Content Management Interface

 Content Management Interface

Content Management Interface
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12


This plugin will allow you to check a player's inventory or enderchest and edit it as you like. However, what makes CMI unique is you can do all of this even if the player is offline! Still not sold? What if I told you it was also possible to edit a player's armor, potion effects, location, health, exp, hunger, compass target, game-mode, walk speed, fly speed, and even spawn location no matter if the player is online or not! You can even toggle a player's fly on or off, teleport to players, change their max health, or get anyone's player skull. All features can be done even if a player is offline. With a rich GUI full of options and information so you can administrate your server easily, CMI makes many features a thousand times easier for anyone running a server. Want to give a player creative but you're afraid they might logout? No big deal! Forget about it, it's no problem at all with CMI. You can use the GUI to view/edit a player's information in real time, or if you're not too fond of that there is also a text-based way to view everything. You can even search thro all players inventories for specific item if you have lost some like in example uber mega drive stick with 1000 punch power. New features are being added all the time, and the price of this plugin may rise soon, so grab your copy now!

Thx 357 for plugins new description



Updated video from Haganite Plays

Quick showcase of plugins features by Hagenite Plays

Plugins review by Hagenite Plays

Showcase of search function in CMI plugin


Java 7 and up
PaperSpigot/Spigot/Bukkit - 1.7.10/1.8.x/1.9.x/1.10.x/1.11.x/1.12.x



- Lightweight
- PlaceholderAPI support

Locale file can contain PlaceholderAPI placeholders to be shown with CMI messages.

Some custom placeholders:
  • %cmi_user_charges_left%
  • %cmi_user_charges_max%
  • %cmi_user_charges_time%
  • %cmi_user_charges_cooldown%
  • %cmi_user_display_name%
  • %cmi_user_nickname%
  • %cmi_user_cuffed%
  • %cmi_user_god%
  • %cmi_user_joinedcounter%

- Over 110 commands and not even including separate features
- Uses aliases system
to simplify long commands (Can be enabled or disabled separately in config file)
- Have ingame custom alias editor to change any command to your liking.
- Global place holder system
- Detailed player statistics

- Controls Totem
behavior in new usefull way to have best experience with them
Vanilla behavior in 1.11+ mc version will allow you to avoid dying if you will hold Totem in hand when Dying. This is really not so useful as most of times you wont know when you will die and you wont be quick enough to select totem. I'm not even talking that you will need to reserve separate slot in action bar for it :) This will allow for totem to be one of useful things on your server without being overpowered or being useless new gimmick (I'm talking about you chest lock's!). Now there is 3 new options:
Option 1: Totem can be automatically consumed on death event from your inventory despite you are holding it or not.
Option 2: To avoid for option 1 be overpowered feature, as player could have bunch of totems in inventory, cooldown system was implemented and you can limit how often player can use totem. Default is every 10 minutes. Nice BossBar will be shown with time left until you can use totem again. You can toggle this bar off /on with /cmi totemtoggle command.
Option 3: By using this you will need to actually use totem. On totem usage you will have 10 sec (default value) window, during which you can die and you will be resurrected. Totem will be consumed on usage and wont be returned to player even if resurrection is not performed. This feature requires more strategic planing than just having totem in inventory.
- Custom text system to show defined text by performing defined commands by you
  • If you have used Essentials customText feature where you can set some custom text to be shown when performing some particular command, then this is same thing, just like 10x more customizable and more powerful :)
  • First. Each command is separated into separate files for simpler control on what you want to use or have.
  • Next. You can define where new page starts by simply including special separator instead of counting 7 lines... So you can have pages with 100 lines or with 1, your decision.
  • Third. It includes automatically pagination, so if you have more than one page of custom text, you will automatically get option to press on next page button to see next page. This can be disabled for each custom text separately if you don't want to have it for some reason.
  • Fourth. Its automatically includes new custom text as new command with same name. In example default file rules will have /rules command which will show rules list when performing it. Official command is /cmi ctext [ctextName] (page).
  • Fifth. You can create raw messages. What is raw messages? Messages where you can hover over to see more info, you can click it to perform command, you can click it to get some text being pasted in chat. Creation is quite simple:
    Code (Text):
    <T>Text</T><H>Hover text</H><C>cmi heal</C><SC>Suggested text</SC>
    • <T>Text</T> - stands for shown text
    • <H>Hover text</H> - represent text to be shown when hovering over text
    • <C>cmi heal</C> - represents command to be performed when clicking text
    • <SC>Suggested text</SC> - is replacement for command and it will paste text into chat field when clicked
    • To have more than one raw message in one line separate them with <Next>
    • Raw message should always start with <T>
  • And last and definitely not least. All this can be edited INGAME. /cmi editctext So yea, you can create new customTexts, edits its lines, add new pages, remove old ones, enable/disable alias or automatic pagination. Change line ordering by simply clicking on special arrows. In another words, there is full support to fully create and control custom text's ingame without needing to edit them throw files directly. So any admin/staff with some brain cells can edit or create nice looking help pages without direct access to your server files.
  • This feature will help you to create your own help pages, for your own particular server, with special clickable lines or extra info when hovering over them and having all this under simple alias system.
- Kit system with integrated kit creation GUI
  • This feature includes option to:
    • Edit kits ingame throw GUI without needing to edit them throw files.
    • Set delay in seconds for next usage or set to -1 for one time use kits.
    • Charge money for kit usage
    • Charge exp for kit usage
    • Supports all posible items
    • You can press on kit name in list to get it instead of writing full name
    • You can set custom commands which ones will be performed on kit usage. This will allow allot more flexible platform to have when rewarding players.
    • You can define kit description which one will be visible when hovering over it for simple look what it will give for you.
    • Set special required permissions for this kit. With this you can require more than one permission to use this kit.
    • Grouping. You can group kits, what will allow for players to pick one kit from couple and use one of them. In example you can have 3 kits, one gives 30 stone, second - 20 wood, third - 20 grass blocks and when player pick's in example 20 grass blocks he cant pick any other kit for cool down duration. In another words, this allows for players to choose what they want to get and avoid to give them bunch of "trash".
  • Permissions:
    • cmi.kit.[kitName] - allows to use particular kit
    • cmi.kit.bypass.exp - bypass exp requirement
    • - bypass money requirement
    • cmi.kit.bypass.time - bypass time requirement

