A fast and efficient plugin to sort your chests, Ender chests, and even your inventory. Chest Sorter also has the option for a Towny hook which will use Towny's Destroy and Switch plot perms to decide who can sort your chests. Chest Sorter also includes particles and sounds to notify you of its sort.
Just hit your chest with the sorting tool (Default is a Stick) and it will quickly sort your items. You can also use the commands to sort your Ender chest and inventory.
Sort your chest!
Sort your inventory!
Hearts (ParticleType: 0)
Music Notes (ParticleType: 2)
Swirls (ParticleType: 3)
Music Notes (ParticleType: 2)
Swirls (ParticleType: 3)
/sorter help: Displays help.
/sortinventory: Sorts inventory.
/si: Sorts inventory.
/sortenderchest: Sorts Ender chest.
/se: Sorts Ender chest.
/sorter settings: Displays config settings.
/sorter toggle particles: Turns on/off particles.
/sorter toggle sound: Turns on/off sound.
/sorter toggle auto: Turns on/off auto sort.
/sorter set tool hand: Sets sorting tool to item in hand.
/sorter set sound [type]: Changes sound type.
/sorter particles [type]: Changes particle type.
/sorter reload: Saves and reloads config.
/sortinventory: Sorts inventory.
/si: Sorts inventory.
/sortenderchest: Sorts Ender chest.
/se: Sorts Ender chest.
/sorter settings: Displays config settings.
/sorter toggle particles: Turns on/off particles.
/sorter toggle sound: Turns on/off sound.
/sorter toggle auto: Turns on/off auto sort.
/sorter set tool hand: Sets sorting tool to item in hand.
/sorter set sound [type]: Changes sound type.
/sorter particles [type]: Changes particle type.
/sorter reload: Saves and reloads config.
sorter.use: Can sort chest, Ender chest, and inventory.
sorter.use.chest: Can only sort chests.
sorter.use.inventory: Can only sort inventory.
sorter.use.enderchest: Can only sort Ender chests.
sorter.admin: Contains all permissions, able to change settings, and able to reload the config.
sorter.use.chest: Can only sort chests.
sorter.use.inventory: Can only sort inventory.
sorter.use.enderchest: Can only sort Ender chests.
sorter.admin: Contains all permissions, able to change settings, and able to reload the config.
Towny: false