- Advent Calendar
- Efficient and fully configurable GUI
- Allows players to claim different items/enchantments/commands/permissions every day
- You can give multiple gifts every day
- You can enable/disable claiming gifts from previous days
- Supports different gifts for donors or any other groups
- Santa Claus event
- Allows you to spawn Santa Claus with configurable name and skin for specified time period
- Santa can be spawned in random (pre-configured) locations
- Santa drops gifts every with a configurable chance of drop
- Santa may leave snow trail (which fades after a small delay)
- Santa can spawn even in WorldGuard protected regions (with mob-spawning set to deny)
- Christmas Crackers
- Allow you to give players custom cracker items they could open and get predefined rewards: items, permissions or commands (can be used to grant items from other plugins)
- Commands to give to others and claim for themself (can be used with a timed commands plugin)
- Snow effect particles
- Five configurable levels of snowfall intensity
- World blacklist
- 100% customizable messages, placeholders and items
- Reload command to update the advent calendar without restarting the server
- Efficient & high-quality code
- Even more features & events will be added before Christmas!