- Has search functionally to search throw all players (offline and PlayerVaults to) by:
  • item by id
  • item by its name
  • item by its lore
  • item by its enchant level
  • potion's by its custom effect levels
  • players by game mode
  • players by fly mode
  • players by god mode
  • Option to remove items automatically during search
- Has scan functionality to scan whole map for particular items in
  • chests,
  • traped chests,
  • shulker boxes,
  • hoppers,
  • armorstands,
  • item frames,
  • furnaces,
  • dropers,
  • brewing stands,
  • horses with chests,
  • minecart with chest
  • minecart with hopper
  • Option to remove items automatically during scan
  • Scan your world map for particular items in: chests, traped chests, hoppers, armorstands, item frames, furnaces, dropers, brewing stands, horses with chests, minecraft with chest or hopper.
  • Options to look for items by: item id:data, item name, lore, minimum quantity, or use item in hand to find same items. /scan id 1:3 q 16 n My_uber_stone r 3 - this will scan in 3 chunk range (if given 1, only chunk you standing in will be scanned) for Diorite with My uber stone (use _ to separate words) name and no less than 16 in that place. If stack is splited, it will still count total amount.
    • id [id:data] - defines items id and data if needed, not required
    • q [amount] - defines total quantity of item in particular place, spllited stacks counts to.
    • name [name_here] - defines items name ignoring color codes. For names with more than one word use _ to separate them, in example: Uber_pick
    • lore [lore_here] - defines items lore, same as name. Provide only one line of lore to look for.
    • r [amount] - range in chunks to look for. If not provided scan in whole world will be started.
    • h - defines that item in hand is item you looking for. takes id:data, name and lore if present.
  • Define range by chunks or look in whole world /scan h r g - this will look for item you holding in hand in hole world.r g - r for range and g for global
  • As this task is extremely heavy (don't want to scary you out, but for full speed your server will be on 100% load) there is option to at any time change scanning speed or even leave it to self adjust if server tps drops lower than threshold.
  • Option to turn on/off autospeed adjustments /scan autospeed true/false
  • 15 000 x 15 000 map scans in around 45min, its around 6GB data to go throw. Full map scanning is really only for extreme cases if you don't want any chances to leave items hidden.
  • Option to pause scanning at any time and continue later on /scan pause and /scan continue
  • Stop scanning at any time with /scan stop
  • Option to turn off messages /scan messages false/true when scanning
  • /scan stats, this will show detailed information on current scanning
  • No need to be all time online after scanning started.
  • Check scan results with /scan i
  • Click on one of lines and you will be teleported to items location facing to correct direction.
- Can fix broken chunks in your world
  • Initial command is /cmi fixchunk w [worldName] r [radius in chunks/g] c [centerX:centerZ]
  • After scanning perform /cmi fixchunk fix command and broken chunks will be regenerated
  • Command example: /cmi fixchunk LT_Craft r 10 c 1024:-2048 and this will scan chunks in 10 radius around x 1024 z -2048 coordinates.
  • Another example: /cmi fixchunk LT_Craft r g and this will scan entire map for possible chunk issues

- Integrated schedule system which will allow automatic command execution on defined time or in regular intervals
Code (Text):
As of request added more than asked (not first time ^.^ ) New file shedules.yml will be created on first run with some explanation inside it and some basic examples. in short, it will allow some automatization for any command you can imagine.
You can perform multiple commands on triggered schedule
You can perform schedules every X seconds or on particular time up to second precision.
Schedule events can be limited by player max and minimal amounts to have best tool.
Commands supports up to 5 special custom variables:
msg! (nickName) (message) Will send message to particular player
broadcast! (message) will send message to all online players
kickall! (message) Will kick all players with defined message. Useful to use before server restart.
actionbar! (message) Will send message to all players in action bar. Useful to avoid cluttering chat with not so important messages.
[randomPlayer] will pick one random online player excluding thos who have cmi.scheduler.exclude permission node. Can be used to give random player some random reward in particular time.
delay! [number] Will delay all next commands by defined amount of seconds. This can be used to perform bunch of commands not all at once but in a row with some delay, in example to inform players about server stop.
For more detailed information check default file.

