Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
Neptun Update Status:
[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||] 95%
[Updated: 2016-12-11 21:32:45]


This Java 8 Standalone Software was designed to make it possible for Server Administrators to manage a large amount of Servers easily. This can be useful to create a network out of many different types of servers.


You only need Java-8, a root server with static IPv4 (you can also use it on localhost, but why?) and a software like tmux or screen to keep the cloud processes alive and access them later again. You should also have some knowledge in server administration. I can’t tell everybody how to connect to a root via SSH.

The system works with four separate parts. The Cloud is the brain of the system. It manages the information of every single Server. It has an implemented Firewall to keep out people that want to hack your Servers. The Webinterface is also hosted by the Cloud. The Wrapper is installed on every root server you want to connect to the cloudsystem. If you don't want to use multiple root Servers you can just install it on the same Server. It has the task to manage the files of the Servers and to start and stop them. The Core is Installed on every Game Server. It sends the information to the Cloud and receives in case of the server Group Name “Lobby” the information to display the available Game Servers on signs. The BungeeCore is just the same as the core for BungeeCord. It has no sign system but Registers the new game Servers in the bungeecord to make them joinable. If a server stops the BungeeCord will also unregister it from the BungeeCord.

Template System
The idea of a CloudSystem is to create Servers if they are needed and delete them if you don't need them anymore. To make it possible to create multiple Game Servers the CloudSystem uses a Template System. This System copies Servers from a simplified template to a temporary Directory. For example we take template called “SurvivalGames”. This is a server Group. For every different type of Server we create a new server Group (e.g. “Lobby”, “Bedwars”). The template contains only a “spigot.jar”, world, plugins and some config files that are needed. Things like logs or Configs you haven't changed don't need to be copied every time the server starts. Now you want to have three “SurvivalGames” Servers. The CloudSystem will copy the files from the template folder to temporary folders that are renamed to “SurvivalGames-1”, “SurvivalGames-2”,.. and so on.

The CloudSystem gets updates if you request it. There are some features that will be included in the future, because customers requested them. To stay up-to-date just go to the official CloudSystem forum. If you have an idea for a feature just send me a PN or open a thread in the forum.



  1. Check the FAQ out here.
  2. Create a thread in the forum or watch for a already existing thread
  3. If you didnt get an answer after 48h or the answer didnt helped you you can contact [email protected] or send me a PM in spigot with following template (if you havent created a thread you wont get an answer per mail or PM:
Description: When I start the cloud.. it error.. help
Terms Of Service
  • You are not permitted to -Redacted- the plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package.
  • You are not permitted to decompile or modify the plugin in any form.
  • You will not receive any refunds.
  • Do not use the rating section for contacting me, bug reports, or feature requests!
  • We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, with or without warning, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of these terms.

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Latest reviews

Tried again, with ma best friend, we can't get it to run...
update bro
I got it running ... just it is not Pluto but still the 3.0!
1. It doesn't work
2. Please update it to NEPTUN! Plz! :D
Okay man! I will see, i have this update i will post.
Update plugins!
LOL Man, i dont have all updates keep calm please! Please Follow me for receive new Updates and Resources! Thank you.
OMG, working, nice Author! Thx for this leak
Thank you man!
Nice try
Nyce try? Why?

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