- Tested Minecraft Versions:
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
The famous game reproduced on minecraft!
[email protected]
Click to expand...
Please, consider that the plugin is in beta testing! For any problem, contact me!
Sorry for my english, If you see any error, please, tell me!
Test server: server.itpao25.ovh
Trying to create the best gameplay like the real game, this plugin will manage all aspects.
The troops will not be presents, but will be just the player who will have to attack others players, the player has to build his village carefully.
it's possible withdraw the resources, simply clicking on the structure and using the GUI.
The structures can be purchased through the shop, using the gems, gold or elixir.
The generation of the world is quite complex, every village will be large 400x400 and will possibile to configure a maximum number of expansions for the village. To give one example, the villages generation occurs as on Plotme, but the structures are built (and claimed) when the player will create his village.
Through the scoreboard, is possibile view the player information.
- All settings and configurations can be changed through the files config.yml and messages.yml
- The plugin supports MySQL and flat file
- Each player has its own gems, gold, elixirs and the number of trophies
- Each player has his own village, the allocation and generation system of the village provides for the creation of a 400x400 space where the player can build and expand all structures
- The structures are based on schematics that are pasted to the ground through WorldEdit. It's possibile change all structures replacing them with the new schematics
- During the creation process of the structures you can set the materials that need to be replaced to be adapted to the floor of the expansions
- Expansions 16x16, it's possibile claim by walking on chunk that you want to expand
- It's possible set an increment for the progress of the number of expansions
- It's possible set a number of max expansions for each villages
- Scoreboard to display player statistics
- Structures like gold mine and elixir collector are recharged with resources (customizable through configuration)
- The structures can be purchased using a GUI
- It's possibile click right on all the structures to display information and withdraw resources
- Through a GUI, users can sell their materials (command sell)
- Attacks against other villages
- For disable the structures during the attacks, simply break 3 times 4 blocks created next to each structures
- System of calculation for the structures destroyed at the end of attack, so as to assign the number of trophies
- During the attacks, the resources stolen from the opponent are updated in real time
- Tier system, users can unlock tier paying
- NEW Support Holographic Displays (by filoghost)
To work properly, I decided to use for CraftOfClans the following plugins as needed dependencies:- WorldEdit (for structures management)
- Citizens (for attacks management)
- ProtocolLib (for mobs managements, on attacks mode)
For the first installation, you must follow this step by step guide. If you have any problem in the installation you can contact me- Place the file CraftOfClans.jar in the folder /plugins.
Make sure you have all the necessary dependencies and restart the server!
Server version checked: 1.7 & 1.8 & 1.9 - Check the configuration file
The file is located in /plugins/CraftOfClans/config.yml
- Create the world clansworld:
Creating a clansworld with Multiverse: /mv create clansworld normal -g CraftOfClans
Creating a clansworld with bukkit, in bukkit.yml settings you must add:
Code (Text):
generator: CraftOfClans - You can try to create the first village!
Using the command /coc start
- /coc start | Begins with the creation of your personal village
Perms: coc.create - /coc shop | Buy the structures for your village
Perms: coc.shop - /coc expand | Begins with the creation of your personal village
Perms: coc.expand - /coc sell | Sell your items for gems
Perms: coc.sell - /coc give <player> < gems | gold | elixir > <amount>
Delivery gems, gold and elixir to a player
Perms: coc.give.*
coc.give.elixir - /coc info | View your personal stats
Perms: coc.info - /coc tp | Reach your village
Perms: coc.tp - /coc attack | Start an attack
Perms: coc.attack - NEW /coc tier | View list of tier available
Perms: coc.tier.gui
/coc tier create <name> | Create a new tier, select firts area using WorldEdit
/coc tier spawnpoint <name> | Set the spawnpoint for tier
/coc tier tp <name> | Teleport to tier
/coc tier <cost_gems | cost_elixir | cost_gold> <name> <value> | Set cost for the tier
Perms: coc.tier.admin
View the preview of structures before paste them
Video: Work in progres..
CraftOfClans support the plugin Holographic Displays (by filoghost).
Beside the structures that provide resources (gold mines and elixir collector) it will present a hologram containing the basic information.