  Enabled: false
  Delay: 600
  Repeat: true
  - save-all
  Enabled: false
  MinPlayers: 3
  Repeat: true
      Hour: 18
  - cmi give [randomPlayer] diamond %rand/1-5%
  - msg! [randomPlayer] &eYou just got diamonds!
  Enabled: false
      Hour: 3
      Minute: 59
      Second: 30
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &630 &esec!
  - delay! 5
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &625 &esec!
  - delay! 5
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &620 &esec!
  - delay! 5
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &615 &esec!
  - delay! 5
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &610 &esec!
  - delay! 5
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &65 &esec!
  - delay! 1
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &64 &esec!
  - delay! 1
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &63 &esec!
  - delay! 1
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &62 &esec!
  - delay! 1
  - actionbar! &eServer will stop in &61 &esec!
  - delay! 1
  - kickall! &eServer will be back online soon!
  - delay! 1
  - stop
- Can replace blocks in particular range by chunks or for entire world! Extremely useful if you want to remove in example mob spawners from your world.
- Included regex chat filtering
- Server chunk ViewRange depending by users permissions, up to 32 chunks!
- Can unlock item repair cost and allow item repairing up to 2147483647 levels
- Can unlock books for editing
- Can hide item flags
- Can fix light glitches in map
- BackPacks can be used by utilizing Shulker boxes in your inventory
- Can cuff player and prevent hies actions while investigation is going on
- Can lock players ip and prevent any other users from trying to log into hies account from another pc
- Can clean server with simple command from unvanted items like: droped items (excluding weapons/armor/tools), exp orbs, arrows, projectiles, primed tnt and falling blocks.
- Perform commands on specific events: joinServer, quitServer, playerDeath, playerRespawn, playerTeleport, bedLeave, bedEnter, playerWorldChange, playerGameModeChange, playerKick, playerLevelChange
- Can fully control players damage based by permissions
  • Feature to control damage player suffers from any damage source (contact, entity_attack, projectile, suffocation, fall, fire, fire_tick, melting, lava, drowning, block_explosion, entity_explosion, void, lightning, suicide, starvation, poison) its all permission based and player can ignore some types of damage or suffer lowered or increased amount of it. Player can even been healed instead of suffering damage, just define negative multiplier. Example: nowalldamage:fly_into_wall:0 player will suffer no damage with cmi.damagecontrol.nowalldamage permission node when hitting wall while flying with elytra. lowermagmacubedamage:hot_floor:0.5 player will suffer only half of damage he would get when standing on magma block. healfromcube:hot_floor:-1 player will be healed while standing on magma block.

- Can unload chunks to free up servers memory
- Can give boost for elytra to have ultimate flying experience in cost of your exp or specific items. With speed indicator and speed limit.

  • cmi.elytra - will allow elytra usage in general
  • cmi.elytra.boost - will allow usage of elytra boost (default feather by pressing right mouse button)
  • cmi.elytra.superboost - will allow usage of super boost which one is 3x more powerfull but 5x more expensive (default values). This will come with particle "explosion", some appropriate sound effect and trail will change from smoke to flame while using it. Enable it by using feather (default item) and by pressing shift button.
  • cmi.elytra.speedometer - allows you to see speedometer while flying.

