Version may contain some errors and calls in advance to report them before doing a review.
To fight in TeamSkyWars must have your team with your friends you will have fun and enjoy fight on each island with the desire to succeed and be the last team standing.
- Install Vault
- Install HolographisDisplay and ProtocolLib for Holograms Stats (Optional)
- Install Economy system with support Vault like Fe
- Install Permissions system with support Vault like PermissionEx
Drag all maps to /DuoSkyWars/games
In config.yml:
1. Change build-mode: false TO build-mode: true
2. Change gamemode-type: BUNGEEMODE to
gamemode-type: MULTIARENA
1) Start an server and load all worlds with /tsw load <worldName>
2) Go to worlds with /tsw tp <worldName>
2.1 Setup teams in /DuoSkyWars/games/[arena].yml
3) Create an arena file with /tsw create
4) Setup teams spawns with /tsw addspawn [teamName]
4.1 ¿How to remove spawn? Use /tsw removespawn [teamName]
5) Setup locations lobby and spectators
Command: /tsw setlobby | Lobby arena game
Command: /tsw setspect | Spectator arena game
6) Modify min and max players
Command: /tsw setmin <amount> | Set min players
Command: /tsw setmax <amount> | Set max players
7) Modify countdowns game
Command: /tsw setlobbytime <seconds> | Set lobby countdown
Command: /tsw setreleasetime <seconds> | Set release countdown
8) Set a global spawn with /tsw spawn
9) Stop a server and change your config.yml
bungee-mode: true TO bungee-mode: false
10) Start a server and join to arena with /tsw join <name>!
1.1 ¿How to create a sign game?
R/ First go to your lobby and
add sign with this arguments:
1.2 ¿How clone an arena?
R/ Use this command:
/tsw clone <arenaClone> <name>
after clone restart an server.
In config.yml:
1. Change build-mode: false TO build-mode: true
2. Change gamemode-type: BUNGEEMODE to
gamemode-type: MULTIARENA
1) Start an server and load all worlds with /tsw load <worldName>
2) Go to worlds with /tsw tp <worldName>
2.1 Setup teams in /DuoSkyWars/games/[arena].yml
3) Create an arena file with /tsw create
4) Setup teams spawns with /tsw addspawn [teamName]
4.1 ¿How to remove spawn? Use /tsw removespawn [teamName]
5) Setup locations lobby and spectators
Command: /tsw setlobby | Lobby arena game
Command: /tsw setspect | Spectator arena game
6) Modify min and max players
Command: /tsw setmin <amount> | Set min players
Command: /tsw setmax <amount> | Set max players
7) Modify countdowns game
Command: /tsw setlobbytime <seconds> | Set lobby countdown
Command: /tsw setreleasetime <seconds> | Set release countdown
8) Set a global spawn with /tsw spawn
9) Stop a server and change your config.yml
bungee-mode: true TO bungee-mode: false
10) Start a server and join to arena with /tsw join <name>!
1.1 ¿How to create a sign game?
R/ First go to your lobby and
add sign with this arguments:
1.2 ¿How clone an arena?
R/ Use this command:
/tsw clone <arenaClone> <name>
after clone restart an server.
Drag all maps to /DuoSkyWars/bungeearena
In config.yml:
1. Change build-mode: false TO build-mode: true
2. Change gamemode-type: MULTIARENA to
gamemode-type: BUNGEEMODE
1) Start an server and load a world with /tsw load <worldName>
2) Go to worlds with /tsw tp <worldName>
2.1 Setup teams in /DuoSkyWars/config.yml
4) Setup teams spawns with /tsw addspawn [teamName]
4.1 ¿How to remove spawn? Use /tsw removespawn [teamName]
5) Setup locations lobby and spectators
Command: /tsw setlobby | Lobby arena game
Command: /tsw setspect | Spectator arena game
6) Modify minPlayers in config.yml
7) Modify countdowns games into config.yml
8) Stop a server and change your config.yml
bungee-mode: true TO bungee-mode: false
9) Start a server and enjoy!
In config.yml:
1. Change build-mode: false TO build-mode: true
2. Change gamemode-type: MULTIARENA to
gamemode-type: BUNGEEMODE
1) Start an server and load a world with /tsw load <worldName>
2) Go to worlds with /tsw tp <worldName>
2.1 Setup teams in /DuoSkyWars/config.yml
4) Setup teams spawns with /tsw addspawn [teamName]
4.1 ¿How to remove spawn? Use /tsw removespawn [teamName]
5) Setup locations lobby and spectators
Command: /tsw setlobby | Lobby arena game
Command: /tsw setspect | Spectator arena game
6) Modify minPlayers in config.yml
7) Modify countdowns games into config.yml
8) Stop a server and change your config.yml
bungee-mode: true TO bungee-mode: false
9) Start a server and enjoy!
