You need:
- a spigot server
- a MySQL database
- a webserver with enabled PHP
- First you install the plugin on your server
- Setting up your mysql database in the mysql.yml file
- Starte the server and set the login location with /setloc
- In the folder "Webserver" setting up the mysql database and your google recaptcha sitekey in the config.php
- Now you need to upload the files out the folder "Webserver" at your webspace
- /login - login into your account - none
- /register - create a new account - none
- /logout - logout from your account - crackedlogin.admin
- /changepw - change the password from a player - crackedlogin.changepw (when you don't have the permission you can only change your password)
- /setloc - sets the login location - crackedlogin.admin
- /playerinfo - shows information about a player - crackedlogin.playerinfo
- /forcelogin - login a player by a admin - crackedlogin.forcelogin