- Can load map for up to 32 chunks range for area preview
- Can clean old player data files by players offline days from playerdata folder
Can make spawner to drop item with set type for later placement and getting same spawner.
- Send title messages directly to player
- Send action bar messages directly to player
- Can allow to drop spawner with particular chance when destroying them with tnt or with help of creeper.
- Can limit in how tight spawners are placed on ground to avoid from players creating huge mob farms with dozens of spawners in one place
- Can give each player spawner charges which ones will limit in how many player can mine in particular time frame
- Can show accounts depending by its IP
- Player can have their own home locations
- Warp locations can be set for players to be used
  • By default its disabled and wont have any effect. When enabled players have to be assigned to particular spawner charges group to have ability in destroying spawners. What this does actually? Its adds special charges for each player and one charge is being consumed when one spawner is mined. They will regenerate in defined rate (online/offline) and player can have defined max amount of them. This will help to limit insane player spawner hunting in wilderness with help of x-ray or when raiding other player base to limit how many spawners they can take out at once. In addition to that player can lower (optional) its current recharge cooldown by placing spawner on ground. Commands: use /charges to check your left charges and when you will get new one, /charges (playerName) (set/add/take/clear/reset) (-f) By using -f you can give or take more charges then he can have, in example by using /charges Zrips add 10 -f when Zrips can have total of 5 charges and currently have 3, will end up with 13 of them and will not get new charges until he lowers charges lower than 5. Can be used as Donator feature to topup charges.
- Can control servers time
  • Possibility to use shorter alias /time
  • Possibility to set time by giving time in hours:minutes:seconds 24 or 12 hour format. In example /time 13:00:00 or /time 1pm or /time 13 will result in same outcome.
  • Possibility to set time by giving exact ticks like /time 7000ticks. This again will result in same 1PM.
  • Possibility to provide world name where you want to set time. /time 1pm Lt_Craft or just use /time 1pm all to set same time in all worlds.
  • Option to manipulate time by adding or taking time amount. In example /time add 0:30 will result in 1:30pm or /time take 0:30 will result in 12:30pm
  • Option to use predefined 4 short aliases: Day - (12:00), Night - (24:00), Morning - (06:00), Dusk - (18:00)
  • Option to freeze time with /time freeze
  • Option to unfreeze time /time unfreeze
  • Option to set time to represent real one (uses host servers time) with /time realtime
  • Option to turn on automatic time adjustment to be same as servers time for real time feel. /time autorealtime start optinaly world name can be given
  • Option to turn off automatic time adjustment for world with /time autorealtime stop optinaly world name can be given

- Can control players personal time
  • Possibility to use shorter alias /ptime
  • Possibility to set time by giving time in hours:minutes:seconds 24 or 12 hour format. In example /ptime 13:00:00 or /ptime 1pm or /ptime 13 will result in same outcome.
  • Possibility to set time by giving exact ticks like /ptime 7000ticks. This again will result in same 1PM.
  • Possibility to provide player name you want to set time. /ptime Zrips 1pm
  • Option to use predefined 4 short aliases: Day - (12:00), Night - (24:00), Morning - (06:00), Dusk - (18:00)
  • Option to freeze time with /ptime freeze
  • Option to unfreeze time /ptime unfreeze
  • Option to set time to represent real one (uses host servers time) with /ptime realtime

- Can control servers weather
- Can spawn any entity with fully customizable variables
  • You can define target player where to spawn it /spawnmob zombie Zrips.
  • You can define quantity to spawn /spawnmob zombie q:10.
  • If you want, you can spread entities in area for more natural look /spawnmob zombie q:10 sp:10.
  • You can define target which one entity will start to attacking straight away /spawnmob zombie t:Zrips.
  • You can define custom hp /spawnmob zombie hp:100.
  • You can give speed boost /spawnmob zombie s:3
  • Each entity can have some aditional variables to define them: baby, adult, dumb, tamed, n-CName, upwards, glow
  • Where dumb variable will make entity without any AI and it will not move at all. Just some target dummy.
  • n-CName will give specific name. example /spawnmob sheep:n-&4Sheepe_sheep
  • Upwards will rotate entity on its head
  • and glow will set entity to glow (1.9+ servers)
  • All variables can be used at once or not used at all. Example /spawnmob horse:baby:tamed:glow:n-Horsyyy
  • Some entities have only them specific variables:
  • Sheep - white, brown, red, rainbow and so on...
  • Slime, MagmaCube - size by giving number from 1. slime:3
  • Wolf - angry
  • Experiance_orb - [number] - defines how much exp one orb contains
  • Villager - blacksmith, butcher, farmer, priest, librarian
  • Zombie - villager, blacksmith, butcher, farmer, priest, librarian
  • Skeleton - wither
  • Ocelot - red, siamese, wild, black
  • Horse - undead, skeleton, mule, donkey, white, chestnut, creamy, darkbrown, gray, black
For more fun stuff you can define entities passenger. in example /spawnmob horse:skeleton ps:skeleton - will spawn skeleton horse with skeleton on saddle. if you want to me more crazy you can give passanger ammount by simply repeating same thing or giving amount number. In example /spawnmob slime:1 ps:slime:1-20 q:10 sp:10 - this will spawn smallest slime with 20 slimes on top of it, 10 times and will spread nicely over 10 blocks in radius


  • Option to define spawn location with loc:x/y/z/world where world name is optional if using as player
  • Option to define entities skull with skull-[playername]
  • Option to define helmet with helmet-[itemname]
  • Option to define chestplate with chest-[itemname]
  • Option to define legs with legs-[itemname]
  • Option to define boots with boots-[itemname]
  • Option to define item in main hand with mhand-[itemname]
  • Option to define item in off hand with ohand-[itemname]
  • All items are prevented from dropping on entities death to avoid item farming
  • Example: cmi spawnmob zombie:head-Zrips:mhand-diamond_sword:eek:hand-shield:chest-diamond_chestplate:leggings-diamond_leggings:boots-diamond_boots:n-&6Zerminator_3000:adult loc:130/56/-1829/LT_Craft result