Go to Kits folder and create a file example: Example.yml
open a file and modify like this:
price: 0
slot: 3
item: "45,0"
- "&7This kit contents:"
- "&b- &e45 Blocks"
- "&r"
- "&a&lUNLOCKED"
- "&7This kit contents:"
- "&b- &e45 Blocks"
- "&r"
- "&a&lSELECTED"
- "&7This kit contents:"
- "&b- &e45 Blocks"
- "&r"
- "&c&lLOCKED"
- "&bCost: &a%cost%"
- "&7This kit contents:"
- "&b- &e45 Blocks"
- "&r"
- "&c&lLOCKED"
- "&bYou need a permissions"
- "45,20,0"
1.1 ¿How to add cost?
R/ Put the price more than 0
1.2 ¿How to create Permission kit?
R/ Put the price than 0
1.3 What is the permission of the kit?
R/ duoskywars.kit.[FileName]
- duoskywars.kit.Example
open a file and modify like this:
price: 0
slot: 3
item: "45,0"
- "&7This kit contents:"
- "&b- &e45 Blocks"
- "&r"
- "&a&lUNLOCKED"
- "&7This kit contents:"
- "&b- &e45 Blocks"
- "&r"
- "&a&lSELECTED"
- "&7This kit contents:"
- "&b- &e45 Blocks"
- "&r"
- "&c&lLOCKED"
- "&bCost: &a%cost%"
- "&7This kit contents:"
- "&b- &e45 Blocks"
- "&r"
- "&c&lLOCKED"
- "&bYou need a permissions"
- "45,20,0"
1.1 ¿How to add cost?
R/ Put the price more than 0
1.2 ¿How to create Permission kit?
R/ Put the price than 0
1.3 What is the permission of the kit?
R/ duoskywars.kit.[FileName]
- duoskywars.kit.Example
- BungeeMode and MultiArena support
- Vault support
- SQLite and MySQL
- Kits
- Trails
- Sign System
- Cages
- Configurable chests
- Shop
- Lobby Scoreboard (MultiArena)
- Unlimited arenas
- Custom kits
- Holograms stats
- Game board (Customizable)
- Custom teams
- Custom arenas
- Time vote menu (Customizable)
- Chest vote menu (Customizable)
- Custom messages
- Command: /tsw create :: Create an arena!
- Command: /tsw tp <world> :: Tp to world!
- Command: /tsw load <world> :: Load a world!
- Command: /tsw addspawn <teamName> :: Add spawn glass!
- Command: /tsw removespawn <teamName> :: Remove a spawn!
- Command: /tsw setlobbytime <seconds> :: Set lobby countdown!
- Command: /tsw setreleasetime <seconds> :: Set release countdown!
- Command: /tsw setmin <amount> :: Set min-players amount
- Command: /tsw setmax <amount> :: Set max-players amount
- Command: /tsw setlobby :: Set lobby game!
- Command: /tsw spawn :: Set global spawn join!
- Command: /tsw setspect :: Set spectator lobby game!
- Command: /tsw addholo :: Add hologram location!
- Command: /tsw removeholo :: Remove last hologram location!
- Command: /tsw save :: Save last change a world!
- Command: /tsw clone <arenaClone> <name>:: Clone an arena!
- Command: /tsw join <arena> :: Join in arena!
- Command: /tsw leave :: Leave are your current arena!
- Command: /tsw arenas :: Show list arenas!
- Command: /tsw stats :: Look your stats game!
- Commnad: /tsw restartbug :: Force ending game
- duoskywars.admin.* | Get all commands!
- duoskywars.admin.create | Create an arena!
- duoskywars.admin.load | Load a world!
- | Tp to world!
- duoskywars.admin.setcountdown | Set countdowns game!
- duoskywars.admin.setmin | Set min players!
- duoskywars.admin.setmax | Set max players!
- duoskywars.admin.setspawn | Set spawn lobby!
- duoskywars.admin.setlobby | Set lobby game!
- duoskywars.admin.addspawn | Add spawn team!
- duoskywars.admin.removespawn | Remove spawn team
- | For build in server
- duoskywars.admin.addholo | Add hologram
- duoskywars.admin.setspect | Set spectator lobby
- duoskywars.admin.clone | Clone an arena game
- | Save changes a world
- duoskywars.user.join | Join an arena
- duoskywars.user.leave | Leave an arena
- duoskywars.user.arenas | Show an arenas avaibles
- duoskywars.user.stats | Look your current stats
- | Vote chest OP
- | Vote chest NORMAL
- | Vote chest BASIC
-| Vote time DAY
-| Vote time SUNSET
-| Vote time NIGHT
-* | Vote for all types
- duoskywars.trail.<nameTrailConfig> | For use a trail
- Example: duoskywars.trail.slimeTrail
- duoskywars.cage.<nameCageConfig> | For use a cage
- Example: duoskywars.cage.blueCage
- duoskywars.kit.<nameKitConfig> | For use a kit
- Example: duoskywars.kit.Warrior