This plugin adds the possibilities of Controllerblocks to your Server, which can controll the appearing of Blocks with Redstone!
For MC1.7-1.8 downloads check this page.
I'm updating the MC1.7-1.8 versions only if there are bigger changes.
/cbr (This command shows you the help page.)
/cbr help (This command is reloading the files.)
/cbr info (This command shows you the info page.)
/cbr edit (This command toggles the Editing-Mode.)
/cbr copy (This command toggles the Copy-Mode.)
/cbr blockInfo (This command toggles the BlockInfo-Mode.)
/cbr reload (This command is reloading the files.)
ControllerBlockReloaded.edit (/cbr edit)
ControllerBlockReloaded.blockInfo (/cbr blockInfo)
ControllerBlockReloaded.breakEffect (Block-Break-Effect (/cbr blockInfo))
Admin Permissions:
ControllerBlockReloaded.editOthers (/cbr edit)
ControllerBlockReloaded.copy (/cbr copy)
ControllerBlockReloaded.reload (/cbr reload)
ControllerBlockReloaded.UpdateMessage (You get a message, if there is a new update for this plugin.)
/cbr help (This command is reloading the files.)
/cbr info (This command shows you the info page.)
/cbr edit (This command toggles the Editing-Mode.)
/cbr copy (This command toggles the Copy-Mode.)
/cbr blockInfo (This command toggles the BlockInfo-Mode.)
/cbr reload (This command is reloading the files.)
User Permissions:ControllerBlockReloaded.edit (/cbr edit)
ControllerBlockReloaded.blockInfo (/cbr blockInfo)
ControllerBlockReloaded.breakEffect (Block-Break-Effect (/cbr blockInfo))
ControllerBlockReloaded.editOthers (/cbr edit)
ControllerBlockReloaded.copy (/cbr copy)
ControllerBlockReloaded.reload (/cbr reload)
ControllerBlockReloaded.UpdateMessage (You get a message, if there is a new update for this plugin.)
Here you can see one Controllerblock.
Here you can see one Controllerblock-Clock (From the Video below! ).
1. To create a ControllerBlock, you have to put redstone dust ontop of an Iron-Block.
2. Use /cbr edit, to get into the Editing-Mode.
3. Press Shift and Click on the ControllerBlock to add some blocks (Just place them on the ground).
4. Save the Controllerblock with pressing Shift and clicking on the ControllerBlock.
5. Power the Block with Redstone to use the ControllerBlock.
1. Use /cbr copy, to get into the Copy-Mode.
2. Press Shift and Click on one ControllerBlock.
3. Place an Ironblock on the Ground to create the copyed ControllerBlock
Version: 1.33
#If you want to hide the Info-Page (/cbr info) set this to false.
ShowInfoPage: true
#Add a world here, to disable the placing of ControllerBlocks in this world.
- Freebuild3
#Disable the placing of blocks (You can find a list of all blocks / materials here).
Version: 1.33
'[ControllerBlockReloaded]': '&f&l[&6&lCBR&f&l] '
'1': '&6'
'2': '&f'
'1': You have to be a player, to use this command.
'2': You do not have the permission for this command.
'3': You are now in the &f&lEditing-Mode&6.
'4': You left the &f&lEditing-Mode&6.
'5': The plugin is reloading...
'6': Reloading completed.
'7': Try [COMMAND]
'8': You can't Place a ControllerBlock in this world.
'9': You created a ControllerBlock.
'10': You destroy the ControllerBlock.
'11': You are currently editing another ControllerBlock.
'12': You have to be in the Editing-Modus to destroy this ControllerBlock.
'13': You can't break this Block, because it's used by an ControllerBlock.
'14': This is a normal Block.
'16': You are now in the &f&lBlockInfo-Mode&6.
'17': You left the &f&lBlockInfo-Mode&6.
'18': There is a new update available for this plugin. &f( http://fof1092.de/CBR )&6
'19': You can't use this Block, because it's blacklisted.
'20': 'You are now editing the ControllerBlock at: &f&l[LOCATION]'
'21': 'You saved the ControllerBlock at: &f&l[LOCATION]'
'22': You can place the blocks only in the same world where the ControllerBlock is.
'23': You are now in the &f&lCopy-Mode&6.
'24': You left the &f&lCopy-Mode&6.
'25': This isn't a ControllerBlock.
'26': You copyed the ControllerBlock.
'27': You created a copyed of the ControllerBlock.
'28': Please leave the &f&lEdit-Mode&6 first, before using this command.
'29': Please leave the &f&lCopy-Mode&6 first, before using this command.
'30': Please leave the &f&lCopy-Mode&6 first, before using this command.
'31': You can't edit ControllerBlocks from other players.
'1': '&f&l[&6&lBlockInfo&f&l]'
'1': '&6&lLocation &f&lX[X] Y[Y] Z[Z]'
'2': '&6&lOwner &f&l[Player]'
'3': '&f&l[&c&lClose&f&l]'
'4': '&6&lBreakEffect &a&lAktivated'
'5': '&6&lBreakEffect &c&lDeaktivated'
'1': '&f[&6Click to use this command&f]'
'2': '&f[&6Next page&f]'
'3': '&f[&6Last page&f]'
'4': '&7&oPage [PAGE]. &7Click on the arrows for the next page.'
'1': This command shows you the help page.
'2': This command shows you the info page.
'3': This command is reloading the plugin.
'4': This command toggles the Editing-Mode.
'5': This command toggles the Copy-Mode.
'6': This command toggles the Copy-Mode.
If you have a problem or a question about the Plugin, message me first before leaving a review!