  • Full support for armor stands to equip with armor and items.
  • ArmorStands have additional variables:
    • nogravity - prevents armor stand to fall down if block is broken beneth it
    • noplate - hides plate
    • arms - shows arms
    • noarms - hides arms
    • small - makes armor stand small

    • Support to define potion effect on entities with effect- in example /cmi spawnmon creeper:effect-levitation/6/3-speed/60/3 this will create creeper which one will ascend into heaven! for next 6 seconds and will have speed boost for 60 seconds. Looks quite fun if you will use multiplier of 50.
    • Aditional variable for creeper to define charged one. So it will be like /cmi spawnmob creeper:charged
  • Just reminder. As there is quite allot of possible variables, for extra long command to execute, use console, as there is no limit how long it can be. Like to spawn small gloving armor stand as seen in picture above you will need to perform command like this: cmi spawnmob armor_stand:skull-Zrips:chest-diamond_chestplate:mhand-diamond_sword:legs-diamond_leggings:boots-diamond_boots:nograv:small:noplate:glow Zrips
  • Support to color leather armor when spawning entity with it. So usage is /cmi spawnmob zombie:helmet-leather_armor/red or for more customizable options /cmi spawnmob zombie:helmet-leather_armor/255/0/0 for same red hat. its in RGB format and you cant check color code on page like this

- Can clean old player data files by players offline days from stats folder
- Can clean old Essentials player data files by players offline days
- Can clean old LWC protections by players offline days
- Perform custom command only if defined player is online
- Perform custom command only if defined player is offline
- Shows detailed information about player including hies previously changed names (online servers only)
- Can show detailed list of all nicknames player had before with dates when he have changed it (online servers only)

- Can edit online/offline players inventory
Can edit online/offline players ender chest
Can fill item in your hand to maximum size
- Can spawn tree at location you are looking
- Can open workbench for you or other player
- Can open villager trade window for you or other player
- Can silently (without open animation) open chests for preview
- Can allow joining full servers with permission node
- Can set spawn point for players for them to have simple teleport point or respawn after death
- Prevent from having more than one user with same name but different capitalization joining your server.
- Build in command cooldown system to prevent instant command usage. Cooldowns are being saved even after server restart.
- Build in command warmup system to prevent command usage like /tp instant and prevent players from running away from pvp.
- Can show total players play time on server and first join date
- Can show full sorted list by players play time on server
- Can change server player slots without needing to restart server for change to take effect
- Has build in counter to count down from defined amount. useful for pvp duels
- Allows block place/break in symmetric meaner for quick and simple builds

- Can inform administration about particular players login
- Can block chorus teleportation with permission node
- Can give items with custom name, lore or enchantings to online/offline player. Specialized mob spawner support. Official item tag support
  • Official give item format supported. in example /give Zrips minecraft:diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:255},{id:17,lvl:255},{id:18,lvl:255},{id:20,lvl:255},{id:21,lvl:100},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Excaliber",Lore:["This brings us to number 278","of the 1,000 provisions you","must observe. I hate carrots.","Never even think about putting","them in my food, you get it?"]}}
  • Option to use undefined variable to define current date. Sounds strange, but this is how this will work. In example /cmi give Zrips sponge 1 l &eGot_item_on:_&6%date/YY/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss% will create item with lore like this

  • Time formatting examples can be found here
  • Option to use random numbers when giving items. In example /cmi give Zrips sponge 1 e Knockback:%rand/1-5% will create sponge with random knockback enchant from level 1 to level 5
  • All thos variables can be used in any place, even to define item amount /cmi give Zrips sponge %rand/1-10%

  • Option to define items attributes. They are different than echantments as you can give player some extra health, some extra speed or knockback resistance. in example /give diamond_boots a movementSpeed:0.5:feet will give you diamond boots and when you put them on (in feet slot) you will get +50% walkspeed
    • Possible attributes:
    • maxHealth
    • knockbackResistance
    • movementSpeed
    • attackDamage
    • armor
    • armorToughness
    • attackSpeed
    • luck[/CODE]
  • Possible slots
    • mainhand
    • offhand
    • head
    • chest
    • legs
    • feet
  • Examples:
    • /give zrips 392 a maxhealth:5:mainhand,
    • /give zrips diamond_chestplate a maxhealth:10:chest,armor:10:chest
    • /give diamond_boots a movementSpeed:0.5:feet
- Can change online/offline player game mode!
Can change online/offline player god mode!
Can give temporary god mode for player, until relog
- Can change online/offline player fly mode!
Can give temporary fly mode for player, until relog
- Can change online/offline player fly speed!
- Can change online/offline player walk speed!
- Can change online/offline player spawn location!
Can change online/offline player potion effects!
- NickName change with color codes/black lists and other limittations
- Can automatically change players game mode to defined one on world change
- Can automatically change players fly mode to defined on world change
- Can automatically change players god mode to defined on world change
- Check server status


