged in or when checking with /cmi info command
  • cmi.worldlimit.gamemode.bypass - Prevent game mode to be changed on world change if feature is enabled
  • - Prevent flymode to be changed on world change if feature is enabled
  • cmi.worldlimit.god.bypass - Prevent god mode to be changed on world change if feature is enabled

All messages can be translated and separate locale files can be created for easy use. By default plugin is translated to EN language:

  1. Drag and Drop jar into your plugins folder
  2. Start server for default files to be created
  3. Edit by your choice and enjoy :)

  • Possibility to toggle inventories for different reasons like creative, survival...
  • Any ideas from you? :)

Known caveats:
  • You can put pants on players head... it will still show normal helmet, but in inventory will be pants (again need to implement not so small check for items placed in there)
Extention type
File size
518.7 KB
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Please update to 1.10 :(
someone leaked the 1.10 version
Hi, could you update for 1.10 please? :)
someone leaked the 1.10 version

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