Code:# ============================================================ # CraftOfClans config.yml # powered by itpao25 - [email protected] # if you need a help, you can contact me on skype # id: paolotrombo, or you can send me a PM on spigotmc.org # ============================================================ # GENERATOR FOR MAP BUILDER # These fields can be modified only once, before the generation of the map generator: surface: DIRT storage: # device compatibile: MySQL or Sqlite (flat) type: sqlite # Only if you use mysql (raccomanded!) username: root password: hellohello hostname: localhost database: craftofclans port: 3306 # Village size: 400 x 400 village: height: 60 # Expand size: 16 x 16 expand: # how many times it is possible expand the villages max-for-village: 50 # cost of one expansion cost-gems: 1000 # floor of the chunk after expansion (Pattern) floor: '3:2,159:12,159:14' # increment after each purchase # [cost] -> value of "cost-gems", above this # [total_expand] -> number of extensions total # you can use mathematical calculations, even complex :O incremet: cost * total_expand / 2 # sell shop via gui sell: gui-size: 18 gui-title: '&e&lSell your item' # reward of the sale of an item # Format: <amount>:<name of the item>:<prize in gems> price: - '64:COBBLESTONE:10' - '2:GOLD_HELMET:20' scoreboard: # If you use plugin like FeatherBoard or other similar # you must set false this enable: true title: ' &e&lCraftOfClans ' subtitle: '' gems: '&2&lGems &a[amount]' gold: '&e&lGold &e[amount]&c/&e[tot]' elixir: '&d&lElixir &5[amount]&d/&5[tot]' trophies: '&6&lTrophies &e[amount]' # shop shop: # GUI for new structure (LEVEL 1) structures-gui: title: '&1Build new structure' # GOLD MINE item-mine: material: '159:4' title: '&e&lBuild a Gold mine' slot: 2 lore: - '&cPlace this item at the point where you want' - '&cbuild the Gold mine level 1!' # COLLECTOR ELIXIR item-collector-elixir: material: '159:6' title: '&d&lBuild a Elixir Collector' slot: 3 lore: - '&cPlace this item at the point where you want' - '&cbuild the Elixir collector level 1!' # ELIXIR STORAGE item-elixir-storage: material: '159:10' title: '&5&lBuild a Elixir Storage' slot: 5 lore: - '&cPlace this item at the point where you want' - '&cbuild the Elixir storage level 1!' # GOLD STORAGE item-gold-storage: material: '159:1' title: '&6&lBuild a Gold Storage' slot: 6 lore: - '&cPlace this item at the point where you want' - '&cbuild the Gold storage level 1!' # ARCHER TOWER item-archer-tower: material: BOW title: '&7&lBuild a Archer tower' slot: 9 lore: - '&cPlace this item at the point where you want' - '&cbuild the Gold storage level 1!' # CANNON item-cannon: material: 259 title: '&8&lBuild a Cannon' slot: 10 lore: - '&cPlace this item at the point where you want' - '&cbuild the Gold storage level 1!' # List of constructions with levels # cost is the amount required gems structures-core: TOWNHALL: levels: 1: schematics-name: 'TOWNHALL_1' 2: schematics-name: 'TOWNHALL_2' cost_gold: 1000 GOLD_MINE: levels: 1: # Costs # You can use: # - cost_gems (for gems) # - cost_elixir (for elixir) # - cost_gold (for gold) cost_elixir: 150 # Replace the blocks of your schematics with floor format # (in value of expand.floor) # You can use format: material_id, another_id replaceblock-forfloor: '2,3' # maximum capacity capacity: 500 # increase in resources by minute increment-forminute: 3 # Schematics name located in /plugins/CraftOfClans/schematics schematics-name: 'GOLDMINE_1' 2: schematics-name: 'GOLDMINE_2' cost_elixir: 300 capacity: 1000 increment-forminute: 6 3: schematics-name: 'GOLDMINE_3' cost_elixir: 700 capacity: 1500 increment-forminute: 10 4: schematics-name: 'GOLDMINE_4' cost_elixir: 1400 capacity: 2500 increment-forminute: 13 5: schematics-name: 'GOLDMINE_5' cost_elixir: 3000 capacity: 10000 increment-forminute: 16 COLLECTOR_ELIXIR: levels: 1: cost_gold: 150 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 500 increment-forminute: 3 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_COLLECTOR_1' 2: cost_gold: 300 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 1000 increment-forminute: 6 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_COLLECTOR_2' 3: cost_gold: 700 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 1500 increment-forminute: 10 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_COLLECTOR_3' 4: cost_elixir: 1400 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 2500 increment-forminute: 13 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_COLLECTOR_4' 5: cost_gold: 3500 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 10000 increment-forminute: 16 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_COLLECTOR_5' ELIXIR_STORAGE: levels: 1: cost_gold: 300 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 1500 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_STORAGE_1' 2: cost_gold: 750 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 3000 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_STORAGE_2' 3: cost_gold: 1500 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 6000 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_STORAGE_3' 4: cost_gold: 3000 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 12000 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_STORAGE_4' 5: cost_elixir: 