- You can teleport all online/offline players from specific world!
- You can teleport to online/offline players location!
- You can teleport back to your death location!
- Can change online/offline players maxhealth!
- Can set spawner by looking at it and performing simple command.
- Can heal online/offline player!
Can feed online/offline player!
- Can clear online/offline players inventory!
- Can clear online/offline players ender chest!
- Can disable public chat for player for clean chat and avoid spam if you are creating video.
- Can change sign text lines with simple command. Option to change multyple sign lines at once. Takes in considiration if player can build in that location and prevents any sign text change where he cant.
/se 1 &e---------------/n&5Winner is/n&4Joe/n&e---------------

- Can copy sign text from one sign to multyple another ones with simple command.
- Can repair items for online/offline players
- Can enchant item for online/offline players
- Can change item name for online/offline player
- Can change item lore for online/offline player
- Can change online/offline players exp!
- Can change online/offline players hunger!
- Can change online/offline players compass pointer target!
- Can change online/offline players Hat to any block!
- Can spawn any players head and give it for online/offline player
- Can teleport to any world location
- Can print out list of players with OP
- Can show player nickname change history over Mojang page
- Can clear chat
- Can show all posible color codes
- Edit players inventory in real time
- Save inventory at any time you want
- Load inventory from saves
- Save inventory on players death for future restore
- Check players position in world with extra information when hovering over message

