ComapniesReloaded is a new, better version of CompaniesManager!
It allows players to set up their own companies, manage their staff, send contracts to others and even use stocks system!
This is the perfect solution for implementing companies support to your real-life server!
- Players can set up their own companies
- Players can join other companies as employees and earn money
- Companies can put themselves on stock market and generate stocks
- Players can activate their stocks to earn money from company's income
- Automatic salaries payout system
- Players can review the company with points and comment
- Companies can set their HQ location
- Companies contracts system
- UUID support
- Company's default budget system to ensure employees will get their money
- Plugin automatically payouts the staff and shareholders
- Nice and easy to use interactive GUI
- MySQL data storage
How to set up new company?
Player will just type /cm create <companyName> <defaultCapital>. Default capital is amount of money, that is stored to your company and you can't get it back. It is good for checking the credibility of the company, because more stored money = more credibility (if it is scam company, the owner won't deposit much money into the capital)
How to join a company?
Player has to type /cm request send <company> <expected salary> <text>, in the text folder, player has to type his "motivation text". The owner/manager/personalist will see his text and he will can accept/reject this job offer.
How does salaries work?
Server admin configures the period of payout. Eg. one day. So every day, plugin automatically payouts all exmployees. The salary amount will be withdrawed from the company's account. If there isn't enough balance, it uses default capital and remove the company.
How to create a contract?
If company wants to provide something (eg. to build new headquaters), owner or manager has to type /cm contract send <provider company name> <client company name> <price> <text of contract>. Than the provider is waiting for client's response. If client agree on contract's requirements, owner or owner of this company has to type /cm contract accept <contract id>, if he doesn't agree, he has to type /cm reject <contract id>. You can see all commands in list below. You can also manage all contracts using GUI menu.
How does "default capital" work?
The plugin uses the default capital when the company has not enough balance to payout it's employees. So the total expenses on staff must be covered by default capital. When capital is needed, the company will be removed due to bancrupcy. The capital should be used only as "mark of credibility".
How does stocks system works?
Owners of the company can use /cm goMarket command to generate stock certificates and dividend rate. Dividend rate means the amount of income (in percent) which will be deducted from every company's income and which will be payout to the shareholders after the end of period.
Players can activate the certificates using /cm stock activate command. Unless they activate it, they won't earn money from the dividends. The certificates are basic items with extra lore, so players can trade them.
Once the company is on market, it can't be changed unless owner has all of the stocks released and uses /cm stocks return. This is anti-scam precaution.
- Owner (Highest rank)
- Manager (Can do most of the things, except market and wage settings)
- Personalist (Can check and process job requests)
- Employee (Without any special permissions)
- Stocks released (How many stocks were released by company)
- Stocks activated (How many of released stocks are activated)
- Stock certificate VS Stock (Certificate itself does nothing. You have to activate it to get the dividends)
- Shareholders (These who have activated the stock certificates)
- Dividend rate (Ratio of company's income which will be paid to shareholders)
- Dividend amount (Amount of $ which will be paid to shareholders)
Contract's states
- WAITING (Not accepted offer, waiting for clienct's response. In this state, the contract can be cancelled or rejected)
- ACCEPTED (Accepted by client, waiting for seller's delivery. No the contracts is signed by both sides)
- DONE_WAITING (Marked as "done" by seller, waiting for client's acceptance)
- FINISHED (Marked as "finished" by client, money transfers and nothing next happens)
Note! Plugin requires Vault and economy plugin (like Essentials)!
0. Ensure you have installed Vault and economy plugin. MySQL server is also required!
1. Download the plugin and paste the jar file into your plugins folder
2. Restart your server, you will se more information in console, after that - stop the server.
3. Set up the dbconfig.yml and use your MySQL credentials
4. Set up the config.yml and messages.yml following the configuration guide
5. Start your server and enjoy!
Note! Be careful when configuring the plugin! If problems occure, use " chars to define string correctly.
Note! Most of the functions are avaliable in GUI menu including wage settings, deposits and withdrawals, contracts, employees and more.
companies.create - Allows player to create a company
companies.warp - Allows player to teleport to the company's HQ - Allows player to create reviews<amount> - Grants permissions to have more than *default* jobs.
companies.limit.requests.<amount> - Grants permissions to send more than *default* job requests
companies.limit.companies.<amount> - Grants permissions to own more than *default* companies
Currently, the plugin supports PlaceholderAPI with own placeholders. There will be more APIs soon!
%companies_owned% - Number of owned companies
%companies_period% - Period length in minutes
%companies_nextCheck% - Date of next period
%companies_lastCheck% - Date of current period beginning
Note! If you have any idea or suggestion, PM me please!
(F)UTURE - I don't really know when it will be avaliable, but I plan to do so.
(W)ORKING - I am currently working on this feature.
(IM)PLEMENTED - Already implemented.
- (W) Chest shop system for companies income
- (F) BankReloaded support (companies can have bank accounts)
- (F) Residence support (companies can have their own residence)
- (IM) PlaceholdersAPI