Craftmoto ★★★★★

 Craftmoto ★★★★★ 1.0.747

Craftmoto ★★★★★
Resource pack:

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
NullBlox, duck58


We all love Minecraft, but as we play, we all learn that no matter what gamemode you're playing in, you eventually have to start walking across your ever-expanding world. Some players setup rail lines, but they take forever and make your world look too industrial. Others breed racehorses to get from point A to point B as fast as possible, but keeping your horse safe is a full time job in and of itself. With Craftmoto, your players will be able to get across your world quickly, easily, and in style.


Unlike existing vehicle plugins, Craftmoto uses an advanced modular setup system, similar to CrackShot guns. Each vehicle can equip up to 5 accessories, ensuring your players have the greatest flexibility possible with their ride.

Craftmoto comes with a default resource pack, hand built by @NullBlox, this plugin's official 3D modeller. In this resource pack are a number of land, air and sea vehicles that you can use to make your own Craftmoto vehicles, or you can use the built-in ones. I've configured 4 stock vehicles and 12 accessories for you to use out-of-the-box with a flying car, an electric gar, a gas car and a boat. As @NullBlox continues to make stunning textures, I'll keep expanding the default vehicle set with more to play with.


The four built-in vehicles.


With Craftmoto, you can make any kind of air, land or sea vehicle. Ride your way with configuration possibilities for bikes, cars, tanks, helicopters, planes, boats, submarines and more. Advanced and numerous configuration options make it easy for you to hand build your dream car, but if you don't have time to make them yourself, why not download vehicle expansion packs?
CrackShot Guns to bring you war-ready vehicles. Add a CrackShot gun as an accessory to a vehicle with a custom gun texture and your players will be able to see the gun pivot on the vehicle as they aim it at their victim. As they shoot, ammo will come out of their vehicle inventory, their inventory, or maybe you just want it to be infinite. It's your choice.


Shooting a mounted Desert Eagle from the passenger seat of a vehicle.


Installing Craftmoto is as easy as dropping the JAR file in your plugins folder. On your first run, the built-in stock vehicles and add-ons will automatically install themselves along with example files for how to create your own vehicles in Craftmoto.

If you use MySQL, enter your information in the config and Craftmoto will connect. Totally connection pooling. Totally asynchronous. Totally efficient.



Some (about 20%) of the many configurable options for a module.

There are five module slots (plus one chassis spot) available for each vehicle. Each module is assigned a specific body part on an armour stand and each module can specify any vehicle property such as:
  1. Appearance
    • Each add-on can display an item in its assigned armour stand slot. This is where you'll set the main look-and-feel of your vehicle.
    • These display items are dynamic: you can make them change when doors lock and unlock or when any passenger presses spacebar in the vehicle.
    • Legs, arms and chestplates can all be rotated on an armour stand. Use this to set the angle you want your display items to face.
    • Don't like static display angles? No problem. Get your add-on to change angles with the player in any seat. Use a gun texture and make it look like your player is controlling a rack-mounted gun or a set of wheels to make your vehicles wheels rotate. Your server, your rules.
    • If you have multiple seats in a vehicle, you may want to glue a displayable add-on to a different location on the vehicle. Specify the glue location as a seat and this add-on will go to that seat location instead of the driver's seat.
    • Make the vehicle small if you want to.
    • You can even show a health bar.
  2. Build and Buy
    • It costs experience points to add parts to vehicles.
    • If you're using Vault, you can specify buy costs for accessories and vehicles so that players can use /vshop to purchase them.
    • If you want players to be able to add an add-on to a vehicle, you need to specify an upgrade item.
      • If they have this item, they can either attach it to an existing vehicle by right clicking it or weld it to a vehicle chassis by combining them in an anvil.
  3. Seats
    • You can have a virtually unlimited number of seats.
    • Specify their offset to move them around.
    • Specify whether or not each seat can steer the vehicle.
      • You can even prevent a player from rotating too far left/right/up/down in their seat.
    • Specify whether or not a seat is a dummy.
      • Dummy seats cannot be ridden. This allows you to use dummy seats to model your vehicle with more precision. Add some dummy seats and glue add-ons to them to make more interesting looking vehicles. If you do this cleverly enough, you don't need to use a resource pack at all!
    • Specify what happens when you press the spacebar on any seat.
      • You can make it shoot a CrackShot gun, open an inventory, make a sound, fly into the air or change the data (for display items).
      • Each inventory is specific to the seat so that players aren't fighting for space. Give it a custom size and title and your players will love you for the extra space.
  4. Guns
    • Give the name of any of your CrackShot guns and how you want to fire it (ie. right or left click, shift-click) and how you want to treat ammo.
    • Players can't damage their own vehicle or anybody in the same vehicle as them, so don't worry about friendly fire.
  5. Sounds and Effects
    • Specify horn sounds, driving sounds and lock sounds. Can be any built-in Minecraft sound or your own from a resource pack.
    • Make your vehicle emit particles as it drives or when its damaged. Specify where you want these particles to appear, what you want them to look like and how many you want there to be.
    • Also specify particles for when the vehicle locks or unlocks.
  6. Fuel
    • If you don't want your players driving around for free, specify a fuel item and the fuel will be removed from the vehicle inventory or the passenger's inventory to keep the vehicle running.
    • Set what block at what offset will function as a gas station to keep your vehicles running.
  7. Locks
    • Keep strangers out of your car. Specify a lock item to prevent a seat from being ridden. Lock any seat you want or none at all.
    • If the vehicle is totally unlocked, you can shift-right-click a vehicle to pick it up.
    • Each locked/unlocked door can be used to change the display items too so you can physically show open and closed doors as 3D models.
  8. Health
    • Specify how much health each add-on has and what it defends against.
    • Make add-ons invincible to everything or only certain damage sources.
    • Let each part regenerate health at a custom speed.
  9. Movement
    • Base vehicle movement is meant to mimic boat movement in Minecraft with a lot more freedom.
    • WASD control that allows you to flip the controls, disable some, change the speeds, change the friction of different blocks, pitch up and down, scale walls, float on water and much more.
    • Allow or prevent vehicles from being able to drive underwater and give night vision and infinite breath to its passengers.
  10. Custom GUI
    • Specify a custom inventory set to give to a player while they're riding the vehicle.
    • Still in development: Set what you want to happen when a player interacts with the GUI items to give even more control to your vehicle.