- Show message with death location


For all commands there is no difference if player is online or not.
[] - required () - optional
/cmi ender [nickname] or /cend [nickname] - Opens players ender chest
/cmi inv [nickname] or /cinv [nickname] - Opens players inventory
/cmi back or /cback - Returns into last saved location
/cmi hat (playername) or /chat (playername) - sets players hat into item you are holding
/cmi head [playername] (playername) - spawns players head and gives it to player
/cmi tp [playername] (playername) - teleports player to another players location
/cmi tppos (playerName) [x] [y] [z] (world) (pitch) (yaw) - teleports player to specific location
/cmi silence (on/off) - toggles public chat visibility for you. Will add [!] in front of message to inform that this message visible only for you.
/cmi ping (nickname) - Shows players ping
/cmi settp [nickname] (nickname) - sets spawn point for player
/cmi maxhp [nickname] [amount] - sets players maxhp
/cmi heal [nickname] - heals player
/cmi feed (nickname) - Feeds player
/cmi se [lineNumber] [text] - Changes sign text line to defined one. New line can be included by writing /n
/cmi toggletotem
- Shows or hides totem bossbar
/cmi lockip (nickName) (add/remove/clear/list) (ip) - sets players ip
/cmi cuff (nickName) (true/false) - cuffs players
/cmi sc - Starts sign text copy process
/cmi workbench (nickname) - Opens workbench
/cmi merchant [type] (nickname) - Opens villager trade window
/cmi clear [nickname] - clears players inventory
/cmi effect [nickname] [effectname/clear] [duration] [power] - adds or removes special effects from player
/cmi hunger [nickname] [amount] - sets players hunger
/cmi time [freeze-unfreeze-day-night-dusk-morning-add-take-realtime-autorealtime-15:25-3:25pm-9416ticks] (worldname/all)
/cmi ptime [freeze-unfreeze-day-night-dusk-morning-realtime-reset-15:25-3:25pm-9416ticks] (playername)
/cmi weather (sun/rain/storm) (worldName/all) (duration/lock) -
shows (no arguments provided) or sets worlds weather for particular duration
/cmi fly [nickname] (true/false) (-s) - sets players fly mode
/cmi glow [nickname] (true/false/color) (-s) - sets players glow mode including its color. 1.9+ servers
/cmi tfly [nickname] (timeInSec) (-s) - give temporary fly mode for player, automatically disables on players logoff if 0 sec used.
/cmi god [nickname] (true/false) (-s)- sets players god mode
/cmi tgod [nickname] (timeInSec) (-s) - give temporary god mode for player, disables automatically on logoff if 0 sec used.
/cmi flyspeed [nickname] [amount 1-10] - sets players fly speed
/cmi walkspeed [nickname] [amount 1-10] - sets players walk speed
/cmi gm [nickname] [0/1/2/3 survival/creative/adventure/spectator] - sets players game mode
/cmi exp [nickname] [amount] - sets players exp, use L at end to set by levels
/cmi repair (playername) [hand/armor/all] - repairs items for player
/cmi enchant (playername) [enchantname] [level] - enchant item you or target player holds in hand
/cmi charges (playername) (set/add/take/clear/reset) (-f) - allows to see your own charges or edit another player
/cmi itemname [playername] [remove/your_new_item_name] - Change item name
/cmi itemlore [playername] [loreLine] [remove/insert/new text] - change item lore for scpecific line
/cmi spawner [Type] - Set spawner to particular type
/cmi spawnmob [entityType] - Spawns entity
/cmi oplist - Shows all players with OP
/cmi groundclean - Cleans server from unvanted items on ground
/cmi unloadchunks - Unloads chunks to free up memory
/cmi status - Shows basic information about your server and worlds
/cmi compass [playername] (playername) - sets players compass pointer to target location
/cmi info [playername] - shows detailed information about player
/cmi whowas [playername] - shows full list of players previous names with dates when he changed it
/cmi list (playername) - Shows list of saved inventories for player
/cmi check (playername) [id] - Opens saved inventory in preview mode
/cmi load (playername) [playername] [id] - Loads saved inventory to specific player
/cmi save (playername) - Saves players inventory
/cmi saveall (days) - Saves all players inventory. If day given, then will players inventory ho logged in in that day range.
/cmi tpall [worldname] - teleport ALL players from specific world to your location
/cmi search id [id:data] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific item.
/cmi search name [some item name] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific item.
/cmi search lore [some lore] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific item.
/cmi search enchant [base level] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific item by its enchant level.
/cmi search potion [base level] (purge) - searches throw ALL players inventories and ender chests for specific potion by its custom effect level.
/cmi search gm [0/1/2/3 or survival/creative/adventure/spectator] - searches throw ALL players with specific game mode.
/cmi search fly [true or false] - searches throw ALL players with specific fly mode.
/cmi lfix (range up to view range) - fixes lightning glitches around you
/cmi preview [range] (innerrange) - loads map around you for map preview
/cmi viewrage [range] - change your view range up to 32 chunks
/cmi give [nickname] [itemname:data or id:data] (amount) n &3Item_name l &3item_Lore/n&3Second_line e lure:2,dig_speed:3 - gives item to specific player. Use _ to separate words in one line and /n to split lines in lore.
/cmi scan - scans map or range chunks for specific items in any place whic one can hold item inside. For more info how to use it /cmi scan ingame. Option to use purge variable in command to automatically clean items.
/cmi fixchunk w [worldname] r [range in chunks/g] c [centerX:centerZ] - Scans map for possible broken chunks
/cmi purge (stop) - cleans old player data files form playerdata or/and stats or/and plugins/Essentials/playerdata or/and LWC protections depending how long player is offline. Can move files to backup folder for option to reuse them later. Usable only from console and disabled by default for safety reasons.
/cmi lastonline [timeRnage/list/stop] [page] - Scan all players and shows list of them ho have played in last x minutes on server. Ignoring currently online.
/cmi replaceblock id mob_spawner w stone r 30 y 73 - replaces all spawner blocks in 30 chunks range under 73 level to stone. if w [blockname] is not provided, block will be removed. variable y [level] is entirely optional, but helps to speed up process if there is no blocks above that level.
/cmi more (nickName) - Fills item to maximum amount
/cmi tree [treeType] - Spawns tree at location you are looking
/cmi counter start/leave/join (t:time) (r:range) (-f) - starts counter for nearby players
/cmi maxplayers [amount] - Sets server player slot amount
/cmi alert [playerName] - Sets player on alert mode, and inform all staff members on hies login into server.
/cmi mirror [start/stop] - Allows place/break blocks in symmetric way.
/cmi kit [kitName] - Allows to pick kit
/cmi setspawn (playerName) (true/false) - Set spawn point
/cmi spawn (playerName) - Teleports to spawn point
/cmi playtime (playerName) - Shows players play time on server
/cmi playtimetop (playerName) - Shows full list sorted by players play time on server
/cmi pos (playerName) - Shows player position information including biome and light level
/cmi sethome (name) - set home location
/cmi home (name) - teleports to home location
/cmi removehome (name) - removes home
/cmi setwarp (name) - set warp location
/cmi warp (name) - teleports to warp location
/cmi removewarp (name) - removes warp location
/cmi checkaccount (name/ip) - shows accounts connect to particular account via IP address.
/cmi seen (playerName) - Shows when player was last seen
/cmi ifonline [playerName] [command] - Perform command when player is online
/cmi ifoffline [playerName] [command] - Perform command when player is offline