6000 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 25000 schematics-name: 'ELIXIR_STORAGE_5' GOLD_STORAGE: levels: 1: cost_gold: 300 replaceblock-forfloor: '' capacity: 1500 schematics-name: 'gold-storage-lv1' ARCHER_TOWER: levels: 1: cost_gold: 1000 replaceblock-forfloor: '' # Defense damages damage-arrow: 1 damage-range: 4 schematics-name: 'archer_tower-lv1' CANNON: levels: 1: cost_gold: 1000 replaceblock-forfloor: '' # Defense damages damage-arrow: 1 damage-range: 4 schematics-name: 'cannon-lv1' # GUI when player click or interect on structures builded on the map # this contains a item for withdraw resources structures-gui: size: 18 item-withdrawal: material: CHEST title: '&4&lWithdraws resources' type: WITHDRAWAL lore: - '&c(&6[current]/[capacity]&c)' - '&cClick here to collect your resources!' item-viewresource: material: DROPPER title: '&4&lResources:' type: VIEW_RESOURCE lore: - '&c(&6[inside]/[capacity]&c)' - '&eThese resources are contained' - '&ein this structure' item-viewinfo: material: SIGN title: '&e&lInformation' type: VIEW_RESOURCE lore: - '&e[name]' - '&cLevel: [level]' item-upgrade: material: 76 title: '&f&lUpgrade' type: UPGRADE lore: - '&e[name]' - '&cCurrent level: [level]' - '&f&lNext level: [next_level]' # Newbie player newbie-player: gold: 1000 elixir: 1000 gems: 100 trophies: 100 # Attack attack: # duration of the battle time: 180 # trophies received if completed the attack at 100% # if the attack is 50%, this value will be divided by two trophies-100: 25 # trophies removed if the attack is completed less than 50% trophies-lost: 15 # Player's settings player-settings: # Teletrasport a player (if have a village) when join tp-ifvillage-onjoin: true # Tier's GUI tiers-manager: tier-gui-title: '&5&lTiers manager' tier-gui-item: already-bought: 'DIRT' to-buy: 'MYCEL' # limits per village limits: limit-per-expand-enable: true limit-per-expand-value: 2
- Messages.yml
messages: prefix: '&c[&6CraftOfClans&c]&e ' nopermission: '&cNo permission' already-has-village: '&cYou already have a village! Use &6%1% &cto reach it' player-nothave-village: '&cYou do not have a village!' village-creating-progress: '&2We are creating your village...' village-created-success: '&2Your village has been successfully created!' expander-actived: '&2You have enabled expansion mode, walk over the territory that you want to expand! &eYou can use %1% to disable' expander-disactived: '&eExpansion mode disabled' expander-not-actived: '&cExpansion mode is not active, you can use %1% to enable' expander-success: '&2You have extended your village properly for %1% gems!' nogems: '&cYou do not have enough gems! You need %1% gems' noelixir: '&cYou do not have enough elixir! You need %1% elixir' nogold: '&cYou do not have enough gold! You need %1% gold' expander-limit-reached: '&2You have reached the maximum number of expansions in your village!' sell-success: '&2You earned %1% gems selling your item' sell-returned-item-amount: '&cTo sell %1% you must sell at least %2%' sell-returned-item-notpresent: '&cYou can not sell %1%!' build-notexpanded: '&cYou can not place the construction in this place! You need to expand your territory boss!' build-worldnotcorrect: '&cYou can not place the construction in this world! Back to your village boss!' build-nothis: '&cGo back to your village to build boss!' pick-elixir-success: '&eYou have collected %1% elixir!' pick-gold-success: '&eYou have collected %1% gold!' tp-player-village: '&eWelcome back to your village boss!' gold-storage-full: '&cThe gold storages are full!' elixir-storage-full: '&cThe elixir storages are full!' attack-search: '&eLooking a match...' attack-novillage: '&cThere are not villages available for the attack!' attack-start: '&aYou are attacking %1%' attack-start-info: '&eYou have %1% seconds for complete the attack!' attack-block-teletransport: '&cYou still can not abandon the field of battle!' attack-already-start: '&cYou are already in battle boss!' attack-bar-progress: '&d&l%1% seconds remaining - %2%' attack-over-lost: '&cYou have lost the battle' attack-over-win: '&eYou have win the battle' attack-over-percent-lost: '&cLost %1% trophies - &e%2%' attack-over-percent-win: '&aWin %1% trophies - &e%2%' village-inattack: '&c&lYour village is under attack!\n&eTime left: %1% second(s)' give-player-not-present: '&cThis player has never played on the server' give-player-offline: '&cThis player is not online' give-player-gems: '&aYou have sent %1% gems to %2%' give-player-gold: '&aYou have sent %1% gold to %2%' give-player-elixir: '&aYou have sent %1% elixir to %2%' commands-syntax: expander-use: '&eUse %1% to expand your village!' sell-use: '&eUse %1% to sell your items!' attack-use: '&eUse %1% to begin the attack!' shop-use: '&eUse %1% to open shop menu' give-use: '&eUse %1% to give resources to player' structures: townhall: '&c&lTownhall' gold-mine: '&e&lGold Mine' collector-elixir: '&d&lElixir Collector' elixir-storage: '&5&lElixir Storage' gold-storage: '&6&lGold storage' archer_tower: '&8&lArcher Tower' cannon: '&8&lCannon'
- Complete the system for the upgrade of structures
- Add clans management and clans war
- Improve the management of the attacks
- Add support for FeatherBoard (placeholders)
- Add support for LeaderHeads
I mainly speak english idk if you under stand this