No two servers are alike, and I want you to be able to shape your server exactly how you want. That's why Craftmoto gives you over 100 options to modify the behaviour of your vehicle. With five accessories and a chassis, that gives you over 600 different ways to make each vehicle unique and exactly what you want.


Craftmoto vehicles ride exactly like default Minecraft vehicles. Right click it to get in and press shift to get out. Unlike Minecraft vehicles, however, Craftmoto vehicles can fly or go underwater and they still work (if your vehicle is configured to do so).


Exploring the bottom of a river.

All Craftmoto vehicles also allow you to specify an action that happens when pressing the spacebar. Each seat can have a different action, so you can make the drivers seat honk the horn, the front seat shoot a gun, the back seat open an inventory and so much more.


The glovebox of the Blaze Boat.

Craftmoto vehicles are also upgradeable. This means that players can take accessories and attach them to an existing vehicle to enhance it somehow. This can be done by right clicking an existing vehicle to attach the new part or by combining the existing vehicle chassis and the new part in an anvil. Both methods cost experience points.


Upgrading in an anvil is easy.

Obtaining a Craftmoto vehicle as a player is simple. Give them to players in crates, as a reward for voting, a surprise drop from mining ore... Any way a player can obtain an item in Minecraft, a player can obtain a Craftmoto vehicle or accessory. Once a player has a chassis, they just have to drop it on the ground to spawn it.


Installing modules is easy after the vehicle is spawned too.

Alternatively, Craftmotos can be spawned from special mob spawner blocks. This is outlined in the commands section below.


All commands have aliases that begin with "v" in case a different plugin is using the same command name. For example, instead of "spawn", you can use "vspawn".
  1. cleanup
    • Removes all Craftmoto entities from all worlds.
    • Good for preventing your world from becoming littered with vehicles.
    • Requires the craftmoto.manage permission.
  2. garage
    • Opens your Craftmoto garage.
    • Requires the craftmoto.garage permission.
    • Garage size depends on the craftmoto.garage.(SIZE) permission, where (SIZE) is the size of the players garage.
  3. inspect
    • Gives players information about the vehicle they're currently riding.
    • If the executor is an OP and not riding a vehicle, this will give the format of the item in the player's main hand.
      • This is the item format that should be used in Craftmoto configs for things such as the upgrade item and display item.
    • Requires the craftmoto.ride permission.
  4. refresh
    • Reloads all Craftmoto files instantly without affecting the server.
    • Useful for setting up Craftmoto vehicle settings.
    • Requires the craftmoto.manage permission.
  5. shop
    • Opens the Craftmoto shop.
    • Requires the command to open.
      • Also requires at least one of or
    • Specify a page number to go to that page.
    • Specify a display (vehicles or accessories) to show only those parts. Otherwise, shows everything.
      • Requires permissions (above) as applicable.
  6. showcase
    • Displays all the stock Craftmoto vehicles in front of the executor, provided there is enough space and the ground is flat.
    • These vehicles spin in place, cannot be ridden and will despawn after a configurable amount of time.
    • This command can only be executed once per minute per player.
    • Requires the craftmoto.display permission.
  7. spawn
    • Allows you to spawn in Craftmoto vehicles.
    • Uses strict JSON to allow maximum customization.
    • Requires the craftmoto.spawn permission.
    • Outlined further below.

All Craftmoto vehicles require the craftmoto.ride permission, or the craftmoto.ride.(NAME).(SEAT) permission for stock vehicles.


One of the built-in vehicles.


Spawning vehicles via. the spawn command is relatively straightforward. The command will be outlined in detail here.

To spawn a stock Craftmoto vehicle, use:
Code (Text):
/spawn {"vehicle": "VEHICLE FILE NAME"}
You can expand this by specifying additional accessories to add to the vehicle like so:
Code (Text):
/spawn {"vehicle": "VEHICLE FILE NAME", "accessories": {"leggings": "LEGGINGS ACCESSORY FILE NAME"}}
You can specify more than one accessory.
Code (Text):
/spawn {"vehicle": "VEHICLE FILE NAME", "accessories": {"leggings": "LEGGINGS ACCESSORY FILE NAME", "boots": "BOOTS ACCESSORY FILE NAME"}}
In fact, you don't even need to specify a stock vehicle as long as you specify a helmet (chassis).
Code (Text):
/spawn {"accessories": {"helmet": "HELMET FILE NAME", "leggings": "LEGGINGS ACCESSORY FILE NAME", "boots": "BOOTS ACCESSORY FILE NAME"}}
bStats to collect usage statistics.

This plugin will break with every Minecraft update. I strongly intend to keep it up-to-date with all future versions but make no absolute guarantees.
Your purchase of Craftmoto is final and non-refundable for any reason. Please be sure you understand the usage and requirements before you choose to buy.

If you wish to try Craftmoto out before committing to buy, you can download the lite version here. Note that this version doesn't come with any built-in vehicles and restricts access to a number of features.

Latest updates

  1. 1.0.747


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Can i have open-source? :D
Thank you soo Much! Cant wait to try it out :)
I will keep you inform on if it works or not...

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