In most cases missing permission node will be shown by hovering error message ingame chat.
All commands have permission nodes, if not listed below you can follow the format of cmi.command.<command> to match /cmi <command>.
Permission basic rule is cmi.command.[commandName] to have access to particular command (example: cmi.command.heal) and some of them will require additional permission node if you are trying to perform command not on your self: cmi.command.[commandName].others (example: cmi.command.heal.others)
  • cmi.command.[commandname].cooldownbypass - bypasses command cooldown
  • cmi.command.[commandname].warmupbypass - bypasses command warmup
  • cmi.openshulker - allows to open shulker box from your inventory
  • cmi.enderedit - Grants option to edit ender chest
  • cmi.invedit - Grants option to edit inventory
  • cmi.msg.colors - Allows to send colorized messages
  • cmi.title.colors - Allows to send colorized title messages
  • cmi.actionbar.colors - Allows to send colorized action bar messages
  • cmi.egginteract.[type] - Grants option to change spawner with specific monster egg
  • cmi.command.spawner.[type] - Grants access to set spawner to particular type
  • cmi.dropspawner - Allows to get spawner back after destroying it with silk touch
  • cmi.dropspawner.nosilk - Allows to get spawner back after destroying it even without using silktouch pickaxe
  • cmi.command.glow.[color] - Grants access to set glow mode to particular color
  • cmi.command.cuff.bypass - Allows to protect player from being cuffed
  • - Grants access to repair item in hand
  • - Grants access to repair all armor
  • - Grants access to repair all items in inventory
  • cmi.command.enchant.bypasslimit - Grants access to bypass enchant limitations
  • cmi.command.flyspeed.[number] - Grants access to defined max speed
  • cmi.command.walkspeed.[number] - Grants access to defined max speed
  •[gamemode]- Grants option to set gm to specific game mode
  •[gamemode] - Grants option to set gm for another player to specific game mode
  • cmi.command.more.oversize - Allows to create over sized stacks
  • cmi.command.openchest - Grants access to the scan chest edit function
  • cmi.command.openentity - Grants access to the scan entity inv edit function
  • cmi.buttonteleport - Grants access to the teleport button
  • cmi.viewrange - grants access to have dynamic view range
  • cmi.viewrange.[range] - determines how far you can see in chunks, up to 15
  • cmi.namehistory - enables to see players name history when he is logged in or when checking with /cmi info command
  • cmi.worldlimit.gamemode.bypass - Prevent game mode to be changed on world change if feature is enabled
  • - Prevent flymode to be changed on world change if feature is enabled
  • cmi.worldlimit.god.bypass - Prevent god mode to be changed on world change if feature is enabled
  • cmi.deathlocation - grants access to death message with death location
  • cmi.elytra - will allow elytra usage in general
  • cmi.elytra.boost - will allow usage of elytra boost
  • cmi.elytra.superboost - will allow usage of super boost
  • cmi.elytra.speedometer - allows you to see speedometer while flying.
  • cmi.chorusteleport - allows chorus fruit teleportations
  • cmi.command.alert.inform - allows to see alerts on tagged players login
  • cmi.fullserver.bypass - allows to join full server
  • cmi.command.counter.force - allows to show counter for everyone in range
  • cmi.command.counter.time - allows to change counters default time
  • cmi.command.counter.range - allows to change counters default range
  • cmi.command.counter.msg - allows to change counters default message
  • cmi.kit.[kitName] - allows to use particular kit
  • cmi.kit.bypass.exp - bypass exp requirement
  • - bypass money requirement
  • cmi.kit.bypass.time - bypass kit timer
  • cmi.spawners.charge.[groupName] - set players spawner charge group
  • cmi.spawners.charge.bypass - allows to bypass spawner charge limitations
  • cmi.command.charges.edit - allows to edit spawner charges for others
  • cmi.spawners.proximity.bypass - allows to bypass spawner placement proximity limitation.
  • cmi.anvil.nolimits - Allows to repair items over 39 repair costs
  • cmi.anvil.colors - Allows to use color codes for item name when using anvil
  • - Allows to use color codes in books
  • cmi.broadcast.colors - Allows to use color codes in broadcast messages
  • - Allows to use color codes in me command
  • cmi.command.tgod.give - Allows to give tgod mode
  • cmi.command.tfly.give - Allows to give tfly mode
  • cmi.colors.publicmessage.[colorName] - allows to use color in public chat
  • cmi.colors.publicmessage.[colorName] - allows to use color in private messages
  • cmi.colors.nickname.[colorName] - allows to use colors in cnick name
  • cmi.command.nick.different - allows to change nick name into different one
  • cmi.command.nick.bypassblacklist - allows to bypass nick black list
  • cmi.command.nick.bypassinuse - allows to change nick name into already being used
  • - allows to see players ip address with this command
  • - allows to see players death location by hovering over hies current location
  • cmi.command.warp.[warpname] - allows to use particular warp if permission requirement is set for that warp location
  • cmi.safeteleport - allows for player to use safe teleport feature
  • cmi.saveinv - allows to save players inventory on its death if permission requirement is set in config file
  • cmi.command.tptoggle.bypass - Allows to bypass tptoggle
  • cmi.chatfilter.bypass.[groupName] - Allows to bypass particular chat filtering
  • cmi.chatfilter.spambypass - Allows to bypass spam protection
  • cmi.chatfilter.inform - Informs about chat filtering rule break event
  • cmi.commandfilter.bypass - Allows to bypass command spam protection

All messages can be translated and separate locale files can be created for easy use. By default plugin is translated to EN language:

  1. Drag and Drop jar into your plugins folder
  2. Start server for default files to be created
  3. Edit by your choice and enjoy :)

Terms and conditions

Plugin is under the All rights reserved license
This plugin cannot be refunded
You are not allowed to -Redacted- or resell this plugin in any website
You are not allow to modify or decompile this plugin
The price will change in the future
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Latest reviews

Update please :( this version have many error and bugs
Do not download this, it is version, not
Sorry i made a mistake, i'll try to update it soon

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